/shugazi/ Winter Week of Listenalongs: Day 2

Today's album(s): Siesta on Sunday - Straydays e.p. & Candy Claws - Warm Forever

We're starting at 4PM and ending at after 7PM. ALL TIMES ARE EST. The album(s) will be played at every change of the hour.



yo yo yo what's good

Today's EPs are probably way better than any of the other ones on the list imo

i wasn't able to do it yesterday but I'm here today

how was the turnout then?

Initially, 5 or so people came in, but as the event trailed on, less people showed up and by the end it was only me and one other person.

man where is shugazi

We'll be starting in about 5 minutes

vocaloid is for patricians


can't make it today but I should be free tomorrow

>tfw there's another Sup Forums listenalong happening at the same exact time

will people still come

only good ones are chapterhouse and ride

is this the actual /shugazi/ thread or is it just for the listenalong

Pffffft. Curve - Frozen is god tier.

chapterhouse fucking sucks pal

sorry your opinion is retarded


