What have Muslims contributed to your country?

what have Muslims contributed to your country?
>muslim appreciation thread


terrorism and some intresting food I guess?

Terrorism in Belgium did create much more love and solidarity. not the expected effect but I'm happy about it.

Muslims have done a few things after the death of Mahomet, mostly improved Greek sciences, math and philosophy.
As of right now, I don't have any clue.

Bronze-age ignorance

They've made me feel justified in being a racist.

In the last 100 years? Jack shit.
In general? Shashlik is amazing. "Their" (they are actually hindu) numerals are kinda neat.

We are very welcoming of our new muslim friends.
once we were really behind in rape incidents, we had almost zero, very shameful. Now we are winning against everyone else in Europe!
Thanks Muhammed!

They distracted us from all the horrible shit blacks do for a while

Telle this pic is fake... please

>before muhamet*
Fix for you

Muslims are very clear that they reject democracy. They want to be slaves to God's will.

they turned the air in the streets from plain to spicy

there are more kebab shops than ever before

there are also lots of great stores opening where you can buy black sheet clothes in case you want to cosplay 'scream'

they have made public transport more exciting

Nice try nerd
>No not-democracy

Islam is pro democracy obvs

Shut up. I know that "Mahomet" has a bad meaning because it's close to Baphomet and all that shit. But I'm saying it. Don't get all cocky because I'm being objective about Islam.

It's from a protest in Afghanistan I believe.

So, I'm a racist, and I don't like these Arab Muzzies in my country because it's hard enough hating on white people, black people, Asians, Mexicans, and British people. Now I have to hate Arabs too? I mean, come on. Think of us racists for once in your miserable lives.

What race are you?


Pretty much the only race, or rather ethnicity, he didn't list are jews.

My my my, what could he be.

Could be a Native.

>only murrifat still use "race" for skin color


There is no smoke signal internet connection.

He had gone through every skin colour. Maybe I should have said 'ethnic group' instead.

What the fuck is 'humman'?

Do furryies count?

They are a sub-species.


I'm going to attempt to try to be nicer to furries from now on...

Mainly due to the fact that they're not gonna try to do anything like blow themselves up or go on murder sprees cuz Allah.

Also Impressed. the detail on that gun looks badass.

us irish are no longer the bad guys

I'll drink to that.

Christ we Brits long for the days of the IRA. Least they had a goal that wasnt 'make whole world dead'.

Furries are a subspecies of Faggot

>Muslim hate thread

>destroyed a nation
>USA to be precise
>didn't even unify it
>just made us more mad at each other and at you goat fucking fags
>make me go poop more often thanks to your mudslime street vendors serving food that sat in the sun for hours on end
>even over night
>rape our women
>kill our men
>behead our children
>and worst of all
>try to spread a shit religion that is full of hypocrisy and death
>"Death to all infidels"
>yea ok, not like I cant just blow your head off with an Anti Material rifle for coming on my property or anything

>but worst than that
>ran down our country by getting one of your towel heads into our Presidential office and ruining things.

Fucking Muslims. Cant do anything right.

I ignore faggots like tits an pussies
You should open your mind... with a bullet of 14.5mm

14.5mm? What are you, a faggot....oh wait....you are.

>105mm is where its at, nigga.

they've drastically contributed to the total of rapes and murders for one

That says something about Britfags. The only thing that scares them more than a group of people wanting freedom is another group of faggots trying to control them.

What a load of faggots.

>newfag got b8 by perpective
>read the filetype

>a group of people wanting freedom
That's not what the IRA wanted, dumbshit.
