B, what's wrong with my tongue?

B, what's wrong with my tongue?



congrats, you have dubs, and syphallus

Sucked too much cock, OP

Another angle


You have a zit on your tongue. Pop it and the bacteria will spread creating more zits.

How does it feel to be fucked?

Bad :(

For background, I had a tongue piercing there. Thought it was just some kind of weird reaction, finally realized something was fucky. Just took out piercing and took pics.

It's attached to you

Piercing. kys fag

This man can see ahead
> had a tongue piercing

Yer a lizard 'arry

>had a tongue piercing

It's either an infection (which it doesn't really look like it)
or its keloid scarring.

if its tender and hurts when you poke it its probably infected, either use a warm salt water wash every day or go to the doctor

if it doesnt hurt its probably keloid scarring, which might fix itself, might be there untill you get it removed permanently.

You're supposed to clean pierced body parts every now and then or that sort of thing happens.


It doesn't hurt at all. I don't really want to poke it, but when I feel it with my teeth or lips, it almost feels like a tiny balloon.

Glad to know it's likely not infected, was reading about how tongue abscesses can lead to death. Going to the doctors in the morning to have it checked regardless.

> had a tongue piercing.
HTR side-effect

I'm thinking its keloid scarring.
just a simple overgrowth of scar tissue (especially since its in the same spot as your piercing was) they're not harmful at all and can be removed if you want them removed.

also googling anything is a sure fire way to scare the shit out of yourself, abscesses are often very painful and discolored.

Going to the doctor is still a really good idea because it is your fucking mouth and who knows hahaha.

I think it's likely keloid scarring as well, and after searching it up I'm nearly sure that's what it is.

After a few months of getting my piercing I began to get terrible abscesses on random parts of my body; stomach, legs, pubes, chin, etc. Thought it might have been because an infection in my tongue got into my blood stream and would soon cause brain abscesses and lead to death..

Again, likely not the case, but that's why I was so freaked out at first.


woah what, if you're getting recurring abscesses definitely let your doctor know.

Not saying you should be scared shitless, but thats something that needs to get looked at.

definately go to the doctor tomorrow, let him know everything.

whatever it is, you can just go to the doctor and he will burn it away.
Tell us how your own tongue tastes like later

It started around march, and happened every 2 weeks or so after the first one. They found MRSA in the first abscess since they took a sample, just drained the second, and by the third one told me to just drain them on my own. They got less and less bad as time went on, but yeah, kinda freaks me out.

If they say it's just scarring, I likely won't be able to get it removed. I currently don't have health insurance, first time in my life, and don't have a lot of money to spend on getting it removed. Perfect timing..

You got the herp from licking too much butthole


aids cancer

Have you had sexual relations with Hillary?

syphalis :( sry bro

Not trying to scare you but looks like cancer. Get to a doctor fast, if this goes to Stage 4, prognosis isn't good. Usually can treat with chemo.

its herpes