Find a flaw

find a flaw

>wood stock trim
What is this? The fucking wild west?

Kill yourself John Wayne.

Remington 870?

No can do.

I find woodstock to be more aesthetically pleasing, at least on shotguns

Can't sneak it beneath your belt..

Less shots than a revolver

Limited range

Can't use high capacity assault clips.

>less shots than a revolver

It's not an automatic weapon

"Assault clips" kek what a retard
But not entirely true they do make drum mag kits for pump guns

no but it fires projectiles at a high rate of speed

But my reload speed is still faster homie

So does a slingshot moron

When your nice steel guide rods snap and they want a third the price of your shotty for them you gonna wish you had the plastic rails in a moss 500

good luck killing a bear with a slingshot moron

you are a faggot

You couldn't kill a mouse with that bland thing.

this guy gets it

Revolver 5-6 rounds

7-8 shells


>so many tactical attachments
>still holds it up against his jaw

guns were specifically made and designed to kill as many people as possible quickly and you cant change that u americucks


why would anyone what to change that?
what is your point?
oh I get it.. you're trolling heh heh

>why would anyone what to change that?
all of these gun tards are always trying to change it "hur dur guns are harmless"

>undisturbed guns fire off randomly and target innocent civilians

That pic is a 5 Round tube

guns by themselves are harmless.. you dumb twat do you think that a gun by itself can hurt someone? just the same way that a hammer can't hurt someone until to smack someone in the face with it
you are straight up stupid

It's not pointed at your head

its not that the gun is harmless or not its just that the murders comitted with them most likely never happened if they didnt have a gun like that omar cuck wouldnt have been able to kill 50 people if he didnt have a gun

[a person with] a gun can kill a lot more people in a short space of time than [a person with] a knife.

>like that omar cuck wouldnt have been able to kill 50 people if he didnt have a gun
you are failing to mention that he bought his gun legally and had licenses and everything
so there is literally nothing more that you can ask for besides "banning all guns" and that will never happen you fucking retard
and yet knives and hammers and guns are all still legal. fucking cry about it pussy cry baby


if you're not willing to put a grapefruit-sized hole clean through your enemy's chest, you don't actually want to hurt them


>pussy cry baby
what are you, fucking 12?

- needs a mag tube extension
- needs a police extractor (non MIM)
- upgrade to Hogue stocks
- needs a Mesa sidesaddle

...that's a start


are you? you seem to be the one upset that guns kill more people than hammers or knives or whatever else you are crying about

your head isn't at the end of it

>no tots
Nigger give me tots

>bating this hard

Not Super Mag 870

>When your nice steel guide rods snap and they want a third the price of your shotty for them you gonna wish you had the plastic rails in a moss 500

Huh? My Mossberg 500 persuade has steel rails... Which is what you want. Plastic is shit. And you can get cheap replacements if you don't go Remington parts.

Low quality jpg