Greatest bands of the 90s

Greatest bands of the 90s.

Find a flaw.

No mogwai


It treats the 90s in music as a valid decade for music.

13 Songs (Sept 89)
Repeater (1990)
Steady Diet of Nothing (1991)
In on the Kill Taker (1993)
Red Medicine (1995)
End Hits (1998)
Instrument (1999)

good luck beating this

>tfw you have built to spill but no modest mouse

Yeah whatthe fuck OP. Im gonna fart in your mouth

>no guided by voices

im so sick of portishead

It's perfect in every conceivable way.
Thanks OP!

GodWeenSatan: The Oneness (1990)
The Pod (1991)
Pure Guava (1992)
Chocolate and Cheese (1994)
12 Golden Country Greats (1996)
The Mollusk (1997)
Craters of the Sac (1999)

no melvins

listened to pure guava today! great album.

Yaaasssss ween slay

Neckbeard list for a neckbeard subculture

I still vividly remember the first time I heard it

25 years ago

Cringing hard at this list

1989sept Ozma Boner Records
1991 Bullhead Boner Records
1991 Eggnog Boner Records BR28-2
1992 King Buzzo Boner Records BR32-2
1992 Dale Crover Boner Records BR33-2
1992 Joe Preston Boner Records BR34-2
1992 Lysol Boner Records
1993 Houdini Atlantic Records
1994 Prick Amphetamine Reptile Records
1994 Stoner Witch Atlantic Records
1996 Stag Atlantic Records
1997 Honky Amphetamine Reptile Records
1999 The Maggot Ipecac Recordings
1999 The Bootlicker Ipecac Recordings
2000feb The Crybaby Ipecac Recordings

>nirvana that low
lick the cream cheese from my anus

Nirvana being on the list pretty much invalidates it.

Eggnog makes for a great holidays EP

August 26, 1997 Singles 1-12 Amphetamine Reptile Records AmRep 063

In 1996, The Melvins had released a 7 inch single each month on Amphetamine Reptile Records, each limited to 800 copies worldwide. This 1997 compilation contains all of these singles.

the top ten are the ones that bother me the most

like what in the fuck

desu any band with a good album beats that

should be lower

>makes a list some time in the early 2000s
>never fixes it
>doesnt care/think its important enough to adjust
>autistic people on Sup Forums argue about it

Who's list is this ?

No HipHop groups allowed OP? I agree with alot of the list but would include some Hiphop.

Smashing pumpkins are missing.
