What does Sup Forums drive?

What does Sup Forums drive?

Pic related, what I drive.


Lol people driving old as fuck used luxury cars to pretend they are wealthy

OP drives a random pic from the internet.

Gross an AE86.....

535i right?

Are the maintenance costs as high as I hear they are?


528i and no, I haven't had much issues with it. The only thing I noticed is switching to a higher octan and using better oil. I've had no issues with it yet. I was told however to do some research and never go to a licensed BMW mechanic because their prices are near robbery. Best off to do research and find a general European garage.

BMW lights are the absolute worst when it comes to price. Good luck when you need new ones like I do.


>2006 Nissan 350z
its nothing super crazy but its fun as fuck to drive

My dad used to have a 2007 525xi

Was a fun car to rip around in

Are those TSW's *gag*

Ya I am not surprised. I was prepared for the higher maintenance costs, but if you average it out its not overly much more due to the fact that when you replace a part on a BMW it lasts super long.

not sure what you mean friendo

whats a TSW :(

Is that a 2016 model year Mazda6? How do you like it? I test drove one and was thoroughly impressed. I'm thinking of getting one, maybe the 2017 with the g-vectoring control.

The wheels

DC5 06
Auto Base

1.6 liters of raw power niggers

"Super charged"

Had a turbo.


1997 Honda Civic. its a pice of shit. got rust and a ABS that works when it wants to, but it runs.

>2007 525xi

It's a 2016 CX-3 AWD. Would have gotten a 3 but I live in northernish-ontario and in a VERY hilly area and I had enough of my FWD Mazda 3 spinning on hills (with winters).

Haven't tried the 6 but from what I hear they are good cars. Reliability on mine has been perfect so far so I'd expect the 6 to be no different.

It's only a cambelt cover...

Wow I guess I didn't take a closer look at it. I guess the 6 and the cx-3 have similar looking front ends.


The valve cover says super charged.


Yeah they do, the CX-3 and 6's lights are pretty similar

Should i swap my 4AGE 16v for a 4AGE 20v?

>only a valve cover

whats wrong with them? I'm not super car knowledge guy, and I thought they looked pretty sweer. Something I should know?

Not worth the effort famila

Idk I just think chrome & black wheels like that look cheap.

If I owned that I'd put it on Volks, D2-EX's or Grid Classics.

I dunno, heaps of better wheels out there.


Looks like shit black spraypaint tbh

>le surpreme gentleman


Well either your cam has a shit quality, or you drive a blurred beamer...


who's Manuel?

autotrader image compression

he's the mexican that washes it


My car

no, go full rpm build

Ah I see. I thought they were pretty cool looking, and I bought the car used for $6k. Had 75k miles on it, so it seemed like a good deal, and the research I did sounded like a solid car for a solid price.

Why the bra?

Looks tacky fam

MOFO you are handsome and that BMW is sick! You are probably swimming in pussy, I envy you so much!

looks like you want to be a highway state patrol car

Manual yes.

No pic but i drive a 1990 celica with a 3sgte and custom man tranny that i put together

> (You)
>Why the bra?
>Looks tacky fam
Bumper is primed for right now, smashed a deer, it's being painted this week

Nah, damn deer get in my way

07 CLK550 AMG

Whats the running cost on that?

Gas is premium, oil change 3-4 times per year depending. Not much else.

im pretty sure you ride dicks



Why a bullcatcher


2nd charger, hit deer repeatedly, put it on, hit another deer, no damage.

>You're the fucking autist

Running cost is different to price

Fucking Kek holy shit!

The Dark Knight


my cars :/

V8 or V10?

v10 plus :/ im not a pussy

Nice! This is my Pagani Huayra.


>4 doors


im sure some of you dont belive me so ill post this :/

thats pretty sweet man, top speed? :/

Mine is a 93

370km/h, I've gotten it to 320km around the track but I've only been out on the track once since I've owned it.

I believe you.

>pic related

>£500 second hand.
>$660 in merica.
>90.000 miles registered.

Nothing fancy seeing how I have other bills to pay.

why did you buy that when you could have purchased a porche gt3 rs, or a new M car?

read closer user and dont be a faggot.

I recently did some engine mods cause my engine warranty ran out and i can get it to run at 250mph (402kph-ish) on a straight flat road but after that it starts to lift up so i need a bigger spoiler you could get that thing to run pretty fast with a few mods and get a radar jammer you are golden :/

Nice to see good and honest people.

nice work user. May I ask what you're successful at not what you do?

i am honest :/ i just have alot of money to play with cause my job and parents

That's a pretty good shot. You ever think about shooting professionally?

whats that mean? :/

Then why does that cover say Garret and have a turbo blanket?

What do you drive?

he got the V10 lol. Both those cars you mentioned get graped. He can mod that shit to go 214 as fast as a BITURBO Lambo



oh im R8 guy :/

My poor mans Nissan Skyline GTS-t

well i have a nice tuning package the thing has the same v10 thats in lamborginis cause audi owns them :/ and i have around 35k of mods on it rn :/

Focus master race!

Lol, you must be the meekest most humble person to drive that model of car user.. What are you good at that allowed you to live at that level of success? right now Im asking because I am currently dying of my diabeetus,

Stop doing that awkward face please hahaha...

Whats your daily user? If I had the option, I would drive an M2 or any Porche

Stop murdering dear faggot