TAKE THIS TEST. I'm curious to know what the personality type is for the majority of you

TAKE THIS TEST. I'm curious to know what the personality type is for the majority of you.

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Taken the test on 3 sites and got INFJ

The INFJ personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As Diplomats (NF), they have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is the accompanying Judging (J) trait – INFJs are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.




Now what?

used to be INTP


You've downgraded

There is no one on the planet who could ever hope to understand my personality type.



I'm retaking I don't think INFP is accurate

Intj n not that proud


INFP lads. It seems about right.

yeah sounds about right


Jesus Christ dude, guess modesty isn't one of their supposed traits

Carry on being awsome.
ENFP here.


The problem with this test is that someone might get different results each time, but they will still agree with what they got every time.


INFPs are the most likely to mistype and to doubt their type FYI. Dat Fi and Ne.


Yeah it's really easy to mistype with online testing due to your mood at the time and answering in a way you want to be rather than being honest with yourself.




Got INTP-T, read and thought it was bullshit. Second try got INTP-T.

INTJ, did it 2-3 years ago twice :))


I'm a bit confused, because as a Linguist and Historian I didn't expect this, however everything I read made perfect sense to me.


>female logician
I see the feminists have got to you too


I always seem to get INTJ on other various sites so I'm going to assume it is the same.

ISTP reporting in


I remember taking this test like 3 years ago and i was INTP


Who would guess that most of the psychos here were actually INTP's? LMAO

Yeah this makes sense to me

ENFP, that make me a normie, right?

Lol well said

And intj's, crazy how its supposed to be some of the hardest personalities to find and you can find them all hiding on this shithole

I got INTP-A

And a faggot

Only ESTP-A here so far


Used to be different. What the fuck does that mean?


I don't like Campaigning though

And your type?

And the test reults

he copied and pasted that from the description



fuckin bullseye

RON PAUL Sup Forums,

ESTP master race here reporting in.

I'm replying to myself, I used to be INTJ but this shit makes me look like a hipster faggot. My risky behavior is alcoholism maybe that's what does it.

So far i counted 9 INTP's and 8 INTJ's



The male Logician, that's more like it.

Oh yeah now realising that a there a little to no flaws described in like any of the personality types

infp reporting


Post results? I feel like I'm more of a debater myself. I would like to compare scores.


sorry forgot the a part


So that explains it... you don't have the nuts to insult people IRL so you do it on Sup Forums.

My brother and I have similar personalities and our results only differ in the last category. I am a INTJ and he is a INTP


INTP Master Race reporting in

Individual traits: Extraverted – 68%, Intuitive – 60%, Thinking – 71%, Prospecting – 98%, Turbulent – 56%.
Role: Analyst
Strategy: Social Engagement

I'm between infp and intp. the pic describes me perfectly as a hapless space cadat


Pretty much. Too introverted to talk to people to begin with.


INTJ :- Introverted Intuition, Extroverted Thinking, Introverted Feeling, Extroverted Sensing.
INTP :- Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition, Introverted Sensing, Extroverted Feeling
Look up the functions. One letter difference can make a big difference.


Mine came up as Virgo. But I don't believe in Astrology so why would I care.

I have 2 INTJ buddy's. They can come across as arrogant assholes but I don't think they do it on purpose. Very intelligent, insightful and offer an interesting perspective that I would never think of on topics. Cool dudes.

Is this a good result ?


You are wrong m8, i do insult people irl.






tested both INTJ and ISTJ before, guess the ITJ sticks with me.


If the pic didn't clarify... pic name

So you acknowledge that you're an asshole. That is the first step to a better life.
I wish you no luck.

Turned out to be INTP-T. Few years ago I took it and was a ISFJ

Bruh same

Me too

ENTP here, the types who just cant fit into the modern industry...

Any other ENTP here with a job? thinking about getting a degree in economy and then try to be a consultant.
Somebody with consulting experience here?

Follow the rules!

>Implying he'll give a fuck when you tell him to

INFP masterliteraryrace

i took this test (humanmetrics version) once a year for the past 9 years.

i was INTJ for the first 3

then i read Godel Escher Bach and felt my brain remold

the next year my T was way down, so was J

i started reading more books, esp russian literature

6th year i was INFJ

this year INFP