Post your rare pepes

Post your rare pepes

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pepe here

heres your damn pepe











you say that, im holding out on you bitches ;) I have a higher res version im keeping to myself

Who the fuck makes all these things?



>being this new

Tradesman here.

Alright who wants to trade some pepes?


im ready

I've been here for 6+ years. I just don't know if there are tons of people making these things, or if they all come from one or two basement dwellers.


i want to trade this sad dancing pepe for a happy dancing pepe

That seems like a lvl.5 ppw pepe

How about a lvl.5 cam whore pepe for it?

Need sauce for obvious reasons

This is my favorite pepe ever. Thank you so much.

here is: The Chosen Pepe

Tradesman here.

Hmm alright but the happy dancing pepe is rarer that the lvl.6 sad one so you'll have to trade a lvl.1 pepe as well to make it even


Tradesman here.

Ohh the lvl.7 neopepe, havent seen that one in a bit... how does a lvl.7 deep pepe sound?

Would you accept this one?

mosaic pepe?

Tradesman here.

thats a lvl.2 pepe but they dont really differ much from eachother much so its fine....heres your lvl.8 dancing smile pepe (its the closest i have to the same pepe smiling in my collection...i do have othe smiling pepes dancing if this one doesnt please you)

That's not verified. Stop trying to convince people to buy or trade this unsafe product, else the cyberpolice will have a lot of things to said about this.

keep em coming this is gold!
here's the readable version!

Tradesman here.

Its a lvl.5

Anyone have any rarer pepes? Ive seen most of these and have yet to see anything higher than a lvl.7 on this thread

unknown lvl


How about this?


You activated my trap card, pepe-san.


Tradesman here.

That one used to be a lvl.8 but its been over posted so now its a lvl.6 at best...though yours is higher quality than what is usually posted so ill bump it up to a lvl.7

Ill give you a lvl.8 "9 forms of REEEE" pepe for it...i feel generous


im gonna have to see a lvl 10 pepe

>not posting the best reeee



Sup Forums fucking sucks now.

And not in the "I MISS OLD Sup Forums WAHH" Its not that im sick of Sup Forums just that it's fucking cancer.

To start off, loli threads. Otherwise known as how to post pictures of children getting fucked without going to jail. Developed girls are one thing. But you're fucking disgusting, you pedophiles.

Rate My Cock threads. Literally cancer, get the fuck out.

Trap threads. "It's not gay!" You're jacking off to someone with a dick getting fucked in the ass. That's gay.

YLYL Threads, more like the shittiest stolen screenshots of black twitter. Congrats.

Porn Webm threads. 1% fucking porn, 99% underage fuckboys and shitposters yelling "SAUCE".

Gore/rekt threads. Repost central. Oh shit, you said you can handle pictures of dead people! You're pretty fucking edgy, man. You're so much cooler than us. Just kidding. Fuck you.

Wincest/R34 threads. Put together because I don't know what's fucking worse. Jacking off to pictures of cartoon characters or pictures of porn with half-assed text boxes of "Gee golly big bro, your penis is in my vagina!" Fucking sad.

BBC threads. Because Sup Forums can never get enough of fucking cock in their life.

Feels threads. 33-year-old kissless virgin (OP) relates with 14-year-old depressed kiddies.

Dubs threads. WOW, there's a series of two identical numbers next to each other in a nine-number ID! Fucking groundbreaking.

Copypasta threads. Why do dumbasses even respond to obvious bullshit?

And one last thing, "Teens, fb fap, creep, what would you do, rate my gf, girls who are hot but hate personality, keep it legal." It's all the same pathetic crap. Either post CP or GTFO, you pussy edgelords.

TL;DR, Fuck you


this is a rare pepe thread, go cry somewhere else!

>nobody will care

Tradesman here.

Thats a lvl.1

Nice user ive only seen that one once before...forgot the name of it though but its a lvl.8 maybe lvl.9 now...ill trade a lvl.9 intense pepe for it
>pic related

For a sec i thought it was an originally made pepe, but then it loaded and i saw that its a simple shoop, still well made so its around lvl.6

That used to be a lvl.9 but now its a lvl.8 due to me seeing it often and the quality of pepes has grown latley...ill tade with you in a new post

Thats a lvl.7 pepe... it used to be a lvl.6 because it was posted all the time but i dont see it as often now

I would like to see one of your level 10s
>best in thread so far

Tradesman here

Alright ill give you a lvl.8 misprint glow pepe (it also used to be a lvl.9)

I just want to see a lvl 10 tbqh

here's a pepe to introduce yourself with next time, have anything equal in exchange?

What lv is this one?

Does this looks like an unsafe pepe to you?


Tradesman here.

Thats a verrry nice pepe you have there, i love the feel of it and am surprised i havent seen it before...ill trade you a lvl.10 ratro pepe for it since they both well made artsy peices...

this one has been posted recently so if you're not pleased ill send you a lvl.10 pepecaso pepe as a counter trade


Giving away this pepe



Lol thats the pepe i use to identify myself...along with my certified pepe tradind ID (incase anyone is worried if im actually qualified to trade high priced pepes)

>pic related...theres actually a funny story behind it

tbh i did acquire that one recently. If you don't want to show another 10 i understand but i'd appreciate it heres an average pepe for a tip


tradesman here.

Thats a lvl.7 emoji pepe you wanna trade for it or did you just want the lvl?

Also if you anons haven't noticed, most pepes are in the lvl.7 range because thats the lvl a medium amount of effort gets you and most pepes have a medium amount of effort put into them

>oh and i forgot to put "Tradesman here." At the top of this one to show that its me...vvv

id like to trade for it

Tradesman here.

Its fine. I need to reorganize my lvl. Folders anyway...they're out dated heres the lvl.10 pepecaso pepe i told you id my eyes itll alway stay a lvl.10 just for its beauty and effort


What can you give me for this?


Tradesman here.

Here is a lvl.9 book pepe

I gave you one a few lvls higher for those amazing quads

rate my pepe plz

Thank you ^^


What about the anime pepes?

can i give you 100 meme bucks for a lvl 8?

Tradesman here.

Its a lvl.5 hyropepe...ill give you a lvl.5 caveman pepe since it fits the ancient theme of yours

Thats a lvl.6 pepe ill tade you next then im gonna sleep

Tradesman here.
There automatically put into the cancer folder.

Never say meme bucks again you cancer toad


get on my level

as they should be

Tradesman here.

Alright ill give you a lvl.6 pepe for it...theyre nearly identical

I like anime pepes...being an old fag, i actually like anime (this site was made because of a manga)

I dont sell or buy pepes, i trade them srry user

lvl 9

Name your price.

is this a good pepe?

thanks for the pepes, fools. next time encrypt your ptc (pepetecoin) trades if you dont want cybertheifs like me cashing in on your rare goods.

Tradesman here.

This post is an impostor...this is me
unlike the normie trying to be me, i dont say i hate something just cause its a meme to say it...if you dont like anime then you probably dont like if thats the case, then why are you on this site? Because everyone else is doing it? Follower...

I am a pepecrafter
I made some pepes

nice resulution did you capture it with a calculator? :P

Tradesman here.

Alright anons im closing yp shop for today...if you have anymore pepes you think are lvl.9, 10 or higher (lvl.11 which arr pepes youve made youself or havent been posted anywhere on the web yet), email me at
pepe.tradesman@ gmail
