AOTY Chart thread

AOTY Chart thread

Give recs for 2016 releases

Other urls found in this thread:!HRdSECpJ!9SLRYVy32l6no_eV0vlVOw

good stuff

What did you think of the new Babyfather mixtape?

dont choke on your ambition

>TV Girl
My man

>What did you think of the new Babyfather mixtape?
Did not listen yet, but I shall tonight

>pic related

here's mine
also forgot to include 7/27 by fifth harmony

have you tried jessy lanza

Nice, but you fell for the Injury Reserve meme. Discovered TV Girl through someone else's chart and was pleasantly surprised.


>Nice, but you fell for the Injury Reserve meme.
S on Ya Chest is pretty great, as is the rest of the album dude. Then again, this is coming from the guy who has Radiohead and Death Grips on his chart.

nice stuff

>little mix

and you've got redditcore synthpop, clipping, dean blunt, and viral marketing-core
your Good Taste card has been rescinded

I feel like people really slept on telefone, top 5 album for me

i'm shocked and offended
good fuckin day

The Astonishing

>runner up
Miranda Lambert

>honorable mention
Child Bite - Negative Noise


>Olga Bell
Have you heard Chairlift? Often strikingly similar.

Yes, I liked that album they released this year. Shame they're breaking up.

havent heard of her but ill check her out

Yeah I just heard yesterday as well. Shit sucks but oh well, we got Olga and maybe their solo stuff will be great too.

>Not a single one of you has A Sailor's Guide to Earth in your charts


>having a Grammy nominated album in the chart


>their solo stuff
You've heard Ramona Lisa, right? It's Caroline's solo project and her debut was awesome

It's in my box at least

oh shit, no I'll check it out asap

noice shit

>implying that generic Sup Forumscore is any better than generic redditcore

wow it's almost as if both of you have incredibly boring taste
it's just only one of you is pretentious about it
fuck off

Telefone was the best female album of the year.

Second is Solange's album.

What's the 「ごみ」box cover next to Sleep Cycle?
Good to see love for Morgan Delt
I really dug his first album
You reckon she'll stick to her new electronic sound? Кpaй was almost a complete 180 from Tempo
>dank souls 3
Also if you liked Anohni's album please do yourself a favor and listen to her actual good work as Antony and the Johnsons

Yes, because that certainly stopped Sup Forums from sucking off MBDTF, Beyonce's self-titled, Lemonade, Good Kid MAAD City, and other incredibly popular shit for plebs.

>What's the 「ごみ」box cover next to Sleep Cycle?
Gomi by Bokutachi no Iru Tokoro.




what's this album called?

What's that album to the left of Blood Bitch?

dont u just love it when no labels


It causes me pain

Listen to prince of Denmark

that's the new Babyfather mixtape bro

>Babyfather - 419


Injury Reserve - Floss

I'm very much behind on 2016 and looking to catch up a bit, would appreciate recs :)

Some of the Death Grips side project from this year The ILYs has at least one pretty strikingly Bowie-esque song particularly from this Black Star style.

Thanks, I'll check it out

I've also been listening to the albums recommended in this video, they're pretty good

Good recs. The DIIV took forever to grew on me but it's great

> Pinkshinyultrablast
> Sound of Ceres
> Alcest
I like your taste user

mirin dat Urfaust and Kaffadhma

here's mine. inb4 >metal

Here's mine

i want to catch up some more, anything you'd rec me specifically?

you'd be into coin locker kid probably
deerhoof's been underrated, the magic is more conventionally rock than pretty much anything they've done but at least just as great

>you'd be into coin locker kid probably
Can't find the album on your chart anywhere. He's also not on bendcermp anymore

that even oxen album is nice

uh oh have I been sleeping on Lindsey Stirling?

Music has been so shit this year I can't even make a top 10.

>salmon of doubt
have you heard Diluvium?

>too much of life is mood


Did you have a top ten last year?

>have you heard Diluvium?
No, do you have a link?

>*drones RA once*

This guy!HRdSECpJ!9SLRYVy32l6no_eV0vlVOw

imo it's one of the best things he's done yet. really eerie & dissonant. sounds closer to natural snow buildings than hip hop

i noticed. just get soulseek


pleb taste coming through

tbf it's a better thing to do than unapologetically take recs from pitchfork's end of year list

what did you use to make this?


>Idris Ackamoor
my negis

objectively incorrect