H-h-hello, user

H-h-hello, user.

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Who is this semen demon?

How's it going?


J-j-jello, Dannon.

I would totally date a girl like that

jesus christ
just take my sides and leave

let's be honest, user, you'd date anything with a pulse at this point

Actually yes :(
I have been lonely for so long that I would date the first girl that gives attention to me, but I'm ugly amd fat, so no girl would ever want me
I'm planning on an hero if I don't find anyone for next year

I've been expecting you.


Is she still making asmr videos?

Give us sauce user

She looks like she believes in 40 genders unironically



some girls can look past outward appearances, albeit pretty rare
luckily the internet is full of rare types of people
why do you place so much emphasis on having someone in your life? that seems like a not-so-good thing to be doing, user



Arigato user kun

Should domestic ownership of genetically modified cat girls be legal?

Idk, I just always dreamt about having someone who loves me, and for us to take care of each other, I dreamt about then forming a family, having children, it was like my life dream, to find love and form a family, then reality hited me hard, and I realized that I will die alone, and that no one would actually care about me, it's just hard idk

I'm fucking dying.

hello retard

well, it's not too late to change these things
reality is really what you make of it, silly
that's a nice dream, but it can become a reality if you're willing to put the work in, which is usually the hardest part

Do you want some water, user? We can share.

While the daily recommended amount of water is eight cups per day, not all of this water must be consumed in the liquid form. Nearly every food or drink item provides some water to the body.

By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount.

I try to change, I'm going to the gym to lose weight, I go out more, but things don't change, I'm a total retard when it comes to flirting, and girls just end up being friends, I guess that I was bound to be alone idk

you say you don't know a lot
maybe it's time to sit down and think about things fully, come to some conclusions based in fact rather than emotions
being so down on yourself is a turnoff, firstly, and not conductive to good health

I want those lips around my dick tbh

this thread fucking stinks of CIs scum.

community legal services? how rude!
i'll have you know i have never worked for the community and don't intend to in the future

Then what should I do?
I could change my personality, but it wouldn't be me, is it better to be fake?
At this point I honestly don't know
I really think I should just give up


literally visual summarizes all littlegirlposting across all boards smh


holy fuck this chick is batshit crazy


Commonwealth of Independent States?

it's user-kun, you fucking gaijin.

Imagine how she moans

You're face is like the perfect canvas for my load of cum.
If you don't live too far, may I?

everyone is different, silly!
i personally love changing my personality, always tweaking it and honing it until i feel it's good in a particular area and moving to the next
sometimes it's best to "fake it 'til you make it" as some would say, but the decision ultimately comes down to you
just know that giving up is the only surefire way to fail at anything in life
i wish i were more motivational, but it all comes down to how much you want it and how you will go about getting it

Liek this.


The thing is that I have tried really hard, but still nothing, maybe I wasn't born to be with someone idk, I'll honestly rather die than keep being alone

Damn she really is crazy, and I love it

how old are you? and you either haven't tried hard enough or haven't tried doing the right things
it is hard, very hard depending on how long you were out of the socialization game, but once you get the hang of it you'll be golden
thread's gonna 404 soon though


holy fuck that seriously goes on for 12 minutes. how is this bitch not locked up in a psych ward. her talking voice is so annoying too. pretending shes 12. mustve been raped by her whole family as a kid

You don't know the half of it.

She thinks she is a "Crystal/Violet Child." Basically Aliuems from another dimension sent to earth to teach humans to love and tolerate the shit out of each other.

fairy child VISUAL ASMR (ft. crafts & magic potion)

this video will help wake up your innerchild to increase your happiness and silliness ^_^ I hope I reminded you to play and have fun !

that looks pretty cool actually

I'm 21, kissless Virgin :(
But people actually gets surprised that I'm virgin, they say I don't look like one so I don't fucking know


this is what happens when undiagnosed psychosies are allowed to run rampant. this chick needs anti psychotics. guarantee shes bipolar too. most chicks like this have severe mood swings all over the fucking map. have known quite a few and theyre all violent/self destructive when they arnt talking in a baby voice telling you how great the world is

Indigo, Crystal And Rainbow Children
angeltherapy.com/blog/indigo-crystal-and-rainbow-childrenMany of the Indigo

Meet the Rainbow Children! They are the embodiment of our divinity and the example of our potential. The Rainbow Children have never lived on this planet before, and they’re going straight to the Crystal Children as their moms and dads. These children are entirely fearless of everybody. They’re little avatars who are all about service. These are children who are only here to give—Rainbow Children are already at their spiritual peak.

The first thing that most people notice about them is their eyes—large, penetrating and wise beyond their years. The Crystal Children’s eyes lock on and hypnotize you, while you realize your soul is being laid bare for these children to see. Perhaps you've noticed this special new "breed" of children rapidly populating our planet. They are happy, delightful and forgiving. This generation of new lightworkers, roughly ages 0 through 7, are like no previous generation. Ideal in many ways, Crystal Children are the pointers for where humanity is headed . . . and it's a good direction!

Children are clairvoyant. The Crystal Children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multicolors in pastel hues. This generation also shows a fascination for crystals and rocks. The Rainbow Children radiate rainbow energy, the kind that we were created with, to instill within us health and balance.

Fuck crazy girls turns me on so fucking bad, I have the biggest boner right now

i love asmr ty for the link, i will give her another follow

This is my favorite of hers.

angel voices~*ASMR (singing harmonies, repetitive, meditation)

It gets really meditative a minute or so in.

nigga, you're not even 1/3 done with life and you're giving up?
pay a hooker if virginity matters that much to you
you'll find out that sex is overrated as fuck and is not something healthy to obsess over
women are total sluts anyway; all it really takes to unlock their vagina is the right combination of words
getting out there is a hard thing to do though, especially nowadays
wish i could help you there

checking out now ty

You're going to kill yourself at age 21 for being a virgin?

Generation Z was a mistake.

Nigga, I'm in my mid twenties and I'm still a virgin. You don't see me wanting to kill myself over my virginity.

I want to kill myself for being a worthless NEET but that's different story.

I don't care about my virginity, I care about being unwanted, and not having anyone who cares about me, that's the problem

It's actually 2 minutes, not 1. She over lays her humming over multiple rhythms.

this. this is the words. the words of correct ness

hi. 30+ year old user here. dont feel bad. your generation has it worse than any before you. dating has gotten so screwed up in america its a fucking joke. trying to get laid shouldnt be as hard as it is now, but thanks to women empowerment, women now have an overinflated sense of self worth making themselves 100x harder to approach

I want you, user-kun.

I just realized she wears a neck collar / think necklace in every video. Her collars usually has something for a lease to connect to.

What did she mean by this?

I wish :(

you said you had friends before
friends care about you
unless you mean romantically, which is a different story
learning to care for yourself is a step you should go through before anything else
"love yourself before you love others" is a pretty good saying overall
if you don't love yourself before you love others, you will either grow too dependent on them or you will never know when enough love is enough
either way, it will end poorly for everyone involved
learning to not be so harsh on yourself is a good step on this path, and remember that nobody, including you, knows what the future will hold

Yes I was referring to it romantically
And how do I learn to love myself?


becoming (more) self-sufficient is a good start, but it really depends on your particular mental blocks and hang-ups, unfortunately
i could tell you what works for me, but that may well just be a load of steaming garbage to you
the sad truth is that there is no clear-cut answer to this, or to many "deep" personal journeys in life like this one
being okay with who you are is the goal, though...the rest is up to you, i'm afraid
i wish you luck, user

Thanks user

Stayed on this thread for your advices, it was interesting