Ask a guy who lost his virginity to an escort at the age of 18 anything (happened about a month and a half ago)

Ask a guy who lost his virginity to an escort at the age of 18 anything (happened about a month and a half ago)

When do you think Christianity will be looked upon as a mythology as it should, like say norse or mayan mythology?

I was thinking about doing the same thing.... how fast did you cum tho be honest

> Escort

I'm guessing you're from the UK?

400 years from now.

Hopefully sooner, rather than later. Christianity frowns upon what I did

are you a good person?


answer this OP

where are you from ? the you still have the escort web link ? how much did you pay ?

She blew me for a good ten minutes. Masturbating multiple times daily helped with stamina. I think I only lasted 5-10 minutes inside of her though

my first time went for 6 hours. couldn't cum. I can't last longer than an hour anymore.

I'm in the midwestern U.S.
I just prefer the term escort to other terms.
I found her on backpage, she gave me her real name and added me on facebook after the session

I paid $200

Probably not. I've accepted it at this point. This whole summer has been an emotional rollercoaster for me

Fair enough. Escort is the most common name for prostitutes in the UK. I have been tempted to lose my V to an Escort seeing as I have a job. I found a pretty legit looking site. But It's like I doubt I could last an hour nor is 15 minutes long enough. 30 mins is usually around £40 - £50, thats a lot, is it worth it?

I'm socially awkward and was filled with sexual tension that masturbation could no longer satisfy

same. i used to think i was a good person. why does it matter that christianity doesn't like what you did. do you live in a predominantly christian society?

It was definitely worth it in my opinion. It really depends on if you view virginity as sacred or if you would rather just get rid of it

>when you realize you could be a good person or otherwise regardless of religion or society

I wanna just get rid of it. Would it not be kinda weird though telling people I lost my virginity to an escort

nowhere in his post did he mention religion. stop projecting, you stupid faggot.

i don't think you understood me. I'm intrinsically a bad person, but i have plenty of redeeming qualities. I'm just a self aware narcisist.

see - lrn2read you stupid faggot.

I've realized at this point, no one is special. The only thing that matters is what makes you happy. So far I still haven't found anything that makes me feel true happiness, but I'm still looking. It doesn't matter what Christianity thinks I was just stating that what I did goes against the morals of a Christian. I couldn't care less about what Christians would want me to do

You forgot an important detail to the situation. You could lie to your friends like I did and just say it was a tinder hookup

You do realize that fucking non-escorts follows the same process? It just takes a little longer:
>Use Tinder.
>Get a match.
>Take her out to dinner twice.
>Ask her to come home and drink a few beers.
>Make out
>Touch breasts
>Simply ask to have sex
Shit's so cash

What early symptoms of HIV you have so far?

fair enough, thx for clarifying. jim jefferies gives good life advice - don't be a cunt. i try to live that way anyways. grats on losing your virginity. have a good one Sup Forumsro

Thats true

Jim Jefferies is a god

What the fuck do you say to grills on Tinder, I have no fucking idea what to start a conversation on, every time.

>takes longer
>still costs money
I got an escort because I'm fucking impatient

Sieg Heil Fuhrer Trump

Yeah, but you fucked a whore.

Talk about boats and robes. Like wizard robes

and ugly
and can't talk to women

Compliment them. Feed their egos.

Yeah totally. Girls love robes

Intrinsically bad? What are you basing this on? You sound more like an cringey edge-lord if you think being a narcissist is "intrinsically bad".

Wtf you think tinder girls are? Virgins?

I love hearing about the smells wizards make at nights too


I always feel creepy complimenting a girl I don't know but I will try it user

Most girls go crazy for this

bloodninja. kek

Girl virgins? Someone's uncle was slacking growing up.

>saying it as if I should feel guilty about it
I do not regret paying for sex

$200? You have AIDS.

Now theres a topic girls love
They love to hear about how much of a ninja you are

I want to do good things but act in a self centred manner. by no means do i believe myself to be edgy and had no intention of attracting attention to myself with that post. I recognise my own faults, it seems like you're projecting. Not everyone on this site is as socially inept or internally backwards as you.

Post pictures of the escort.

After the fall of Western civilization maybe. So it'll be a while.

As far as I know, that statement is false


You got ripped off. You could get hiv for much much cheaper

This man speaks the truth. I did use protection

Nice trips dude

No, I'm calling you out on your grasp of ethics. You used the phrase intrinsically bad and I'm just curious on what grounds your beliefs lie. No need to lay down Psych vocab 101.

Guys, what sites can I visit that will provide me escort service? Unless it depends on where you live and if there is one nearby?

OP here. This is her
No I do not have nudes

Where do you live?

I used backpage

You are 18, why the hell are you cheapening you life experiences? Go fucking get laid like a normal person.

Use google

I live in Alabama, but I'll be moving to Kentucky soon because of college so I was hoping to get some form of experience before heading off.

>Go fucking get laid like a normal person.

Agreed. At that age sex is super easy.

Go to places where women hang out and go talk to them.

I tried that but the results that I got were weird to say the least.

That's what people tell me, but I am bad at talking to girls, so paying for sex is the easiest option

By not being a pussy and paying for it. It basically doesn't count.

What if you don't have a car and are just looking for sexual gratification?

Jerk off.


there are ugly and desperate women out therr who are dying to fuck you

Did you ever make an advice thread before doing it? Cause I'm the dude always telling V's to go get a ho. Well regardless glad you got yours son.

lmao fucking goodie goodies.

It isn't wtf

I did actually. You may have been there because most people were on board with the idea

Another excellent reason to pay for an escort. As long as you know what you're doing you're guaranteed to fuck a hottie

So are people in "should I kill myself?" threads ya moron. If I was your Dad I'd fucking wack ya.

It really is. Girls are super horny at that age. You just need to get alone with them. Also its easy to go visit and sleep over. Whrn your a real adult theres less chances of spontaneous encounters

I'm sure even you know that masturbation becomes stale after a while. In truth, I just want two things: intimate contact and experience. Neither of which I'll be getting when I go off to college. Mainly because I have to focus on my studies and making connections first before anything else. Sorry if I come off as desperate or annoying.

Agreed. These normies need to get the fuck out of my thread. REEEEEEEEE

As pleb as this sounds it is cheaper and std free.. I myself always had girl around I can bang but I got friends that have to cal escorts. I say do it once a year but no more than that. I recommend getting into drug culture. I've seen drug culture folk get dimes when they're 4's. They got a little bling, some game about deep conscious enlightenment type shit (chicks eat it up), plenty of friends, and them and the girl will both be high so it is preferable method for getting super hot sex.

you sound retarded.. like you're saying if you're thirsty don't drink water.. that's how dumb you sound.

Maybe you are my dad, because he would probably do that if he found out

I'm sorry but I wish I went to your high school because over here, it doesn't work like that. At least, not for people in my situation.

Just to a woman. Aint got nothing to lose at 18. You can only get better at it.

Beggars can't be choosers and undesirable women give good head. Plus it gives ya, you know. Life experience when it comes to the more desirable fish.

ITT: Beta fags who pay for sex

if you got the money, why not ?
pics is the last escort i fucked

Thanks! I'm gonna go check it out!

>talks about having sex with ugly chicks
>calls others beta
You only need look in the mirror to see a beta friend.

Fuck highschool is the best exscuse to be around women. In the adult world you need to actually go seek women. Now in achool your surrounded by them. Stupid girls you can easily convince to do anything really

>implying escorts don't give good head

Sure, but a virgin at 18 paying to bang? The fuuuuuck.

sauce on the pic?

Experience is great but some people just want the sexual part of a relationship and nothing else, so don't place someone in the beta category for just wanting to bone.

I already told you I was impatient. Besides, I'm unstable as fuck. I can barely hold myself together, so what's wrong with the occasional escort? It's way easier than actually trying to talk to a girl I know. Women are complicated as fuck.