Hey Sup Forums whats the best way as a straight male to find some good cocks to suck ?

hey Sup Forums whats the best way as a straight male to find some good cocks to suck ?

Go to a gaybar and say you're gay

Craigslist if you're in a populated area. Lots of 'straight' guys on there who just want to get some fuck on without any of the faggy body contact and cuddling stuff.

Grindr is a fine option too.

but they probably gonna way to have anal sex or suck my dick

i fap too much so i dont feel jack shit from getting sucked

i literally just want to suck cock

Go to a gay bar and say you're straight.

Go to the adult video arcade. Find an occupied both. If you step in and the guy keeps jacking, he's down for head. If he's a junkie aids case, just say "oops, excuse me" and move to next booth till you find one you want.

CL works for that. "Sucking cock, looking for blah blah blah. No recip, just get a nice bj then leave."

Easy. Stop believing you are a straight male.

craigslist or backpage

where you from OP

CL is worthless. Just pic collectors there bro.

from montreal

Then I can't help you m8, I'd let you suck me off if we were on the same continent

You aren't straight if you want to suck dicks idiot

yea man it feels nice in the mouth and its relaxing
i dont like anything else tho and id much prefer a woman but they are too complicated

I'd recommend one of the hookup apps. A4A or Grindr would be my recommendation. There are a lot of guys willing to meet for coffee in a public places, hang out, and see where things go. Suck his dick in the parking lot. Simple.

Blowjob/Cock/Humiliation/whatever fetish != An innate attraction to males.

>how to find dick to suck
How are you this fucking delusional? Kill yourself. Seriously. Fucking hate faggots, rot in hell

dude when you pat a cat it doesnt mean ur fuckin zoophile, you just like the feeling of it

same for me and sucking cock

I'm 100% gay, I have no attraction to anything female.

But if I'm horny and there's no dick around, I'll get with some hag instead of wanking. Why would I use my hand when I could have some warm wet hole? S'like a fleshlight.

Would masturbating make me a handsexual?

Atleast agree that you're bisexual

>commit a crime
>go to jail
>get all the cock you can eat

I'm 90% straight barely started admitting I don't just like big cocks in porn bc the girl likes it more, but bc I imagine myself sucking and pleasing those big cocks it's so fucking hot for me but only the big ones like Chris strokes, and I have a gf too lol it's a secret though
Big cock thread?

Looking for an user in AZ right now to try sucking cock for the first time...

i dont know man when i see a woman i dream of all kind of scenarios i wanna lick her entire body make out have sex in all holes.
when i see a man i dont want anything.
when i see a nice cock i want to suck it

be a faggot. do what faggots do. like start threads on Sup Forums, so good start op.

that cock is attached to a man though, it's a male shape

Male sex, yes. Male gender? Irrelevant.

Realize you are gay
Find other gay men

Not op but I can admit pic related is me

I relate to this pic, and I have a trap I'm pretty sure is dtf, but i'm kinda scared to make the leap. It's a hot trap though.

100% me

This bicuriosity is fun though. If you could reup wouldn't you check "all of the above"?

Im like you user, I would never kiss a man, it's disgusting, i dont feel atracted to a man's body, I feel atracted to women but sucking a cock.. it's something that Im dying to try one day. And most of men feel the same thats why traps are so popular.

lol only fun till you blow your load m8 then your sitting there in disgust or you don't care but I do

No but if you suck a cats dick you are a zoophile

go to adult book store, enter the arcade, you will find lots of other straight guys looking for man to man sex

Used to care but I got over it..

Been playing with the idea for a few years now and I've just kinda accepted I'm bi

yea exactly i dont care anymore
im attracted to girls but i wish i had someone to feed me cum few times a week

i feel that way about my gf. i dont want her to fuck another guy, i just want to watch her suck another cock. trying to get her to go to a gloryhole.

Are you going to stand there in the booth with her and cheer her on?