General Stoner Thread

General Stoner Thread

Also, things to do while high? I'm bored af

Is that an oceantokes pipe? And play some video games or something dude, everything is more fun high, just do stuff you like

>I'm bored af
Learn how to Gimp

No, it is a handmade pipe made of stone

Ah it's nice looking

lruking. Post some comics!!

Everest tried acid or shrooms? Acid is great going to try shrooms this weekend


I'm curious about trying them
I also want to try LSD first but i don't know how much does it last

9 names this 1-hitter I found on a bus seat :^)

How long? Usually it last a solid 8 hours up to 12, I'd say make sure to do lsd with friends, mushrooms you may he okay alone but lsd is more fun with people

>how to get AIDS

i've experimented two bad trips recently on weed and im very scared to smoke again. Any advices on how avoid bad trips?

Any CA los angeles stoners here? Lets meet up homies and smoke that grass. :)

when i saw that i thought it was a really fucked up finger/finger nail and that this was a gore thread.

Also check these dubs

>What is disinfectant?

Try not to laugh

Play video games, watch a funny movie or tv show. Just do something so you won't think about being high.

Just bought this hittrr yesterday


Smoking some Platinum Girl Scout Cookies, OP. So life is good.

And that's the fucking problem. Once you've smoked enough times video games stop being as epic, movies and shows stop being as good and music stops sounding as awesome. Worse yet, food starts tasting the same as it did before you got high. At some point you're just getting high just to get high because "fuck it."

Protip: It never gets any better once you've reached this point.

I'll tell you what you should do, go to sleep, wake up sober tomorrow and go for a run. Or better yet do something that makes you feel like you've done something with yourself.

Also go slow when smoking. Take 1 or 2 hits and wait 20 minutes and see where you're at. Don't try to keep up with people smoking of you don't smoke much. There is nothing wrong with passing on your next hit.

>No pipe
>Stole critical part of the bus

in the first one i was watching the simpsons, and I started to feel really sacry about them

>what is not being a poorfag and buying your own piece


So much this. After being stoned for 7 years straight I've pretty much stopped smoking. Now I bike a lot and I'm starting to really enjoy the feeling of riding ten miles without stopping. It's almost euphoric I finally understand when people say they get a runners high.

I already have my own peice and a couple of bongs, but why not have another?
It didn't explode while I was on it so at least I'm safe
Lit bruv

That was hot

Go play some overwatch cunt

Watch some TPB



Got some good shit right now just got home from work boutta shower and smoke. Nothing to eat in the house though. Fucking jews.


Order pizza dood


I like you. I like you very much

just chill. drink water and eat.

I smoked a joint last night and since I woke up I've been feeling a weird tingle sensation all over my body, it intensifies on parts of my body that touch things eg if I grab something I can feel my hand tingle, the last time I smoked this lasted 3 days. I've talked with other people about this and they say they've never experienced it before. Anyone had this?

Just gonna have some nice oil

I'm a month clean, stopped after smoking multiple times a day for a year. It just became boring like you said. Does it ever go back to being like it used to?

we're not in 4th grade
crochet is the way

Tolerance breaks help, depends on you personally. I'd hold out a little longer

Unfortunately no. Your brain eventually figures out how to deal with you being high and it will fall into the same pattern every time you smoke, even if you try to pick it up years later.

Sure your tolerance will go down and you'll still get "fucked up," but not the type of high you had the first few times you smoked. That's why I quit altogether because, even a year out, I still didn't get that "wow" factor anymore. At this point smoking becomes a nuisance because I lose several hours of my day instead of actually having fun.

Just try to find something that makes you feel accomplished physically or even mentally. Running and lifting weights feels amazing once you've set goals and actually meet them. That and like the guy who said he rides bikes says, that runners high is amazing. Not the same as getting stoned, but still amazing nonetheless.

I respectfully disagree. I quit for almost a year and a half before picking it up and my brain kinda still knows how to deal with it.

When I got stoned again I thought that I would enjoy music, games and movies the same as I did the first few times I got stoned but didn't. It was just an amplified version of the same high I had over and over again at the end of my bud binge. Worst yet is that your tolerance builds super, super quick even years out so after your 4-5th time getting stoned you're practically back to be tolerant to it again.

Ayy man I hear you. I'm on the last day of a month long wilderness adventure. The longest part was a hundred miles of walking and backcountry camping through glacier park in Montana.

Dont know where you live, but stargazing while high, for me at least, is pretty fucking nice

Bike guy here. That's pretty much the same outlook I have on it now. It just seems pointless to me I no longer enjoy being stoned. I'm still in the process of stopping for good. I bought an eight about a month ago and still have about 1.5 grams left. It was hard to decide to stop. Weed has been such a big part of my life and I'm gonna miss smoking, but it's just not worth it anymore.

Game watch films or series and jerk of .

Why dont you start dumb threads on /b



kill yourself

Build a Lego

>At some point you're just getting high just to get high because "fuck it."

This is the exact point I'm at right now. Been smoking almost every day for 8 years. Don't do anything any more when I'm stoned, but sit in the garage and drink beers. I need to break this cycle.

Yo guys just got some dank chronic, rate? (This was 30$)


I can photoshop cum onto a picture too. Put a lot of effort into something, and then you'll get attention, user.

I use to be a smoke multiple times a day guy who has quit for 3 years and now only smoke occasionally.
It'll never be like it was at first. Learn to deal with it. I smoke only once every 3 to 7 weeks and it's mostly for medical purposes.

Honestly the only remedy that I found to stop smoking is to just throw it all in the toilet and flush it tbh and make sure that you try your damned hardest not to call your dealer tomorrow, the day after or the day after that. The hardest part is looking at it and saying "fuck it" just because it's there. Because that's exactly what's going to happen. You're going to probably think "oh, it's there might as well spark up" but that's exactly what keeps you in the cycle.

Spend the next few days just drinking your beers. But if you've got your bud right there it's as easy as just packing a bow, rolling a blunt/joint or just doing anything to spark up.

The easiest way to break the cycle is just to realize that it's not what you want to do anymore and to just get rid of it, regardless of the cost.

i only see pipes and white shit, where da blutnz faggots

Smoked 2 of these last night with some friends


Play hotline miami 2, i just got it about an hour ago. Awesome Florescent colors and a kick ass soundtrack

Yeah I'm probably gonna have to quit everything. After a few beers I want to spark up. After some cigarettes I want to spark up. It's been rolling around my head for years, "why am i still doing this?". I just have the worst defeatist mindset. Everything about my life right now is worrisome. It's not gone to total shit yet but it's headed there slowly and surely.

This is my week lined up. Works going to be a breeze.

Then just through everything down the toilet together. Just flush it down and don't look back and, tomorrow, make the decision, as shitty as it feels that at that moment (and it will feel shitty) to not smoke/drink. It will be one of the hardest decisions you've made because you'll immediately want to do it. In fact, your body might move before you do. You might call your dealer or drive to the store to pick up a few beers, but it's up to you to say "no it stops here" and make yourself purposely feel the pain of not willing to fuck yourself up.

It's almost like working out. It's like a mental "burn" where you're working that mental muscle to not do something that you know you don't want to or shouldn't be doing. And in the morning when you wake up you'll both feel accomplished that you didn't smoke or drink, and disappointed because you didn't smoke or drink. You'll lean towards disappointed because you've been doing it so long that you don't know any better and that's okay.

But if you can hold out one more night... the next time you'll try to smoke or have a drink after that you'll be so disappointed because you've now set yourself back. If you've been doing what you're doing for this long it's highly unlikely that you'll stop cold-turkey. But trust me once you start at least trying you'll eventually find the will to stop. All it takes is one step, but the second and third step is just as important as the first. But trust me, once you can get past that, you can do it.


Itt faggots thinking weed is a real addiction. Try quitting heroin sometime you worthless fucking cunts and then you can cry

1. You can get addicted to anything

2. You're a fucking dumbass for trying heroin in the first place knowing the addiction rates. Natural selections makes sure that dumbasses like you that make bad decisions OD and die off. Fuck off.

Ancient aliens on viceland is pretty funny.


I hear that, thanks for the advice user. I really have no excuse. Just lazy and unmotivated. When i put my mind to something I've always been able do it, i have a sort of willpower and a base understanding of how to exercise mental muscles so to speak.

It's just so easy to keep the cycle going at this point, like you said. I need to make several changes though. Not even for myself, but my family. Don't have any more excuses, they've run out.

>being a pussy

That entire channel is actually interesting. It's like 90% documentaries about shit that happens in the modern world.

lol you're addicted to heroin

so the 30 bucks was for the seeds so you can grow your own?

Ye, I remember when they only published magazine.
One of the best nights of my life was meeting and hanging out with some vice employees in Mexico city at a bar.

Somebody tell me the fastest way to get clean for a drug test? This is day 6 of not smoking and I've got 3 or 4 days before I test for pre-employment. I've drank half my body weight in fluid ounces of water every day since quitting. I bought and used a 5 day permanent cleanse, but the reviews online are mixed, and I'm worried. Any tips?

You are fucked thc is one of the substances that stays detectable for a really long time.

sweat. sweat. sweat. It loosens up the metabolites of thc in your fat or whatever so after you sweat a fuck ton drink alot of water and it'll come our more in your piss.

basically fucked, water doesn't do shit

The water has had me pissing clear for the last week so I'm hoping it's helping to flush everything. I'll start riding my bike at noon tomorrow though just to sweat stuff out

Nothing you can really do expect workout and keep hydrated. Just don't work outa day or two before the test.
Everyone's body is different and will clear it diff. I smoke daily and have 250 pounds on me. Took almost 3weeks to test clean.
My friend with little body fat that smoked bi weekly for a few months got clean within 3 days. Thc is stored in fat so that and ur metabolism decide when ur clean.

I really hope you're wrong

So why not work out the day before?

near by, at north hollywood

bought this yesterday. not that bad

i fuckin kekd so hard at this shit idk why

Don't over hydrate yourself. My friends company checked for certain acids and other things when they tested.
He ended up passing with fake piss that had you add a packet before using it and hand warmer to get it at body temperature (they check that too).

disgusting sloth how the fuck does a person get to 250 lbs
>dude weed lol
oh, right

The galvanized lung gutter.

You burn fat and if thc was stored in there it's going to add to the thc count.

Nice buttplug

Smoke it in the day time & hike. Video games were cool in 1994 when primal rage first came out... It's 22 fucking years later.

Top kek

Agreed, and be in a positive environment. LSD is amazing. Wish I cooked do it more.

Niacin take 1000 to 1500 milligrams about an hour before your test drink a shitload of water at least a quart or two, piss four five times before you take the test. I quit for three days years ago and passed a piss test. Warning it is a thermogenic it will heat up your skin and temporarily turn your skin red like a sunburn. but it worked. this was several years ago and don't know if they gotten better piss tests since then but it worked back in the day. twin labs brand available at most grocery stores is good one to use too use.

How much was ur ceramic domeless?
Also how do you get rid of mineral stains? My friend borrowed my bubbler while I was on vacation.