Any other punks on Sup Forums?

Any other punks on Sup Forums?

*fashion punks

OP here, I don' do the skinny jeans and hair dye thing. I just love the music. I make fun of the ones who dress like in the pic. Punk is a mentality, not a fashion trend. Die for DIY


Implies that you believe the cunts in that picture to be punks?

Also, no
If you believe yourself to be "punk" then you're doing the whole punk thing wrong

>labeling yourself

Well, they're an Austin based band. So, yes? Either way, are you into the music, or not?

I love punk. Im not a punk tho, cuz punk is fuckin dead. The kids that still dress up are fuckin gay too

If you think Green Day is "punk", you're a tool.

Brighton pier is pretty rad, I wonder if they traded in their tickets for a mug or a plush toy?

That went out the window decades ago, dude. Get over that bullshit.

Dude! where is that arcade that has those three star trek pins?? thats awesome

So do these guys look like this all the time... is this like a dress-up thing?

Back in my day, punks had no problem wearing swastika T-shirts and pissing people off. These days, it's just a skinny-jeaned fashion trend for latch-key kids who's parents pampered them too much and turned them into fags.

Lol, no it didn't really.
Although I'm not the sort of person that likes to define music by genre, "punk" is an aesthetic that died before the mainstream media got hold of it. All the '76 bands were major label jockeys, it's only really a handful of hardcore bands that were actually punk and by the mid 80s most of them were in bands defining new genres.
2016 has no place for hellcat records or rancid knockoffs...
But then 1996 didn't either

Its like you dress with music
Still fasion punk
You aint no idea

Nah, not exactly. Some people gear up fully, some don't. I'm just the jeans/shirt kinda guy, personally. A couple hoodies with back patches, handful of tees. Some want the attention when they walk down the street. Some just wanna rep a cool band with the shirt alone.

You're a faggot

punk in 2016

kys dumb faggot

We both have something in common. We've both been inside your mom.

Die in a fucking hole you massive faggot

Best "punk" movie?

I say Gummo

Also, you're a faggot.

Hasn't everybody?


Terror Firmer

That dedicated to being part of a movement or clique, that you spend your time watching movies about it and doing research...

OP here. This was the first time I've been on Sup Forums in about 4 years. Only thing that's changed is the porn has gotten worse. With that being said, keep bringing on the hate. I know this site is mostly therapy for y'all.

You say y'all, but I'm pretty much the only person whose replied to anything dude...

>slc punk

Terror Firmer was a Troma film, dude.

Fuck Kauffman, I hated Troma and its narcissistic faggot inspired comedy shock horror thing.
And anyway, Craig, you should be working or looking after your kid

Punk cock in Fred.

This explains everything. No wonder you sit in the glory hole piping old men and trannys.

Any other punks on Sup Forums?
>Any other *cliché's on Sup Forums?

Fixed it for you OP

How can one sit
The glory hole?