Men disgust me

Men disgust me.

I’m a lesbian and am sick to death of you ignorant bastards. For starters, no, I will not show you my tits. I don’t see how any of you have the right to tell another woman to get naked, you dogs might see women as flesh for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a woman just because you believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better’. You describe women as ‘cumdumpsters’, quite frankly I’m enraged by this, if I ever heard you say this word in real life I would punch you so hard you’d be in a comma for the next month.

What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by a man. Actually I’m so passionate about this I managed to get this ******* guy suspended from my work for making sexist comments about me and ordering me to get him a ****ing coffee every minute. Now he’s learnt his lesson and is making ME the coffee.

I weep for a world without men, a paradise. Without men there would be no crime, no wars and everyone would be treated equally.

Unfortunately I can’t see my utopia happening anytime soon but I warn you, women’s rights groups are still fighting for equality and in the future society might not be quite so lenient on you misogynist bastards.

Wow. Nice b8 user.
Show tits or gtfo

tits or gtfo

time stamp it you slut

>nice b8
>proceeds to take bait and ask for tits

newfag detected


Wait...what? Sauce on girl? I'm like 95% sure she lives by me.

Humans disgust me.

I’m an ogre and I am sick to death of you weak bastards. For starters, no, I will not show you my onions. I don’t see how any of you have the right to tell another ogre to get reked, you dogs might see ogres as freaks for your entertainment but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of an ogre just because you believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better’. You describe ogres as ‘onion munchers’, quite frankly I’m enraged by this, if I ever heard you say this word in real life I would punch you so hard you’d be in a swamp for the next month.

What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by a human. Actually I’m so passionate about this I managed to get this annoying donkey evicted from my swamp for making annoying comments about me and ordering me to get him a ****ing mushroom stew every minute. Now he’s learnt his lesson and is getting ME the mushroom stew.

I weep for a world without humans, a paradise. Without humans there would be no stench, no wars and everyone would stay out my swamp.

Unfortunately I can’t see my utopia happening anytime soon but I warn you, ogre’s rights groups are still fighting for equality and in the future society might not be quite so lenient on you shrek hating bastards.



That's it I am going on strike, I'm not opening one more jar of pickles.

blaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...

men ivented everything

men care for everything

men built this civilisation

withut men, women are nothing of us.

even with men they are nothing of use, except their ONLY use is as sexobjects and or for making babies.

For all else : men are better.


If I can say two things:

1 - Tits or gtfo was originally used to weed out attention whores. (Whether that's how it's still used is very debatable.

2 - Why are you on here? Out of sight, out of mind, you can't change Sup Forums.

in a comma
in a ,


Get memed newfags

I'm pretty sure I have seen this pasta a while back.

>Falling this hard for copy pasta b8

>Calls newfag for no reason

Newfag detected

Rule 30: There are no girls on the internet. This rule does not mean that women are in capable or don't use the internet. No, what it means is that here, on the internet, no one, and I mean NO ONE, gives a flying fuck about your gender. Welcome to Sup Forums. You're anonymous; no one knows or cares who you are. The only reason to bring up your gender is to get attention for it, but in doing so you lessen your anonymity.
As punishment for this crime there is:
Rule 31: tits or GTFO. If you give us tits, you prove that you were just a whore looking for attention. If you GTFO, you can easily still post in whatever thread without bringing up your gender and you're right back to the equity of obscurity that we all enjoy.
So tits or GTFO, you attention-seeking whore.

>I'll post b8 pretending to be SJW
>But if it's too obvious they'll catch on to me
>I know I won't choose a picture with an obvious SJW and choose one with a thin woman, with natural hair and without thick rimmed glasses. They're sure to fall for it.

Kys faggot

BTW : u're just frustrated, becuy u cant get anz women and are a loser .

poor women. pls calm your wymmin feelz.

Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

>no reason
>cant read previous meme arrows

Nice comeback newfag


This bait is older than you faggot, all you newfags bumping this cancer thread up, get the fuck off my Sup Forums

is b8 ?

u mean it's no real femfag ? :/

Even if I don't agree on the fact that paradise is a world without man, I totally agree with you on the fact that men are NOT in ANY WAY in mesure to tell women what to do or to treat them like meat only because they believe they are 'better' than women because they have a fucking penis instead of a brain.

Oh baiting troll... Why are you so bad, why are your motives so obvious, why do have to bore me to such an extent...?

You could at least try to bait properly. This way it'd be entertaining to some extent at least.

Obvious bait is obvious

women are useless and do not do anything on their own.

so they demand from men.

who demands, has to serve, tho.

it's that simple.

so yes, women HAVE to serve. because they want many many things ( mostly material ).

Isn't it old pasta ?

>rule 30 there are no girls on the internet


pasta belongs in the kitchen sweetie.

Yes the most important question is why does he wear the mask?

Sup Forums is currently invaded by hillbots, femnazis n sjw scum.

since they haz no brains and lose all arguments, they copy pasta all of teh tiemz

>What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do?
...MONEY BITCH. Now shake that ass for a dollar cumslut

Fuck off low tier bait

yes, like that :D :D :D

fucking new fag show tits or gtfo

looks like a book that would be in one of community classes


>Without men there would be no crime...

Apparently you've not seen orange is the new black. speaking of which, as a lesbian, could you recommend any other good female prison porn?

>you’d be in a comma for the next month.

no, id be in your colon for the next month. show dat ass mamacita!



>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

Sharpie in pooper?

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>meme arrows



>men disgust me

>men disgust me

Summerfags detected

>men disgust me

Underrated post

She is right, because without men and the one thing we can do they cant all human race would cease to exist.

>men disgust me

>er woman to get naked, you dogs might see women as flesh for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a w

>men disgust me

Hello my beautiful goddess,

I saw your picture and figured id try writing you. i can't disrespect a girl. It's not in me. I'm a gentleman. Quite honestly, It sure surprised me to see you on here. I just have a hard time seeing someone who could easilly be a model. Im not trying to give you a line, you really are astoundingly beautiful to me. It would be a pleasure and a priviledge getting to know you. I'd love to find out if you are as beautiful inside as you are out.

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

Well spoken, glorious voice of the hive mind.

>men disgust me

>I weep for a world without men
>women’s rights groups are still fighting for equality

wants to get rid of men but have equal rights
nice bait fag try being a little gayer next time

The fucking file name kek pretty sure this is some stale copy pasta

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

nice satanic trips nigger
>men disgust me

>men disgust me

>men disgust me

tits or gtfo

Weak pasta, mang.


>men disgust me

nice trolltext, brah

This is now an nfl thread. What's your team boys?

>men disgust me

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