Only gay butts allowed

only gay butts allowed

Yes pls

Im your biggest fan!


The ride never ends


my butt is str8 tho

looks like it's a gay butt now

Does anyone have this pic? I'd be so greatful~


cant prove

I wanna take you to a gay butt
I wanna take you to a gay butt
I wanna take you to a gay butt
Gay butt, gay butt, gay butt


I can definitely get behind that, pun intended

it came in as a straight butt, but it's leaving as a gay butt

you're all fucking sinners

shit ass dicks
shit ass dicks
shit ass dicks

what's this about cumming in straight butts


all the butts that enter here come out as gay butts

cumming in straight butts, sounds like a good idea!



oh um..."its only gay if balls touch?



what if im gay but my butt isnt
no its only gay if you be a faggot about it

post some zootopia


well then your dick or mouth are gay, and that's acceptable

What if i wanna get fucked in the butt but dont wanna fuck any butts?

Luckily, I don`t own a motorcycle so I guess I`m safe.


i think my ass is gay too but idk i dont wana tell him and make it awkward you know?
i like spending time with my ass
whoa whoa
shit ass dicks
yo yo
shit ass dicks

im a rapper

post some zootopia butts pls >:3


>whoa whoa
>shit ass dicks
>yo yo
>shit ass dicks
shits thight yo

thanks man. wana buy my mixtape?


you'll just have to introduce your butt to your other gay body parts, and see if they kick it off.

but my dick isn't that long i cant do that

Embrace your gay ass. He needs the support.

im tryna help him out that's why i bought him a present but its not here yet

you'll just have to introduce him to your gay fingers then, or maybe some other gay dicks


i have but he still says he's not gay but we all know he is
ay faget

you're yuck

suh dude

Eeeh.. no thx.. but I`ll suck your dick though

i'm yum

Can a dick be gay?

whats so yuck about things going in butts?

you'll just need to get drunk with him and "experiment". just tell him it's not gay if there isn't full penetration

i never said that was yuck

waiting on dope shit in the mail
but he likes it deep

nice, nice
i'm getting an eighth in the morning

What good are you for then?!

well what is yuck?

then when you get full penetration, then you know that he is gay

a lot of things that aren't necessarily related to the situation at hand

300 dolla dragon dicks homie
i just have standards is all
ill ask chance

hopefully your yuck gets better

aw shit nigga hype
maybe if i can improve my winrate in WC3 ladder

oh my

best color too
call the cops they cant un-prank you

wow that's real deep just to find out

I believe in you

I accidently found it

very pretty
i also like the midget PS in there
i just have to start getting better


we will know for sure
yea man its gonna be like putting magic in butt

and the elf man is protecting my privacy
also i wana play my warrior i boosted cos it has best name


>world of warcraft retail
>in current_year

Are you paying 165 dollars for a plastic horse cock?

oh no, I'm out of coffee

I still believe in you

tell me how it goes when you find out

be more cynical because blizard touched you pls
im over here making stacks boosting rbgs and being hyped but not too hyped for legion
even if its kinda shit we got a lot of people coming back. have missed them.
closer to 300 with import charges
i will doccument it some time :^)


blizurd tooched my nono bits :'(
and if it works for you mate. nice transmog btw, i love it

wod was fun for one month

>closer to 300 with import charges
I mean... why would you even.. Ugh, don`t mind me.

make sure you keep accurate records


yea man got that comfy wrath mog but with new shiny elite weapons
retail is still aight if you are in like.. a community of players.
the eu pvp scene can be comfy af
i hated it from the start
the most fun i had was very recently when a bunch of people came back in preperation for legion
because i want a really nice and unique dildo in the shape of a horse cock?
idk tho its lewd


yeah, but lewd is good

is it

well that's my problem, i'm not in a community and NA pvp is shit

ya, lewd is the best

yea a lot of the players are faggots but play enough and you get some chill ass niggas

i wouldnt know im not lewd

i'm not gonna renew my sub anyways, legion is probably going to fail just like WoD did

you're one great big pile of lewd

nothing can be as bad as wod
even if legion isn't great it will be way more playable than wod
am i the lewdest faggot?

well, i'll be looking at it anyways

no, but you can be the #2 lewd faggot

so watchu playin
i think im the lewdest, though.

maybe when you have your giant horse dick

I've just gone back to playing Warcraft 3 as my main game again. Hopefully Blizzard patches bnet for it like they did with Brood War a few days ago with fixing their forced delay of 250ms and removing the many maphackers from Ladder so I can stop playing on third party servers

im already the lewdest
i bet you don't even do any lewd shit
do something lewd or you arent lewdest
ew forced delay of 250ms?

because in 2005 it was "revolutionary" because the majority of internet users back then didn't have good internet and it was "unfair".
the only alternatives is w3arena (which has veteran players that stomp me every game) or Netease which has great features and a "level 50" ranked system but it's hosted in China and I have to use a VPN to get a good connection to it which is surprisingly better than bnets 250ms

i havent touched wc in so long

I'm visiting family, what kind of lewd shit am I supposed to do

checkmate athiests

neither did I until a month ago and now I've just been living the life playing wc3 again, especially now that people are starting to play again

well then I guess for now, your the lewdest


good shit nigga
i am always the lewdest