H-hello Anonymous! Do you need anything t-this morning?

H-hello Anonymous! Do you need anything t-this morning?

A loving hand? Some kind w-words?
Advice on your m-medication?

I'm here for you Anonymous. Don't suffer in silence.

have a bump, lady

F-for you.

Boderliner here. I think I'm gay

N-nothing wrong with that. *hugs*

N-no need for help, Anonymous?

what happened to the other psychologist?

Probably too early senpai~
Anyway, have a bump and i'm off to school.
Have a nice day, Alice.

I am t-the psychologist.

A friendly reminder that psychologists are for cumming inside of.

How do I hide a 6ft bag without access to a car

You know they'd rather ask me for help, you're getting waaaaaaay to old for their taste!

Here i am user

You as w-well.

Meditative bump

I recommend uber.

I d-don't know what that means.

Still hate you, Avatarfag. Go die of tetanus from a rusty nail, please!

Looks like it's back to training with you, then!

I have a problem....
My fetish is watching younger vids with women and fantasising with them about what we'd do with the girls in the videos.

What should I do?

What is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. Apparently I am dual diagnosis.

*gently kisses the top of your head* I l-love you too, Anonymous.

What would you tell a patient the bilogical elimination time (ie half life) for a drug such as Lexapro is? I mean would you tell a patient that if they tried Lexapro on a Friday after work, and they didn't like the side effects, that it would be out of their system by Monday morning?

I seem to be devoting a sleep cycle where I only sleep every other day but for 16 hours.

What are the chances this is psychologically related and will this make me die earlier?

can i get some naughty pictures? would make me feel better

Doctor is Lyrica good or should I go with Benzo?

N-no thank you.

Both are criminal terms, not medical one. You can't be "diagnosed" as one.

Escitalopram has a half life of about 30 hours, so three days sounds reasonable. However, given the huge chance of discontinuation syndrome, I would NEVER recommend they "stop trying" because they "didn't like the side effects".

They should be slowly titrated down over the course of a week.

ok well I'm not sure if any of you are real but can a man still be brave if he's afraid?

My parents just died and I'm thinking of killing myself. What do

The chance this will make you die earlier: 100%

The chance it is psychologically related: 30%

I'm not a doctor, but for which condition?

Remove what's inside fold it and put it in the trunk , ezy.

Everyone on this thread is joking but fuck it. My uncle had this dog a dalmation, I've knew this dog my entire life it's older than me FFS and I just found out it died months ago. I feel shitty and can't do anything, what should I do?

I'm scared of getting into a relationship because I can't imagine getting close to a girl to the point she knows lots about me. Also I'm not rich and if I were to have a gf then I would like to buy her stuff, go out and, have a good life with her. What can you tell me?

My filenames are different, user. You're cuto though~
Basically, psychopaths don't understand how feelings and emotions work, sociopatgs fo and take advantage of them.

Ha! Jokes on you! Have not yet showered today!


But seriously, you should consider my suggestions. And I DO really despise you. So your pseudo nice platitudes don't get to me.

He can be courageous.

Oh d-dear...oh I'm sorry Anonymous, I'm so so sorry...I would contact a grief specialist as quickly as you can.

That's a horrible fate thing to have happen...

*hugs tightly* My dog of 17 years died recently. The only thing you can do is let it hurt. Build a scrapbook with the photos you have, if you have any, remember the good times, and let it hurt.

That's not even a good layman definition.

Ok fuck it I'll say this here.I don't really feel like doing things, no goals or aspirations, don't feel anything,don't feel like waking up,suicidal thoughts,life is complete mess.

*smiles* As long as you hate me honestly, that's okay with me, Anonymous. Hate me, but hate me for the right reasons, not because of your misguided understanding of how Anonymous or Sup Forums works.

I was here before forced user; Sup Forums was built on our backs as much as yours, dear.

Plus, why would I care if you showered or not

But it's a simple definition, it works.

Why can't you imagine getting close to a girl? Why is the "girl" modifier so relevant?

Also my mind just constantly keeps babbling random shit which makes concentrating on things very hard.It keeps thinking about sex,my crush etc. Help me.Also my mind argues with itself.Its like it is split into two diff person

Would you call the suicidal thoughts intrusive? If so, I would highly recommend going to a doctor; it sounds like you have depression.

It's also not a medical one, so it...well, doesn't work.

That is definitely intrusive thoughts; you need to see a doctor, posthaste.

Why is there a reproducibility problem in psychology?

I would have to get intimate with a girl which is something I'm not used to. It's didn't than just a friend

I have thought about going to a doc but now idea how I'd even say anything.I can't open up to people.Can only talk to my mom without anxiety.

The same reason there is a reproducibility problem among inorganic chem graduate students.

Because most of the experiments published are case studies, not longitudinal ones.

Yes, but why can't you IMAGINE it. That's a MUCH higher barrier than simply "not used to".

All you have to say is everything you said to me; they'll take care of you, Anonymous. Don't suffer in silence.

Huh? You don't "try" antidepressants over a short period. The vast majority of them only take effect (insofar as you can call it that) after weeks to months of regular administration.

It also has no recreational uses, just sayin'. Unless you consider impotence a good time, I'm not judging.

Three weeks, generally. However, there are recreational usages, at least as an adjunct to amphetamines.

I need our feet in my face, can you help with that

I'm just bored

I know this is supposed to be helping people. However, this isn't ethical and if you know what you are doing you should also know why.

Swing and a miss. Not only could a better explanation have been found on Google, it could've been provided by a 3-year-old using crayons.

Thanks, doc.
Why do case studies get published if longitudinal ones are better?

Thanks user.You are doing god tier work btw.

W-why are you c-constantly stammering l-like that? I-is is supposed t-to b-be cute or s-something? Because it's a-annoying as f-f-fuck.

Why can't I find motivation to do even the simplest of tasks, like cleaning up after myself or going to the store? It's been a struggle to get anything done latenly...


I have high standards for girls, appearance wise so I personally don't think a pretty girl could be attracted to a weird person like myself

Is benadryl an effective replacement for friends?
Also, how are you?

News to me. How does it affect amphetamine use?

All I know is that every SSRI with royally fuck you over if you were planning to take any MDMA. The term "buzzkill" could not be more literal.

hi OP, i was recently diagnosed with adult adhd, and while it's great to finally understand why i am the way i am, i feel like the condition affects me even more now that it both has a name, and that i'm aware of it

is this confirmation bias or do you think i'm just better at recognising the symptoms now?

>Facebook images

Considering they're referring people to actual practitioners, I don't see the problem. If you actually swallow internet health advice uncritically, you're retarded anyway.

You said my thoughts exactly.

Good to hear; this thread probably isn't for you.

Because longitudinal ones cost lots of money and take tons of time, where as case studies are cheap and can be done much much easier.

Same as a chemist working on smaller reactions rather than a twenty step one. Case studies are used to direct further research and grant money, but often prove to be low quality and have little causality behind them.

But we need something to tell us what to look for, and case studies (while usually highly flawed) do help us do that.

I do what I can.

T-then feel free to click t-the little X in the upper right, my love.

You get motivation from DOING things, not the other way around. You need to complete something first.

What I recommend is breaking your tasks into little itty bitty pieces, and doing those tiny chunks to get motivation to do the larger ones, training yourself like that until you complete the whole project.

That doesn't make a lot of sense.

No, and quite fine

There's a thread up on Sup Forums right now speculating about whether or not Donald Trump is mentally ill.
Do you think he is?

You could add me on steam if you doubt that much of my authenticity, user.
And why else would i have this. Anyway, gotta run for school, bye now.

Italian quality memes.

Been to a shrink 3 times now.

No meds.

Off the charts deoression and anxiety and all the self tests i do online say i'm bi-polar af.

Raging alcoholic for 15 years and i quit yesterday.

Ive been doing all the exercises my shrink said (meditation, failed yoga attempts, found a hobby, started working out.)

I don't feel I'm getting any better and i hope a fucking plane flies into me pretty much every second of every day.

Is there anything else I can do to keeo from wanting to eat a bullet or just keep plugging along and hope it just goes away?

whats the best way to make homemade icecream? ive been losing a lot of money of late

I am leaving the company I worked for 2 months now

I'm stealing the 420€ phone I borrowed from them with me

Our contract stats I would have to pay them back 700€ from the hotel accommodation they covered in case I leave during the first 6 months

Heading back to my own country

Should I pay them back? Should I return the phone? Will I get caught?

I don't think anyone is qualified to say either way that isn't a legal medical doctor.

One should always confirm any information they get, no matter the quality or source.

But, yes, it's from Facebook. Woohoo! Tell me where I can get reaction images if not from FB or here.

>MDMA is so intense that an SSRI probably won't do anything but blunt the effect.

Haven't tried it for myself, but by any account I've read/heard, it will gut the "trip" completely. I think the SSRI at any therapeutic dose will competitively bind to the same receptors and prevent the MDMA from taking effect to begin with.

I do hate you for the right reasons. And you are the one that does not understand.

Long ago, Avatarfag, we took this site from the tyranny of usernames. And I was a hard and tedious battle, but we have won. You can't argue with that.
No more Tripcodes, no more Thread-ID's, you can't post the same picture multiple times anymore. All these things are in place to keep this place clean and pristine, as it is supposed to be.

Because you have your reddit usernames, your tumblr blogs and your Facebook walls. Forced Anonymity, well, the last site that has this, with a large user base is here.

And yes, I do remember Tripfags like you. I have been coming here as long as you have, and we have always hated you. Because you are the ones don't understand why this needs to be preserved.

So, every time I see somebody like you, that hatred of people like you comes up.

And that's why I don't report you. But I remind you, how much I still hate people like you. That still hold a grudge because they can't be better then their fellow men.

And that's where my hatred stems from.

Everyone seems to think it's normal that there are niggers walking around thinking they are independent. How do we fix that?

It sounds like you need, uh, medication. Why aren't you on any? Meditation and yoga are not the best options available here.

You should, you should, and yes.

That's not how SSRI's work; they don't bind to serotonin, they bind to the machinery that moves serotonin OUT of the synapse.

Alright everyone, I need to go off to work.
I'll see you all again at 8PM EST
If you need me personally, please send an email to loveoverwhelming@gmail,com

With all the love in my infinite heart,

>in therapy or on any medication now?
yes to both -- the therapy sort of helps, but it's less like someone giving me helpful advice on how to manage my condition, and more like someone telling me what i already know

the medication is good and bad -- good for concentration, but bad in that it makes me super talkative, makes my mouth dry and occasionally makes it difficult to sleep

i try to avoid taking it if i don't need it

not gonna tho lol

*laughs* You look at this twisted wreckage of a board, and you tell me you won

You should take it as prescribed; it isn't meant to be taken like that.


You could probably make a rather convincing case for narcissistic personality disorder...

You can create reaction images thread in this board you know that?

>T-then feel free to click t-the little X in the upper right, my love.
Will do. Freak.

Alright cool, now fuck off

Today I was supposed to have my first day at some workshop thingy. I'm unemployed since 2 years now and I'd have needed some work and getting my daily routine back and all.
Well, I went to it, but I quit after 2 hours.
I don't want to fold paper sheets or do other minor very repetitive work for 6+ hours a day for basically no payment.
And yeah, you heard right. Basically no payment. The workshop is some social thingy founded by the country and you don't even get any payment or even health insurance (which, in my country you have health insurance with every job, but this doesn't count as real job).
The only money I maybe could have gotten would be around 350 bucks/month as support from the state/welfare.
I'm not working for 350 bucks, which I'm not going to get myself anyways, since it'd pay food and other stuff (living with my parents).
I don't know what to do now.

Do you want to rp with me?

Been in therapy for 4 years now.
Diagnosed with social anxiety
I have gotten better, but I have zero motivation to do anything
I dropped out of Highschool and I would have to move to be able to afford a place on my own.

how do I get motivated? How do I stay motivated?

Yed please tell

To be more specific I meant motivation to find a job and actually start to move on with my life

I want to leave my shitty religion but since my family holds it so sacred, I can't.
It makes me so anxious to think about the future where I have to decide between them or myself.

I've also been depressed from seeing my baby cousin die from menegitis and the effects it had on my family.
Instead of thinking about the death and facing the fact that they wouldn't meet her again, they all decided to escape from reality with phrases like "we'll meet her again in heaven" and "god has a plan".

I can't stand it one bit. Any help?

Whats your religion user?

I bailed hard on Catholicism (went agnostic) after an entire lifetime in mass and Catholic school. Pissed my parents off but now it's sort of "don't talk about it and we'll leave it alone" situation.

It really is full of shit as the "Islamophobic bigots" say

Where is my Kermit?

Didn't see the death parts -- sorry to hear that. Honestly the "They're in a better place" bullshit damn near made me lose it during the funeral of the grandmere who raised me. I quietly said, "No, she's dead and go, not in a better place, and certainly not here where I want her."

And where do you live? Not the same to be a religious minority or the main religious cult of your homeland

With my family, I'm not exactly sure of the lengths they'd go to to keep me in Islam if I came out.
I do know that they would employ emotional blackmail at the very least, like all south asian families

Hang 'em obviously

Nigger, you are so fake.

You post this same bullshit all the time.

How about you bend over for daddy and we play ferris wheel?

Christianity / Islam / Judaism are all fucking stupid imo. Im denouncing your god, but the practices of them are stupid. Hell call yourself whatever, but fuck traditional religion. with the exception of the cool ones that are actually about peace like Taoism / Buddhism

Very tired and in bed.
what's up Ika?