It's taken me a while, but I think I understand why Trump is so popular in Sup Forums...

It's taken me a while, but I think I understand why Trump is so popular in Sup Forums. The population of Sup Forums is largely comprised of young, teenaged, white, suburban, males living in privileged middle-class households. In this social milieu, conformity is a valued survival trait. The ability to look and sound like everyone else is how a young man keeps his place in the social hierarchy. However, what sets the young men in Sup Forums apart is that they spend a significant amount of time online where they can be anonymous. Why? Because, by and large, they are not able to "blend in," not able to pass for "normal," and as a result they have spent most of their short lives near the bottom of what they regard as the most important yardstick for social importance.

One need only look at the savage bullying, the toxic displays of what teenaged boys regard as masculinity, and the desperate attempts to look dominant -- but which are really just domineering -- by young men whose ideas about what a "man" is come from comic books and Hollywood action movies.

Donald Trump epitomizes what the young men of Sup Forums regard as dominant: loud, bombastic, rude, threatening, crass, and obsessed with material concerns about wealth and power. And the narrative he presents of an uncouth outsider smashing down the walls of snobby intellectuals is one we've seen used by everyone from Adolf Hitler to Pol Pot with great effect, leading to the same sort of fierce tribalism and xenophobia displayed in Sup Forums.

I'll be interested to see whether this vanishes off the bottom of Sup Forums unremarked or gets savaged and mocked; both seem equally likely.

Other urls found in this thread:

Another paid shillary poster

Interesting narrative. Do you actually believe that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton represent the total range of all possible socio-economic politics?

As opposed to leeching, welfare supported, gub'ment handouts people of color who expect to be given everything from a society built up by white males, while earning nothing and simultaneously destroying this same society created by white males.

No it's just that trump is a racist biggot and so is /b.
I live in a german town full of privileged middle-class white households, including mine, and everyone here hates trump.
It's just that there's lots of retards in america and they all concentrate here in Sup Forums/b

/b is a shithole and it always will be

>toxic masculinity

It's because he is so popular across all groups. Get over yourself you self-taught pretentious cunt

>trump is a racist

How so?

Hey OP, your High-School level Grammar and Social Sciences is showing.
Stay in school kid.

Sup Forums always picks the anti-establishment candidate which is why whoever Sup Forums wants to win the presidency always loses. The establishment is the majority and the majority wins.


Faggot ass OP doesn't know shit for shit.

A German of all people should be capable of seeing the danger in dismissing the power of angry young men who have been convinced they're being disenfranchised. The same kind of bullying behaviour you see here in Sup Forums can be transformed into something like the Sturmabteilung by an opportunist willing to stoke the fires of hatred.

Not true, I may be white but I am working class. Everything I own I worked for. Pay check to paycheck.
The thing you fail to realize is the poorest cities have been ran by democrats. Welfare keeps people reliant on the government. Keeps people poor. Look at the country now. When have you seen this much public discourse?

wrong. Sup Forums is contrarian. if trump is whatever the media and normies think is a crazy pic, Sup Forums would support that person to spite them.

it's just fun watching the shit flinging and you'll get more of that if trump was nominated. now it's man vs woman and he's going to make her cry.

Right. You jack offs love you some Merkel and some Syrian homicide and mixed in with some North African rape of your mothers and daughters. Fucking Krauts are the laughingstock of the world.

He may be intimidating, brash and politically incorrect but he's not wrong.
>Trump 2016

Can you see the irony in responding to a comment about bullying and social conformity by trying to bully by using social conformity? The subtext of what you're saying is, "You think you're better than me because you sound smart and use proper English, but the fact that you can't see me or prove your educational qualifications means I can accuse you of being lower than me in the social hierarchy!"

Fair enough. I'd add that many, if not most Sup Forums have some issues with self-esteem and recognize in Trump the same traits that make them social outcasts in the accountable world. So in legitimizing Trump, they legitimize their own sociopathic traits.

Trump = Said a few things some over sensitive people thought were mean
Hillary = Benghazi, E-mail scandal #1, E-mail scandal #2 (with DNC),Completely above the law, screwed over Bernie Sanders in a rigged debate, got somebody cleared from punishment for raping a child, claims to be for women's rights but accepts money from The Middle East where women are treated less than second class citizens, claims to be for gay rights but accepts money from the middle east where gays are brutally murdered, is a wall street puppet (meaning what she says isn't necessarily how she feels) Panders uncontrollably, changes her opinion constantly, LIES THROUGH HER TEETH... etc.


You are completely and intentionally giving Trump's transgressions a pass.
So watch this (John Oliver). If you can't laugh at it, you really need to reassess your views.
"But the problem is, even when you can demonstrably prove Trump to be wrong, it somehow never seems to matter."

>Trump is the Republican nominee
>Trump was always his party's frontrunner
>Decimated 17 other candidates
>Did all this by appealing to white, middle class non-voting teenage boys.

I don't think you understand how elections work


Fuck you OP, I am from El Salvador living in east los angeles and I am voting for Trump!!!

The king of kings

This is old news that you edgy liberals love to post every time you're presented with facts as to why Trump is the better choice.

You're all forgetting everything Hillary is accused of/being currently investigated for.

I dare anyone to watch this video and not say their opinion of Trump has risen.

I'm on the opposite side of the aisle on most issues than Trump, but it is impossible to deny how right he has been and is about some things.

Trump University:
>Retarded consumers paid tens of thousands to attend motivational seminars
>Thought it was a 'university' when university accrediation is public information
>Trump is being blamed for the ignorance of the consumer.

Hillary Clinton:
>Trusted with the implementation of the country's foreign policy
>Took bribes from middle eastern governments while SoS
>Grossly mishandled the situation in Libya resulting in the deaths of four Americans, including an ambassador.
>Rigged democratic primaries and debates so that she would win
>Probably outright rigged the election itself

Because Trump is such an evil person you guys

Indeed. Add this to the fact that there were craigslists ads of her campaign hiring actors to appear at the DNC, and that they were drowning out the noise of anybody who didn't agree with what she was saying with white noise machines.

Also, this from today:
But somehow she's still doing remarkably well.... you can't tell me this isn't a rigged system.

It's a kind of situational sociopathy, I think, because while Sup Forums has always been pretty ugly, it hasn't had this kind of hysterical xenophobia before now. I used to 'out' myself in Sup Forums occasionally and was always welcomed as a visiting minor celebrity. Recently, however, any time I mention anything about my life I'm told that I'm a liar, the presumption being that everyone in Sup Forums is a white, teenaged, middle class boy. When I've outed myself to prove who I am, the reaction is getting wolfpacked by swarms of angry white boys telling me how unimportant I am and then vandalizing my Wikipedia page. This has only started in the last year or so, and has been gradually getting worse. Some change has occured either in the demographics of Sup Forums or the narratives used by the young white males who make up its user base.

Dont forget white water

b-b-b-b-but he had some failed businesses too!
I love when people try to bring that up. Like yeah, 4 out of his 500 businesses went bankrupt. an over 99% success rate

Not that user, but fellow edgy liberal

I hate Clinton more than I hate Trump, personally. This (among other) videos is part of the reason why --> Le liberal media bias xDDD
Bunch of smarmy effete neo-liberal faggots. Make me ashamed to be gay.

Whitewater, Benghazi, mysterious deaths, destroying women who her husband raped, Clinton Foundation Slush Fund, Saudi financing, losing 6 BILLION dollars at State Department, etc etc etc

>4 out of his 500

And how she made $99,000 in a year over some cattle in the 1970s

Not that guy, but....

>99% of 500 is 495
>if 4 out 500 businesses failed, it would be... 99.2%


>posts the moran pic

>he's the actual moron

Yeah, somebody can't math.

implying you are intelligent enough to make this assessment.
new shill packs came out today I see.

it's me again
I could have written down all the answers I got before I even refreshed the page

>how is trump racist
shut up this argument has been had and even if I brought up valid points it is unlikely that you'll be convinced

>syrian refugees fuck your women hehe
In contrary to you I'm not a fucking Nazi so I don't care about the chromosome shuffle. Besides, there will always be some retarded KKK families that "keep the white race alive" by not intercoursing with foreigners.

>merkel can suck some cock kek
I think Merkel is a good politician and does a great job, even if she makes some mistakes, so did all other leaders in all other countries before

>you as a German should not underestimate the power of the dark side
I don't, I was scared of Trump and his supporters when all this shit began but now I'm just kinda like, you know, if you guys want Trump then you probably deserve him.

And don't get me wrong, hillary is a criminal bitch and I hate her almost equally as much. But I would rather have feminazi hydra than blonde Hitler.
The candidates this year should just be rerolled

Well. That doesn't sound like bait at all...

Sick burn breh...

You still can't prove that Trump is racist. Obama banned immigration before but he's not racist, right?

Illegals and Muslims are not a race. Further, It's completely in the law to do so, especially given the fact that they can't seem to stop blowing people up...



Spoiler Alert:

Barack Obama now holds the record for most people deported of any president in American history

>hurr durr Trump hates immigrants!
>he's gonna deport them!

Too late, the "liberal" president is already doing it.


Trump University:
>Retarded consumers paid tens of thousands to attend motivational seminars
>Thought it was a 'university' when university accrediation is public information
>Trump is being blamed for the ignorance of the consumer.

Actually offered speeches from real businessmen

Implying "real" universities don't charge thousands of dollars and teach absolutely nothing of worth.

uhhh.. someone hasnt seen trump talk about mexicans

Even if Trump deported people, it'd be illegals. NOT immigrants. The keyword of course being illegal.
Do you have a source for this? I'd love to bring this up next some some Libtard tries to tell me that "Le Drumpf is a racist11!!! "

That's actually impressive.

When was that interview made ?

>shut up this argument has been had and even if I brought up valid points it is unlikely that you'll be convinced

Present me some evidence that Trump is a racist. Protip: you can't because he's not a racist.

>In contrary to you I'm not a fucking Nazi so I don't care about the chromosome shuffle. Besides, there will always be some retarded KKK families that "keep the white race alive" by not intercoursing with foreigners.

You do realize that if we bring in refugees like Germany did, we'll have several attacks a month like we've seen in Europe? I would much rather be called a racist and deny those people than to sacrifice the lives of other innocent people, which cannot be justified.

>I think Merkel is a good politician and does a great job, even if she makes some mistakes, so did all other leaders in all other countries before

Being a guilt-ridden German and allowing nearly a million migrants into your country, who have no desire to assimilate and attack the native populations, all as an exercise in political correctness is not a sign of a good leader.

Uhhh. I actually have. He says nothing but the truth. Anything that you probably think he's racist for... for example, that he thinks all Mexicans are murderers or something, is a result of CNN twisting his words to make him look bad.

He's exceeded his predecessor by 23% more deportations.

my "obama's legacy" oc as an actual progressive

>Illegals and Muslims are not a race
I didn't nearly imply that anywhere ever
>they can't seem to stop blowing people up
even if you shot every muslim and illegal in the country this would keep going on at a possibly even higher rate

trump threads on Sup Forums are from Sup Forums retards looking for support under every rock
the majority of Sup Forums doesn't care about politics

>Implying "real" universities don't charge thousands of dollars and teach absolutely nothing of worth

That's really only the case with like SJW courses and the like. Many STEM and business programs at many universities do teach valuable, marketable skills.

>"real" universities don't charge thousands of dollars and teach absolutely nothing of worth
You realize you're quoting everyone from Stalin to Pol Pot, right? This narrative that people with actual qualifications and expert training are big dummies and just possessing an opinion makes you their equal is both dangerous and completely incorrect. But it's an excellent way of using the Dunning-Kruger effect to hide all criticism of crass, pandering populism.

I'm from Sup Forums and I can confirm this is accurate, lol.

Yeah that moon thing we helped you with

No problem m8

>even if you shot every muslim and illegal in the country this would keep going on at a possibly even higher rate

You pretty much just proved my point as to why we need to figure things out before we keep shuttling in refugees...

this is what trump supporters actually believe

i want off this ride

Not that guy, but

Bro, you put way too much fucking thought into this. There are two choices, it's a 50/50 shot. Who's to say it's not because it's a man versus a woman? Regardless, just because you favor one over the other doesn't mean you support them, it's picking the lesser of two evils.

Please convince me otherwise oh wise libcuck

You say that, but have no evidence to prove me otherwise other than "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!!". Typical liberal Hillary supporter.

Paid? To post on Sup Forums?

That's cause that's exactly what he intends to say


what did you think you were accomplishing, user?

Shills should be kills.

The Dems have been doing this since the internet began.

No I just like how he is going to handle the countries problems directly instead of beating around the bush

Lolwut.. what part of his comment are you even replying to?

If we built a device into every computer which caused it to detonate like a bomb any time the word "cuck" was used, the average IQ of suburban USA would jump 15 points overnight and might even approach the triple digits.

no u etc, good job

I tried to dig up the wikipedia article as a quick source but apparently in the american translation all that shit is taken out so sorry I can't help you on the racism thing, I guess you'll just need to hear some of his speeches.

Also you shouldn't be worried about immigrants bombing your country, because your gun keeps you safe from such things, right?
And it's retarded to let innocent syrians die in their war to safe innocent americans from some retarded terrorists that turn up either ways.

It's called helping, but america is greatest country and doesn't need to be nice to others, right?

I was saying that terrorism can't be stopped by excluding muslims, it would just keep the honest and lawful muslims out.

>shut up this argument has been had and even if I brought up valid points it is unlikely that you'll be convinced

>It-It's n-not like I don't have any argument that would be objective enough t-to sway you.

>In contrary to you I'm not a fucking Nazi so I don't care about the chromosome shuffle

The problem isn't the shuffle in itself, the problem is that it's gonna lead to a divided population by a replacement of your culture and way of life. Do you think Jamal's son will grow to be like his peaceful mother, or his culturally warmongering father ? Apples don't fall far from the tree, user, that's why you don't plant rotten seeds.

>I think Merkel is a good politician and does a great job, even if she makes some mistakes, so did all other leaders in all other countries before

I'm French, and her european decisions led to the death of more than a hundred of my countrymen, and likely more. You don't have any moral high ground for being inclusive when she didn't even look at what came to our countries.

> if you guys want Trump then you probably deserve him
Good. At least you're opposing no one, not even the migrants that are literally raping your women nor the people that wanna fix that.

>Trump = Said a few things some over sensitive people thought were mean

I don't have to say anything, your lack of speech says everything.

following the same path as trump, avoiding any debate you can't meme yourself out of


or because hillary sucks

>9 killed by Syrian refugee out of over 1,000,000 taken in


This is why no one takes you seriously


Lack of speech?

The only person with a lack of speech is you, because once again, you can't provide me with any sort of debate other than "le Drumpf is literally hitler" or some stupid libcuck rhetoric like that.

Meanwhile, I presented you with facts, ALL of which can be backed up, about why Hillary Clinton is a poor choice.

>Augh you expect me to actually explain my viewpoint?!
Hi Carl

Because people on Sup Forums are less inclined to listen to only Hillary funded news sources that make trump out to be the monster that he most certainly is not.

Hillary's public policy is the same as her Husbands and Obama. Proven winners. Proven superior historical results. If

you have any doubt, just ask your 401k. And don't be Trump/Putin 2016. Don't be a

This Democratic convention has been an unmitigated disaster for the GOP. Very well produced. Unifying. Patriotic. Bravo

Across all groups of poor white males? LOL

Women don't like him, minorities really don't like him, the educated white collar families don't like him..

What are all these groups you're talking about?

"Temporary" ban on all Muslims

Mexico is sending us their rapists

I have met people with bachelors degrees who could barely write, or understand anything in their job. But at least they know the "correct" things to believe politically!

Trump said he could kill a man and you would still vote for him.

I don't know what else to say. Enjoy being used, just like every other voter in history.

How's he racist and a bigot?! Ctfu. Stop just following what people say.

By this logic FDR was also a racist.

the thing is that this is /b and most people here are idiots
don't try to talk politics here, it won't end well

underrated post

i didn't click on the link because it's unknown

but that picture is really dumb. like anyone can singlehandedly rescue women in arab countries. you're an idiot and you are a solid trump supporter, always have been and maybe a paid troll.

>blaming Merkel for death of hundreds of countrymen
>it's not like my country was swamped with Muslims before the refugee crisis, mainly from Algeria
>it's not like my intelligence organizations botched protecting the people
>I'm serious, I swear

That's the frenchie way. You're never responsible for anything, you never do your own fucking job, but you're quick to join the side of the "victors" in a conflict so you can feel like you actually matter.

My sister's daughter, 10, is completely non-verbal, never looks at you, responds to questions, she can't eat by herself, or care for herself in any way
She can walk, move around, to look at her she seems normal, she hums all the time, it's like her body is here but her mind is in another world
When my parent's watch her, I help out a lot, I live at home, she loves my bed, it's a '70's waterbed, so we spend a lot of time together. Probably the best thing about her is she will never tell anyone anything, ever, she has been the greatest gift in my life, and that is why I am voting Hillary 2016! Are you ready for HER?

Obama did the same thing, but you'd never call him a racist, right? How many more people need to get blown up before your thick skull can process the fact that we need to do something about radical Islam, and that they're not all peaceful people.
Mexico is sending some criminals over. You're leaving out the part where he said many of them were good people. The bottom line is, areas like California closer to the border have lots of crime.
Now, I could have easily just said that Muslims and Illegals are not a race, therefore Trump can't be racist, but I've went further and given you actual legitimate arguments.
It's one thing to not like him, but Stop saying Trump is racist when you have nothing to back it up.

People support trump on Sup Forums for the same reason they supported Ron Paul in past years.
To be edgy and because they are joke candidates

Muslim is not a race

Mexico do force their criminals across the border, your favourite candidate Hillary has said this herself
Many of them are rapists

>Trump made a hyperbolic statement! hes like totes Hitler!
Pipe down faggot

Everyone knows they're only racist if they're republican.