I'm bored af, so dubs decide, what I'll learn to play today

I'm bored af, so dubs decide, what I'll learn to play today
Will post it later

>not any impossible shit please

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Bohemian Rhapsody - Fingerstyle


one by metallica

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Hysteria by muse

Seek and destroy

la barrosa by Paco De Lucia

Seek and destroy by metallica

through the fire and the flames by Dragonforce


Something by Evan Bewer.

Quadratic Equation

This will be a busy day, OP.

Op you should download songsterr on your phone. You can learn full songs in like 10 - 30 mins

Entire bass line is basically only root notes. Not this time
Sounds good. Keep thread alive and give me some time to learn it and record


Beauty in Passing by Words of Farewell

L'Enfant Sauvage by Gojira

Trap tears by Raury

tom sawyer by rush.

barbarism begins at home - the smiths

99 by The Haunted

Funk out with some James Brown in the background

American life - Primus

Piano man
And if possible record yourself while singing with pic related words

Tommy the Cat by Primus


This will get the panties wet

Emperor - Nonus Aequilibrium

Tool - Forty Six & 2 or Schism

or this youtube.com/watch?v=T-bkAfUjpRE


Op is gonna kill himself for this baseline


roll for guile's theme

bump as per request

Link for main riff from this song in image, because of stupid spam filter

anything by beyond creation


Where is My Mind by The Pixies

Sorry, I fucked up link. Heres correct one.

This is all you've managed to learn in 53 minutes? Or just didn't bother recording the rest?

Op you're a bass player

Everything is too impossible for you to play

Well, recording took me some time, as I've done it first time.

Anyway I'm going to eat now. If thread won't be dead, when I finish, I'll do one more request.

Rain Blood by Slayer

weedeater - monkey junction


If you're feeling a challenge.

If not, then go with this.


Boring and unoriginal progroession.

B D# F# C# F# D# C#
B D# E D# F# C# B
F# (lower octave) B F# B D# C# B

Immigrant song