Deal with it

Deal with it
Vote for the bitch not the Hitler (Trump)

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If you were so confident that Hillary would win, you would not feel the need to constantly shitpost about her.

you are literally a faggot.

Not an argument

Trumps policy proposals are lightyears ahead of Clintons continuation of the current corrupt political system.

Fuck off CTR shill or fat old boomer woman

This is why people will vote for Trump.
Enjoy the dirty sandnigger cock europoors

nice low res image retard
come back with quality and we'll consider discussing your imaage macro which somehow is evidence enough to get us to vote for $hillary? (I think?)

Trump will win. Deal with it.





>my parents are criminals

>lol me too

You got a problem gringo?

Yes, unfunny taconigger.

Like trying to make Mexico pay for a wall?
Yeah, that'll go over well.

So vote for Hillary because her only qualification is that she has a vagina so old people keep referring to it as historic? Naw, I'd rather vote for the dick if we're going to be all sexist about shit.


>Yeah, that'll go over well.

Yes it will, either they pay us out of the trade deficit we have with them or we cut foreign aid.

The wall will be paid for through money Mexico made off of us or we will stop sending Mexico money and use it to build the wall.

Mexico has absolutely no say in the matter when it comes to their foreign aid being cut.

Where exactly do you think the money of the trade deficit went?
The Mexican government doesn't hold that money, it went to private businesses in Mexico.
And how is that even an argument? You blame a foreign country for buying their shit and not selling enough shit yourself.
Also lol at foreign aid. The only real bargaining chip the US has is to embargo Mexican trade. And guess what? That hurts the US immensely as well. America isn't in a position anymore where they can just overpower weaker economies without suffering the consequences. Certainly not against an economy the size of Mexico.

>Trumps policy proposals
You are literally the only person to know what those are, Trump doesn't even know

>Hitler (Trump)
are you 14yo or just plain retarded?

>new evidence

>The Mexican government doesn't hold that money, it went to private businesses in Mexico.

Is Mexico now a tax free state?

>And how is that even an argument? You blame a foreign country for buying their shit and not selling enough shit yourself.

Nobody blames mexico for taking advantage of our corrupt politicians, we simply point out the fact they have taken advantage of our current political system to profit off of us and one way or another they will pay to keep their trash on their side of the border whether they like it or not.

>Also lol at foreign aid

It's not a bargaining chip, he is simply informing the American people how he will have Mexico pay.

>That hurts the US immensely as well
>Embargos against other countries with large deficits in their favor hurt us more than them
His policy proposals are plastered all over his website, but I guess CNN and MSNBC didn;t tell you that eh?

Would you have voted for Hitler?
if no then you can't vote for Trump

>>Embargos against other countries with large deficits in their favor hurt us more than them
You don't seem to know what this deficit actually means.
Cancelling all trade between the US and Mexico means that the deficit will go down to 0, yes. But you know why? Because then nobody is making any profit whatsoever, you retard. A trade decicit doesn't mean that there isn't also cash flowing into the US from Mexico.
That money will be lost.

>mfw Trump is working with the clinton camp to ensure that he pushes as many center votes to Hillary as possible.

>mfw american politics are a sham

>mfw people would actually vote for a living meme as a president.

Is it a goof, a gaff or a laugh?

I can't recall hearing "don't vote for Hillary, she's a bitch" that often. Most of the complaints are more direct. She's corrupt. She's a pathological liar. etc.

She may be a bitch, but that's far from the worst thing about her.

>not voting for a meme Sup Forums President

I've worked in nursing for 9 years and bitches rarely get shit done because they sit around bitching all day.

the world could use another hitler right about now


how is middle school treating you?

oh look female ''comedians''

90% of these are shitty chain e-mails.

What a lousy bitch, can't even properly pour a beer.

Hillary is a bitch.. deal with it (its okay because it follows the feminazi agenda)

OMG TRUMP IS SUCH A RACIST DICK.. well guess what, hes a dick, and dicks get things done. Like fucking pussies, fucking pussy cucks like you



Yeah, like the laundry. Shut up before I slap you in the face. Dumb cunt. Bitches have a retarded attitude and get fired from every job they have. In the end, they wind up with some greasy nigger or wetback that supports their lifestyle of laying around the house. But, they also beat the fuck out of her because she has no place to go. Win Win.


>at some event
>Hillary offers you a beer
>wat do

I literally can not handle having two email accounts, and I also want to be president.

Its probably poisoned, or Heineken

I fucking hate those smug bitches


ITT: Rich white people telling you to vote for Hillary because they want to stay rich and continue to not give a shit about anything or anyone but themselves. Normal everyday people, the salt of the earth, want/need change so they should vote for Trump. voting for Hillary is simply saying you're ok with rich folks fucking you in the ass everyday. It's really that simple.


both, knowing her

Cringiest post I've ever seen

whats so bad about Heineken?

Why the fuck would anyone not vote for hitler?

To skunky


see that's a typical horseshit cartoon that doesn't want folk to know that he is against ILLEGAL immigrants (as should EVERY western civilised county). fucking dumb.

>one way or another they will pay
And regardless of that way the US will get fucked. Trump has no idea what he's doing, and his followers even less.

Trump is the least qualified presidential candidate in recent memory - maybe ever, but I'm no historian.

>bitches get stuff done

Where are you shitposting shills coming from? The text isn't all in lower case with weird paragraph formatting so it doesn't look like JIDF. I'm just curious where this shit is coming from.


>implying that Obama was more qualified

lol seriously? have you looked at their tax proposals cause you got it backwards

>only way hilltards can argue is through baseless statements


no, no he doesn't. how much are the DNC paying you to shill on 4Chin?

"America is great because America is good" ~Hillary Clinton

rly makes u think

Trump is too old school.
Like a founding father.
This is a new world. A diverse and global world.
He just doesn't fit.

Native-Americans are just going to pull the "we were here the longest" reasoning
