How do I get laid lol

How do I get laid lol

go to bar.
buy a beer.
pick a girl or guy you find attractive.
ask them about their favorite book
don't forget to nod while ignoring them droning on and on (fags drone about stupid boring shit just like women)
buy target drinks.
make funny comment.
buy more drinks.
invite home for "more drinks"
fuck target on couch. success.

Backpage or seeking arrangement



>ask about favorite book

What the fuck

Gotta start the convo somehow. Also, she'll think you're smarte than you really are.


you look cute af why you having problems

Only work out your forearms for the rest of your life.
Eat spinach.

You're obviously trying to show your arms off. Which I get. Work on them, its something girls look at. Mine suck. I'm strong but my arms are hardly defined.
Also just be nice. If that doesn't work don't get butthurt, girls are evil and like to put you in the friendzone. Then again don't get the mentality that they owe you if you're nice.
Also you need to make them laugh


Probably just socially retarded or something

Shit, I actually have to talk to them? This will be a problem

By putting on some muscle you little bitch

Well, you can begin by not ending unfunny/unironic sentences with "lol." It makes you look stupid. Seriously, I read your OP and immediately judged you as being less than intelligent. Conduct yourself with more care in terms of how you communicate - especially in writing, since many relationships nowadays begin via writing through texts and online messages.

Going off of this user- never start a relationship through any sort of text it's beta as fuck. Never done it in my life.

How to Get Laid- A Guide by Anonymous

>Step 1- Kill self
>Step 2- Get laid

>goes up to girl
>dial up connection noises
>girl freaks the fuck out
>go home and masturbate to recently harvested corn pictures

Fucking kek

come over plz

Me, cute af? Wow I seriously didn't know

Sure but ur a gril?

This beta has been posting on Sup Forums for a while. He's insecure as fuck

>never start a relationship through any sort of text

Well let's be fair - that's not always possible. I don't have the stats with me, but I'm pretty sure that a very large percentage of successful relationships nowadays begin online, whether it's through dating sites or online groups or whatever. Not everyone has their first communication/contact with their significant other in person anymore.

>How do I get laid lol

Hang out with chicks, make small talk, gain their trust, get them horizontal... away you go.

Ohhhhh fuck it's Brandon - didn't recognize this neurotic mess from the OP post.

Abandon thread - this kid is beyond help.

You're not. He lied.

Oh :/

I'm normal :(

I see

There is that. It's a miracle if that sort of thing lasts though, I could hardly handle my ex being on the other side of the city.
It's just in general better in person though

...this kind of shit is what makes you unattractive.

>Come to my house
>get laid

>fags drone about stupid boring shit just like women

You are FAR from normal, my friend. I've been watching your threads on and off for three years now. You're out of your goddamned mind.

I'm not talking about long distance relationships, per se. I'm talking about meeting someone local through a site where you can meet for coffee the next day or something like that.

Brandon will never get laid, he is destined to be just a meme