Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Saber claim

Kyouko claimed.

Forgot the usual disgusting early bake.

>Ran claimed

Greatswords are fun


Rem claimed

still here


im lost now

Gotta go slow?

as much as is fround on now a days I love edgy shit guess im E D G E

yui was just trying to be nice and give me a little present.

I'll kiss it better~
>Mercy claimed

Hotaru claimed

mandatory cc claim

thank you

i have full body pics of him on my broken flashdrive.
i'll never share them as he made me promise (and i was talked out of it as we thrive of our semi anonymity)

idk, just ask eu to put you in.
we respect our fallen, not walk on their graves.

By desecrating 2 important members of the community. Yui should know better.

Found a ton more! Collecting it all now thanks friend

Nice try

Check em', unranked pleb.

3rd roll


FUCK my first bake was 1 post early
Was expecting the thread to move faster than it was

Well rolled closet chuuni

Well I guess no one can steal her now.


We'd probably have to destroy evidence and anything that said we existed on Earth, if not then I guess a left nut or something.

I'd imagine a good deal what he looks like, but I could be wrong.

No probs m8

Nothing wrong with edginess. It seems to me it's odd it got singled out over all the other genres/story settings/personalities. I mean, in many cases edge is arguable more understandable than a lot of undercooked character archetypes.

Dubs dubs checked.

Shamefur dispray.

whats up faggots? how is everyone? still mentally unstable?

for 2 people thats not hard for the rest of it. yeah...

How many times you gonna try?

Nice trips and good job securing your waifu for life

>tfw can't quote properly
For Fucks Sake

well hes not here anymore so i cant
does it really matter guys just dont save it

that hate fucking stuff you uh want to talk about it
most mentally stable user reporting

Right, I spoke to Eu, everything's been sorted out.
Forgot I posted it. I can make something else instead.

nobody likes you

And you?

oh hey I saw it no need to worry was going to reply with a yes you are correct

1-2 rolls per thread probably


Never less stable than I am now.

Doing good I guess.

I like him more than you. One of my favorite user's in thread, in fact.

>mentally unstable
That's not even the beginning of it.
I dunno. I just get off on being violent during sex. I wanna strangle a bitch half to death while I fill her with baby-juice. ... Is that abnormal/unhealthy?

Forgive me Kyouko sama for I know not what I did ;-;

sorry I got you in trouble yui guess eu doesnt like esdeath user :(

Nah, his reasoning is that it is his work, and doesn't exactly want people making changes too it.
Anyway, do you have a lurk picture?

My God.

What is the point of these threads?

This has to be the stupidest thing on Sup Forums, and that's a real accomplishment.

You'll do better next time.


Baaaaka, it's not that Eu doesn't like you, it's Eu just doesn't like their thing to be taken away from them~

he's short, cute,
his hair is semi short,
his lips are thin,
brown hair,
thin nose,
decent weight, not fat but not skelly,
pretty much looks like the average college student.

he is, he's just not in this thread.
he comes back now and again.

meh just dont rape and if you do make sure to get away with it and make sure the bitch deserved it.

Then you got me who is the opposite want a girl to beat me to death I mean I cant even find one of my fetishes would have to go to the dark web for that we are special user

Don't respond to him guys.

We don't want unnecessary attention.

Sigh you will never get it anyways

Doing fine, you?

I'm confused by what you mean.

Show me the legs that aren't that lewd pls?

Sup Forums was a stupid accomplishment

I imagined him with a Billy May's beard, idk why

Hey what's a good memay

My life :^)

lurk pic? I dont lurk much....at all tbh

Hey it's best... necromancer?
>Been a while since I've seen it forgive me

ive been lost too just hoping it would make sense

I will if i keep trying

Also i found this image of us on the internet


A picture along the lines of this.
Anything of that nature?

any who is willing to do this

browsing cringe threads.

ill see what i can do one sec

Heres some possibly non lewd legs. Depends on how you look at it.
I didnt mean to sound like a jerk, I just dont like it when shit gets done without the owners permission.
Good to see Eu in thread, Eu.

Hmm lemme see

Oh yeah I have that picture its adorable

I only browse this and rekt.


He's like a little babby, if you ignore him he won't stay here.

Give him attention and you welcome destruction upon us all.

so did i, before he opened up to me, at least a little.


You had an image of me without my permission?

Good taste

>what are fluffy abuse threads for $1000

mine and only mine.


Nah man. As much as I fantasize about it, actual rape is wrong. That's why we have hammy porn actors and girlfriends who love rape-play. What really fucks me up is piling my loli fetish on top of that and remembering my hate-boner for people who hurt kids.
>browse this, YLYL, cringe and sometimes rekt
>browse the odd discussion thread
Yeah they exist but they're rare.


now THAT'S autistic. good god.


Yeah yeah, it's fine, I wasn't thinking straight.
Anything with that style atleast, I can edit it.

That's a nice pose. Oh, andthere's a store not too far from me that has some really nice figures of your waifu

Feet, eh? Not my thing but oh well

I would assume he's nice, but has some problems with his own life. I'm not gonna go too far into this, so if you'd like to cease conversation with him, it's fine

No, you're being Micheal Brown'd

that draing suck but I feel ya famm
slurp slurp

Btw im pic related but i dont post on threads as her

>mfw Crescent Rose probably fires .50BMG or 14.5mm AT rounds at the speed of fuck
>mfw the recoil should break her shoulder and liquify her organs if it's strong enough to propel her
>mfw RT can't into basic fucking physics and common gun knowledge and I love RWBY anyway
Probably being facetious.

For a 3DPD lizard, she's not the worst looking thing in the world.

lucky you a lot of sub girls and not a lot of dommies so you will never be in short supplies like myself. least their is no killing in your porn people tend to hate you when you get off to um....crush or giantess

Yes yes, Eu is best Necromancer~
Eu thinks it's time to watch it again~

It's always nice to visit and see all the cute waifus~

Here you go~
And don't worry, Eu isn't mad at you, Yui~

literally every highschooler anime weeb draws like this lmayo

Yeah i mean its hlaf of me so I took it mate

Sorry Rem I will see if I can find someting else

i'd let her stick that umbrella up my ass and open it

Yeah you're probably right. I'm gonna start again now
>Wasn't here when you made this
>Saber is already there
>Original Saber user is gone
Well at least I can pick up the legacy

your right he does have some problems in his life, he hinted at it before and i think its the reason he left.
he also made it seem like he was lying the whole time but i think that was because he didn't want to hurt any of us in him leaving.
he deleted me on the same day so i never got to ask him about it, shame.

I can't actually keep a woman. And not many get off on their boyfriend choking them unconscious during sex. Or on having the piss beaten out of them in public and then proceeding to be fucked on top of the bar and passed around like a joint. Or being tied up for free use somewhere public. Or being locked in tiny cages and basically getting tazed all the time. I can't find women who cater to that shit outside of fucking Kink dot com.
Okay, now that's fucked up.

These are basically mutually exclusive

Stella's mine

if trips to i'll commit heresy lol

cora is the baye

Post a lurk picture, and I an add you in.
And yeah, I made this one.


honestly the closest i could get to her peaking do you just need a white background?

great tastes although its just as hard finding a girl who will do those things to me :(

Rem's legs will wait for you then

I guess his happiness partially came from these threads, but wasted the majority of his time to something he'd never thought he was dedicated to. And I think he removed you because he wouldn't want questioning, especially to someone he's gotten close to.
>just a guess

You're late, aren't you?

To be fair, hunters in RWBY have auras that probably work like ki in DBZ, and Rubys particular special ability is hyper speed/mobility.

It's not THE most unbelievable power system.


I guess you want it to be a minute and a half of scrolling then?


But I just gave you some

Howdy, all. It's 5am currently and it's the 3rd sleepless night in a row.

No, I can't think straight anymore, I think I might just drop dead in a week or two if this keeps up.