This is my owner. I give her $500 every week so she can spend it on herself and BBC boyfriend

This is my owner. I give her $500 every week so she can spend it on herself and BBC boyfriend.

It turns me on so much knowing beautiful white women are going black. That's the way it should be.

White boys need to be punished for their crimes. I accept my punishment. I am property of my owner Hannah and her black lover. I will forever serve them as a bitch, property to be used for their pleasure.

Join me in the movement to stop white boys.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus man. I have a hotwife fetish and even I think this is too much. You seriously need to kill yourself.

Drink bleach, Mordecai.


Here she is wearing me chastity key as a necklace.

More pics

Here is her BBC lover. Sometimes when I'm a good boy they let me sit in the corner and watch and he pounds her with his massive black cock.

If I'm especially good they will let me swallow his cum as she spits it out of her mouth.

You should dump her pics

You are trolling. But in the off chance that this is serious, you need help.

No matter how pathetic you may be no one should degrade themselves to this level. Seek help.

I can't express how much I want you to die. I hope your entire family dies in a house fire.

100% serious.

Wtf is wrong with you? I'm coming over to kill you and those two other fuck tards involved with this bullshit.

She has access to my PayPal. We set a soft limit at $100 a day, usually she does less and is compassionate of not bankrupting me.

I was a complete idiot yesterday and needed to be punished. This is what I logged into today. I deserve it.

I'm going to jizz on all of your dead bodies.

I paid for their vacation to California. They send me these pics on occasion. Meanwhile I was forced to lie on the floor and pray to her for 3 hours. She had skype running and would check up here and there.

Your poor mother went through the pain if pushing your shit head self out during birth, now look at you... you're a sorry excuse for a bitch. Your whole family must be so ashamed.


Thats nice and all but more pics of your "owner"

I will. She is ridiculously sexy, I am not surprised people want to see more of her.

The ultimate prize is when she allows me to see her naked. I will be in the bathroom and she showers, naked and kneeling. She will tell me to get the towel and hold it out.

Usually she makes me shut my eyes. But if I've been VERY GOOD she will let me see.

Her body is perfection!



haha ok that's enough back to bed little troll

They do not know. I hope.

She has denied me access to my social media account, changing all the passwords. If i ever attempt to leave our arrangement she will out me to my entire family and friends.

This is something I cannot allow. She has photos of my doing very humiliating things.

PLEASE END YOUR LIFE YOU PUTRID SCUM, jesus Christ niggers have more value than people like you and that's saying ALOT.

wanna pp me some money too? im a blonde girl

So just kill yourself.

I wouldn't waste my piss on this dumb broad

Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
I can take or leave it if I please
That game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card of some delay
So this is all I have to say
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
I can take or leave it if I please
The sword of time will pierce our skin
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works its way on in
The pain grows stronger, watch it burn
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please
A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
Is it to be or not to be
And I replied oh why ask me
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I...
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
I can take or leave it if I please
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And you can do the same thing if you please

It's funny that you guys think I'm joking.

She will send me snaps like this and I have 15 minutes to send her a $100 gift card.

Give me your full name.


I'm one of 6 other slaves she owns. I'm just the only one that lives near here so I have the honor of being at her disposal.

Here a snapchat video of hers.

The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
'Bout them raiding our pubs for no reason at all
Lining the customers up by the wall
Picking out people and knocking them down
Resisting arrest as they're kicked on the ground
Searching their houses and calling them queer
I don't believe that sort of thing happens here
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Pictures of naked young women are fun
In Titbits and Playboy, page three of The Sun
There's no nudes in Gay News our one magazine
But they still find excuses to call it obscene
Read how disgusting we are in the press
Telegraph, People and Sunday Express
Molesters of children, corruptors of youth
It's there in the paper, it must be the truth
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Don't try to kid us that if you're discreet
You're perfectly safe as you walk down the street
You don't have to mince or make bitchy remarks
To get beaten unconscious and left in the dark
I had a friend who was gentle and short
He was lonely one evening and went for a walk
Queer-bashers caught him and kicked in his teeth
He was only hospitalised for a week
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
So sit back and watch as they close all our clubs
Arrest us for meeting and raid all our pubs
Make sure your boyfriend's at least 21
So only your friends and your brothers get done
Lie to your workmates, lie to your folks
Put down the queens and tell anti-queer jokes
Gay Lib's ridiculous, join their laughter
'The buggers are legal now, what more are they after?'
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

Dude, you're fucking ridiculous. Give me her name.

Why so you can harass her?

If I did that she would literally end my life. Metaphorically and physically.

I do not disobey my owner, I do not betray her.

This is the gayest thing I've ever read. You need to purify yourself of this unspeakable faggotry. I recommend at least a decade in a monestary somewhere....anywhere.

How do you even get into a relationship like this?

Nice body but quite a dog face.

uh huh. ok...

Are you interested? My owner would be very pleased with me if I brought in a new piggy to join her pen.


She has the jawline of a man and she crops our her forehead because you could land a plane on that shit

fakee_sunshinee according to reverse image search.

Her name, now.



That's one ugly nigger too.

She's a dog too, face caked in makeup, crooked nose. Tyrone probably punched her in the face one too many times.

>fake blonde

No surprise she went black, she's what we would call a reject. Tainted goods.

No. I spend around the same amount per week on prostitutes. Not particularly into findom, though. Actually enjoy having sex. Am just curious how this sort of relationship even comes about.

inb4 single mother in debt with possible herpes



I messaged this person and am awaiting a response to clarify if this bullshit is truthful.

Is this supposed to have a point?

this is fucking canada tier bait, kill yourself

It's obviously not. He is using photos from her twitter.

But lets see her response.

She says she is a findom on her twitter page. Might very well be real.

OP seems to have run away. If it is indeed real he said she would end his life if he gave away her info.

I think we may have just ruined OP's life.

I also messaged her on kik, so now we play the waiting game.

its threads like these that make my shitty existence a little bit more bearable tbh

Tbh, he deserves it, anyone who has evolved to this level of cuck must be terminated.

If she killed him we did him a favor. Euthanasia is real sometimes.

This is why Germany should've won WWII.


Any update user?

I patiently await

Nope, not yet.

my girlfriend forced me into a cuckold relationship, forced me to eat cum from her pussy, and forced me to fluff her black bulls. after that came the sissification, she locked my little white dick up, threw away the key, and got me addicted to big black cock. she hasn't touched me in 4 years, and she hates white men, and especially white cocks. i couldn't be happier!


>things that happened.


The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
'Bout them raiding our pubs for no reason at all
Lining the customers up by the wall
Picking out people and knocking them down
Resisting arrest as they're kicked on the ground
Searching their houses and calling them queer
I don't believe that sort of thing happens here
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Pictures of naked young women are fun
In Titbits and Playboy, page three of The Sun
There's no nudes in Gay News our one magazine
But they still find excuses to call it obscene
Read how disgusting we are in the press
Telegraph, People and Sunday Express
Molesters of children, corruptors of youth
It's there in the paper, it must be the truth
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Don't try to kid us that if you're discreet
You're perfectly safe as you walk down the street
You don't have to mince or make bitchy remarks
To get beaten unconscious and left in the dark
I had a friend who was gentle and short
He was lonely one evening and went for a walk
Queer-bashers caught him and kicked in his teeth
He was only hospitalised for a week
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
So sit back and watch as they close all our clubs
Arrest us for meeting and raid all our pubs
Make sure your boyfriend's at least 21
So only your friends and your brothers get done
Lie to your workmates, lie to your folks
Put down the queens and tell anti-queer jokes
Gay Lib's ridiculous, join their laughter
'The buggers are legal now, what more are they after?'
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

yeahhhhh sure

She should Kik me arbordome

this is 100% america

I bet op is a hillary booster too.

UPDATE BOYS! she responded

So I was standing in a rather large line at my local Wal-Mart today behind a couple families that I know from when I went to church with my family in year younger. It was the only register open so there wasn't much of another option to get my 12 pack of Mountain Dew for a party I was heading to. I was wondering why the line was going nowhere when I decided to poke my head up front to see what the holdup was. It was a little old lady who didn't have enough for her groceries and she was trying to talk the cashier into letting her get away with being short. This struck me as odd until I found out she was a mere $0.21 short of her purchase. Now all these families were just staring and there was even two making fun of her. I walked up and handed my soda to the cashier, handed him a $5 and told her to keep the change. One of the middle aged women (I knew these people, so I also knew that they all make over 6 digits) grabbed her kid and yelled very loudly, "See that man? He's acting just like Jesus wants us to." For some reason this set me off, so I turned around. I haven't shaved in awhile so I'm rocking some nice scruff, a Slayer shirt, and gym shorts, so it must have been a nice sight. Very loudly, I said "Like Jesus? Ma'am I'm an atheist who makes minimum wage and I was the one who stepped up to help her? Your hypocritical Christianity is an inspiration to us all." As I stormed out, a couple of the cart boys started to whistle and cheer, soon shoppers joined in and even the cashier. I gave a wave and went off with a feeling of accomplishment.

Yeah, OP lied.

Silly troll.

chicks a nasty nigger fucker let her be a coal burner we white race doesn't need this cunt

well she does say she has slaves. i don't even understand how financial domination is a thing. how could anyone possibly be into that?

soon she'll be a single mother on welfare

She said she has no idea who this fag is though, I don't know.

it's called a hooker she'll end up found dead in a dumpster in no time


>His name isn't Tyrone

Possibly, but I can totally see how an attractive and enterprising girl could make a shit ton of money on this financial domination fetish/craze.



>Jamal, Tyrone, they are all the same

way she words it is just an escort nothing more nothing less

>tfw she's faking it
>OP's life is being ruined as we speak



>my boyfriend lives with me and my parents

God how pathetic


Why do you keep making these threads everyday? Quit pushing niggers with white women here it gets annoying seeing this shit daily.


But yet she probably calls him a "real man" despite him not being able to support her and himself. He freeloads off someone who is freeloading themselves. Its scum leading the scum.

Seriously. It's all the fucking time on Sup Forums. Some of it is just trolling, but other times it's people actually trying to fuck with your head. Like the JDL who are trying to actually get white people into cuck porn.

OP I share your fetish and want a hot white owner to punish me and bankrupt me so I can support her getting rammed by BBC. How did you find your owner? How can I find one too?

Escorting can be extremely profitable.

Lol just for the record, whites are better in every way.

Niggers are smelly and try to act tough, but they're worthless, God I love being white.

And that girl is a no one, nothing special about her and she fucks niggers so she's even worse.

Like we need to bring slavery back, it would keep the streets safer, the welfare and crime waaaaaaaaaay down and they would actually accomplish more then a free throw and a rap single and be fat

I looked through a few months of her pictures on twitter, she flashes cash stacks of 80,100,120, highest one I saw being like 160. Also shows off screenshots of amazon gift cards for like 25-50. Kek.

If that's extremely profitable then the escort business has taken a real downturn this quarter.