I need help with your grills master skills Sup Forums

I need help with your grills master skills Sup Forums

>be in clubs/bar
>girls usually smiles at me or even approach me, alpha as fuck right?
>do the smalltalk they and they seem to enjoy the chat
>end up dancing together
>heavy twerking literally put my hands inside their pussy and ass, squeeze tits everything
>EXTREME teasing
>try to go for a kiss but they don't want, I am very proud so I only try a few times until get frustrated
>mention to go to my place they don't want either
>they keep dancing with me touching my dick letting me rape them with my hands and with my diamond hard dick pressing to their asses but no kiss or fuck

TL;DR girls just like to give me extreme blue balls, what I am doing wrong?

An hero, the girls love it

OP. Do you really want advice?

yes please

Alright, I'll give it to you.

First off, I'm glad you're not a beta in regards to being able to feel up on girls and all that in clubs. A lot of people are just retarded and can't even talk to women let alone grope strangers and it be alright

That was me bringing you up so I can bring you back down to Earth, btw.

You are in a club and you have a brainless-bitch grinding on you. You're doing everything for her but she isn't doing anything for you but giving you blue balls.

You're a faggot for trying to kiss her. What kind of dumbass would do that. They aren't looking for romance. They want to dance and act like a whore. You're as dumb as those guys that say
>Hey, can I buy you a drink
>*gives her drink and she walks away*

She did that same shit to you but instead of the drink you wasted it's your libido you wasted.

She had you by the balls the whole time. You gave her what she wanted and she was easy to tell you to fuck off.

Here comes the advice. Don't you ever.... I mean EVER..... let a woman dictate the pace or the content of a conversation, situation, or overall vibe. Especially in the club. You gave up your dominance the second you started rubbing her and getting all up in her without getting anything for your self.

The value of pussy now adays is near ZERO. Why would you waste your time and energy..... essentially begging..... to have some fun when you can tell her right off the bat that she can keep that hoe shit away from you. By having balls and taking over the situation it places the ball in your court. If she doesn't want to play.... then guess what? You've saved your blue ball syndrom and she can go fuck herself.

I'm speaking from experience and I've done a lot of this type of coaching/advice with people. I'm glad you talked about it. But what I'm telling you is the truth

It's your game. Don't play hers. She will always win. So make the game on your rules.

great advice thank you

so next time when a hoe comes to me for twerking and teasing, I should dictate what will happen and if she doesn't want the D find another hoe right?

But consider sometime this hoes are SO hot and missing the chance of feeling a good tits and ass, of rubbing dick with a fit super nice teenager tight ass is pretty hard

kissing romance? I didn't get that... I just want to kiss them to escalate into fucking, I don't care about romance wtf lol

sauce required on OPs photo

Maybe you have bad breath?

How could anybody evar concentrate on your question when boobies like this are in yer thread?

asking, that's your problem.

maybe I though about that, so now I am always carry extra strong mints just in case, also my teeth are perfects... I am clueless maybe I have to insist more, or maybe don't show too much interest, worse thing is my friends ends always fucking one of this hoes and I only get blue balls... and I don't see my friends doing anything 'special' something is wrong with me but I don't know what it is :(

I think when I sweat I have a slightly bad body odor maybe that is the reason

Here's an example.

You're hanging out, doing whatever. And a girl comes up to you for twerking and teasing.

Which sounds like a common situation.....

That means you have total control of the situation. She literally handed you everything. This is the part of manhood that is the most powerful.

There are too many options with such a vague scenario. One of the best I could suggest is to tell her that you'll be over there and let her go off by herself. Have a drink. See if she will come back. If she does. Then you have had her invest more of her energy into you. That is already leaps and bounds ahead of your initial scenario. The not giving a fuck because there are a ton of whores around will make her more willing to play ball with you.

Get your mindset into something else. Be like Patrick Swayze in roadhouse. If you haven't seen it I recommend it. He is stoic. Adored. Doesn't give in to hoes, but could snag any in a second.

By controlling the situation. Aka having her leave and then essentially crawl back you turned her into the beggar. The entire night should roll like that. Have some fun, but don't ever do anything without her reciprocation. You grind or whatever and stop. Tell her that you're not wanting to just play games. Then have another drink.

It essentially causes her to be the yo yo instead of you being the dipshit.

Sorry for the late reply. I had to take my dog out.

obviously i do not ask for a kiss, instead I try to find the momentum, but the girls turn their face away and keep smiling and dancing with me very close, so I try again and they say "no" but keep smiling dancing and talking to me 1cm to my mouth, then my pride kicks in and I don't try anymore, shit is fucked up is like "god" is trolling me

>girl can get fingered for hours straight by whoever she wants
>you think she would only stick with one guy when she has access to everybody

I've been in similar situations so many times, that's just how girls are. Hell, if I could get a handjob and cum 50 times in 6 hours without making a mess with whichever girls I wanted, you think I'd stick with one girl and leave the club and only cum once that night?

My best experiences have been at the end of the night. If I'm lucky enough to stick with a girl or find a girl around 2/3am I ask them back to my place, they say yes much more often than when I ask in the middle of the night.

However I don't know what's up with the kissing shit, every single girl I've ever hooked up with at a club has kissed me before doing anything else. Like the guy before said, they aren't looking for romantic relationships so that might be it. Don't take it too hard.

will try that, but I ratter have some twerking and feel a teen tight body than have nothing, so again is hard to tell them "i don't play games go away" or pretend I am not interested, really hard, but I will try it at least once

Whenever you're looking for a girlfriend, and you're sure she doesn't clean houses for a living, look for one with some really gnarly knees.
That usually means she's
a. Not a stranger to cleaning things
b. Sucks dick like a champ.
Either way, she's not one to shy away from hard work.

Just don't act like you're snubbing her. Just don't act like she is the center of your universe.

As I said. Have your fun. You know the hardship associated with doing everything in your power to get her to kiss. Make that moment happen that she'd go home with you.

I can't blame you. Been there.

Like in the "40 year old virgin". You need to plant the seed first. Then you fuck the plant. I'm using these cheesy references to give you a general idea of the situation. If you do your thing while she is wanting your attention the others will notice. It's like a boy band. one girl screams then the others scream. Then you will be wanted. Don't be a throwaway douche. Pussy is essentially free. You could easily pick up girls anywhere. Clubs are geared towards being a meat market. Don't get that rep either.

Yeah, don't focus on the kissing shit. If it happens it happens. But you make it sound like you were begging for it.

Also, if you're an attractive guy with high charisma.... It would be easy to pick up a teen body. If that is what you're looking for then you need to put yourself in a situation where you can meet them indirectly and use your advantages. Not take advantage. But young girls love a confident older guy.

I'm with a girl that just turned 20. I'm 30. We went to a hotel in Canada and the lady asked why we were here and I said it was her birthday. She asked "How old is your daughter". I said 19, about to turn 20.

Blah blah.

Then she started calling me daddy in the hotel while we fucked.

You know you're on levels higher than these whores. Don't lower yourself down to their level. EVER.

They turn their head, give them a playful bite on the neck. I got three girls in bed with that.

I would like to keep chatting with you. If you aren't active enough this thread will 404.

Also, the others would like the source for your initial picture. Shit, even for the second one.

How old are you anyway? What do you do for a living and how often are you at this club? Or do you hop around and run into the same scenarios?

stop paying attention, u beta fuck

>couple girls from uni are slightly in to me
>too autistic to notice so ignore them
>girl gets even more in to me due to the lack of reciprocity
>get asked out on a date and she becomes my gf

OP seems to be having an attachment problem. If or when girls supposedly throw themselves at you my dick would be instant diamonds. How good are u with you willing to go with females user?