Can any medfags tell what the fuck is up with my scalp?

Can any medfags tell what the fuck is up with my scalp?

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Does your scalp smell bad? Scratch it and smell your fingertips

no. also I've got dandruff like a motherfucker

tinea capitis
head fungus for the lay man

Yeah I know exactly what's wrong. You have no idea how to properly use clippers, that's why your hair is all fucked up. Also you probably have ringworm from using dirty fucking clippers.

Not op, my scalp smells like cheese

probably dry skin? I dunno fucker

you have Head HIV which will soon develop into full-blown Head AIDS

probably live where there is hard water

the hard water gets into the hair follicles and blocks out moisture making your scalp dry

I think you should switch your shampoo, maybe something with medical benefits (antibiotic/anti fungal)

looks like psoriasis to me bro

had the exact same problem OP. use mentol shampoo. shit burns at first and is very strong but after about a month of using it it resets your PH balance or some shit.

It works. Or maybe it just worked for me, I dont know.

seborrheic dermatitis - look it up

It never goes away, just deal with it

Regular showers + antidandruff shampoo help

Again, it is a condition - sun helps if you shave your head but there is no cure, only alleviation

its a botfly OP

looks like you were drunk when you shaved your head

Polly something like a yeast infection, do you work somewhere where you wear a hat all day and you sweat on your head? Happened to me, get some strong anti dandruff shampoo and wash your scalp. Cleared mine up in about a week

You've not used the clippers well fag



Its probably not ringworm. Its probably from a rough head shave. Shaving your head will help if its some medical problem, but if you really feel worried, see a minute clinic.

Dissecting Cellulitis

eczema, no cure, the sun helps and so does humidity. its life long, i have it, it sucks. get anti fungal meds if you can afford it

im drunk

I have the same thing, look up sebboheric dermatitis, a lot of dandruff and itchy scabs like that, very common and is unfortunately chronic

buy some selsun blue, it has salicylic acid, it will kill that fungus on your scalp.

worked in a kitchen that had no ac, temp would get over 100 humid as fuck, got a fungal infection like that, used the blue, after a week it was gone.

Stop sleeping on pavement

OP here

Think I'll give the menthol shampoo a try.

you're right. water here sucks

Well that sucks.

It also happens after I grow out my beard for a while.

Op get yourself some nizoral shampoo. Problem solved. Fuck that shit poo selsun/headnshoulder shit

If you treat it as dermatitis and nothing is working, you may have plaque psoriasis. It's chronic and a bitch to deal with but its treatable

All I see is statue of liberty


It's fungal op get nizoral

Not a medafag, but I get the same thing a lot. It's seborrheic dermatitis. I use clinical strength head and shoulders to fight it. But that isn't a cure. Youre digesting too many processed sugars and fats. If you stop drinking soda and alcohol, along with eating more salad and natural shit it'll clear up within two to 3 weeks.


Okay. I'll try this first I guess.

Goodnight everyone. Appreciate the help :)

SeeI have the same thing and it fucking sucks, don't be afraid of having a biopsy done so you know how to treat it. Psoriasis is annoying af if you let it get out of control.


Bruh, read my post , it's a newly widespread ailment due to our nation's Inability to make normal fucking food anymore.

Seb-Derm fag here. Been to every derm and used every product. Shit isn't cash. Finally figured out how to control it. Basically you have an overproduction of yeast, which every has but we have it at holyfuck.jpeg levels. The only thing that will keep your life at a sane level is to use regular old Head & Shoulders. Every. Single. Day. Twice a day. Shampoo your beard, your eybrows, ears, wherever your areas are. You have to keep oil from accumulating. It sounds like you're drying out your skin by doing this, but in reality, you're keeping the yeast from having food and running rampant.

It's psoriasis. Keep your scalp clean and moisturized and it should go away. If it doesn't, you can get lotions for it at any drug store. If it still doesn't go away there are prescription things you can get.

Also, shaving your head like that can irritate it and make it break out more.

Jesus christ, all you fuckers with your topical treatments and shit read my fucking post. Those are bandaid for the underlining issue which is a bad diet. If you understand logic you'll understand what it's from.

See my response

eczema or seborrheic dermatitis - basically the same thing. Try Neutrogena T Gel shampoo - smells like shit but helps.

cant unsee

you really think op would fuck anyone

You have head AIDS. You're a goner. Sorry, bro.

John Q, is that you?

Shavingredients your head can subsequently be followed by a red rash that should go away in a couple days


I have this, it's seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Looks like it might be acne...also if you can't use clippers properly, have someone else do it ffs

It's because your diet advice is fucking new agey bullshit faggot, gtfo here with that avocado wolfe shit.

truth right here. people would be a lot better off if they thought of food as medicine.

Fuck off samefag. No one gives a fuck about your diet advice.

Ebola. Prepare to die.

>Also, shaving your head like that can irritate it and make it break out more.
I thought shaving your head was good for psoriasis kek

u have dandruff its a fungus


Dermitits and ringworm

I get a red blotchy scalp after a warm shower. I put lotion on my head and it goes away for the day. But always comes back after a warm shower.

use conditioner after shampoo (or soap whatever cunt) it balances out the ph acidity on your scalp that is causing that

t. self

try airrate ur head and shit if u wear heavy beanies or balaclavas and shit and keep ur scalp clean (use conditioner after, balances acidic ph back to neutral, fixes)

seborreic dermatitis. or seborreic exzema.
you should use an intifungal shampoo twice a week.
fungoral is very good in my opinion.

BARBER here. 100% fungal. Get a anti fungal shampoo. Will clear up in 2-3 day. Use daily and leave on for 5-10 min before rinsing. See it all the time. Probably got it from a chop shop that doesn't clean their combs in barbicide solution after each cut.


it's autoimmune so pretty much nothing you can do except treat the symptoms and stay the fuck away from sugar and wheat. This means that from now on you should be on a gluten free diet.

nerve gas

thats actually psoriasis not sebhorratic dermatitis

this, just use head n shoulders, or get some OTC antifungal creme (look at the bottom left spot, its a dead giveaway)

Shave your head. Coconut Oil

Like with a clean brand new shaving razor.

>Wash your scalp with a good cleansing soap to remove oil and sebaceous residue.
>lather up with some barbasol sensitive shave cream.
>gently shave with the grain using only the lightest pressure
>get a dab of the coconut oil and work it into your hands so it melts and apply to your scalp

Keep your scalp moisturized with coconut oil. Skip shaving again until irritation from the last shave is gone. When you can shave again do it.

Pretty soon you'll be able to shave every day.

My boyfriend had the WORST case of dandruff and dermatitis. After a month of shaving it was cleared up big time. After two months his scalp is gorgeous. He even let his hair grow out being lazy for a year and it never came back.

After his success a couple mutual friends with bad dandruff tried it too and their scalps cleared right up as well.


Could easily be seborrheic dermatitis or eczema or psoriasis - none of which are fungal. You can't make that "100%" claim - you;re a fucking barber and you saw a picture. Fuck off.

look at the bilateral symmetry of the lesions, dead giveaway for autoimmune

Doctor here, you have no hair.

Looks like you really fucked up shaving your head

Your wrong. I'm right go to bed

Actually it's definitely psoriasis the other two look slightly different. Eczema is flakier and dermatitis is yellowy. I'm not a barber but I have psoriasis.

Try changing your bed linen more often, buddy of mine had a bout of depression and let his personal hygiene go, he got a lot of rashes and such because he didn't bother washing and changing his bed linen for like four months!

what lesions? all i see is mild inflammation


head and shoulders for a few weeks. let it soak a bit before you wash it off.

actually dandruff shampoos kick ass for all sorts of skin conditions. use em as soap and see improvement in a couple of weeks.

Whelp, I'm convinced. G'night.

thats because a lot of skin conditions are tied to fungal infection, tinea is a bitch, jock itch, athletes foot, ringworm, all same shit but easily fixed