Please rate my friend and give advice on how he can improve his appearance

Please rate my friend and give advice on how he can improve his appearance.

Haircut, lose the baggy clothes, get fit, tan

Hes perfect the way he is. Dont ever change

Stop being 12. Should fix itself unless an hero


What is he like 13?
Improvement is to age 13 more years.

Really man, y'all grow up. It doesn't matter how bleb you look before you're 30~

Ditch the sweater for sure, get a backpack from a 'cool kid' namebrand, and act like a douche more often

Self inflicted death would be a good start.

Underage b&

stop being a fag


stop being a fag

Post nudes on Facebook, your peers will think you're really brave.

'my friend'

1) Haircut
2) Less books in the back so "he" can get a straight posture and stop slouching like a bitch.
3) Open "his" fucking eyes.
4) Learn how to actually fucking smile.
5) Stop fiddling with "his" fucking hands like an infant.

he's fine. Just let him live his life.

shave head and get a swastika tattoo on forehead

Take hormones and become a trap. You get more respect.

comb hair to one side, clothes are fine, get a tan.
stop making that goddamn face.
stand up straight instead of slouching and stop craning neck


double dubs == truth

1. get military haircut
2. start exercising and building muscle mass
3. take military training routine
4. learn self-defense
5. get rid of the oversize hoodie and start dressing properly
6. develop proper posture and comport himself more like an alpha male
7. start hanging around jocks to learn the ropes (even if has to perform some sexual favours in the meantime--he'll 'reverse' this and become more sexually dominant with time)
8. get off drugs and get more sleep
9. quit hanging with grilles