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HDD into toaster.


>hard drive

"sorry officer, i don't have nun"

>not having self destruct on PC
what are you doing OP?

Think about what jew I want to hire to sue the police for an assload after they find nothing on my computer

I didin du nuffin

My HDD wouldn't incriminate me it would just make them think what a creepy loser. I assume they would be after my rare Pepe collection as its my only valuable assest

good luck de-un-encrypting it officer

Check what you want im just having a snack


>Not stashing your Pepes in a hole inawoods.

Enjoy being Pepe-less faggot

Run at them like I'm gonna kill them. I would get shot and killed and then the officers will feel like shit heads after not finding anything but a very small amount of weed in my house.

>forgot my password

I dont keep anything on my HD, they are all on USB drives hidden in my backyard

Kek. This

They would trip the claymore I have set on the door and my rooms upstairs which would give me plenty of time to smash hd

Point to the laptop on the table, upon realizing there is nothing in it, sue for false arrest, libel, ect.

just curious, which software you using? Truecrypt?

My nigga

force shutdown by holding down the power button.
the next day: "give us your password to decrypt your computer"
..."how about you go fuck yourself"

I dont move and let them see my fucking hands before i get shot up like a nigger

About 100 hours of eastern european porn and some innapropriate collections of facebook photos of girls I would like to stick my pee pee in.

Embarrasing but nothing illegal.

Release deadly radioactive neurotoxin. livestream for Sup Forums

I'm pretty sure they could still get into your computer.

>you must run
>>delete the porn
>>> they will shoot you
>>>> but you must run
>>>>> noone is allowed to see what you have on there
>>>>>> not even god

decrypting. there fixed it for you, faggot

You'll never catch me! Not when I shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!!!

Dubs and I kill them


hope they dont find the 9 tb of cp i have..

They could.
But shit costs money, so unless you got really important shit on there, they'll just ask nicely

lol good luck using windows 98 officer

I didn't know that you can upload pizza to a hard drive. Technology has come a long way.

Implying the cops would feel anything after killing you

So there isn't some super nerd at every police agency that can't hack into any computer? Why are tv shows and movies so inaccurate?

You can literally delete the .pwd file in system32 to get in an account in windows 98

"Properly implemented crypto simply works" -Snowden

Wish them good luck. I haven't broken any laws online.

There is, but that's over at the NSA.
They will bruteforce your stuff, which won't take long with their hardware, but boy will it eat electricity.
If a 50k electricity bill does not weigh up to what you are accused of, they won't send it to the nsa for decryption

nothing because I dont have any weird or illegal shit on my hard drive (minus torrented download shit which I just wouldnt even be worried about)


most police departments are in small towns which do not have the budget or need for a computer forensics department. They would just send the hard drive somewhere but if it was that important, the feds would be raiding you, not the local police.

Downloaded movies and music can result in a fine of up to 30,000$ per piece of work.

If you have an even somewhat complex password (not just numbers and a cap), it would take brute force years to crack.

Downloading is not illegal. Uploading is, however....

Microwave laptop instantly

see How secure is AES against brute force attacks?
it will take one billion billion years to crack a 128bit key will the world's fastest supercomputer, simply put, you cannot defeat mathematics

Wat is quantum computing and why is the nsa building (or has built) a quantum computer?

Downloading is ilegal

Quantum computers will operate more than 100 million times faster than the fastest current computers. You can bet the NSA already has a few in their basement. Encryption is already obsolete.


Fuck I'm shrekt

What is copyright infringement?

Doesn't matter at all. Nearly all websites have max attempts on an account, it will let 10 brute forces a minute. No amount of computing power can bypass that.


you really have no idea what you're talking about

quantum computing poses a medium-threat level to current public-key algorithms, most current symmetric cryptographic algorithms (symmetric ciphers and hash functions) are considered to be secure against attacks by quantum computers

Honest question. Does microwaving your hard drive really wipe everything out?

That fat piece of shit is real DELTA.

Meh, that shit I have is pretty fucking questionable but not illegal.

i'm disgusting fml

>implying the fucking government doesnt know how to decrypt hard drives
Calm down there mr.hacker

Yes, its basically the only way (besides magnet or throwing it into a volcano) to really destroy all evidence on a hard drive

oh and this shit

>pull computer plug
>comply with cops
>sit back, relax, cause my SSD is fucking encrypted
>cops: at least you're not fucking stupid like the rest of anons...


Thank you user.

>webm related
what hard drive?

see if that magnet thing works and microwave my pepe stash