You Nostalgia You Lose

You Nostalgia You Lose

go back to a private server you faggot

Fucking iggle scum. Syrtis FTW bitches.

Why'd they take these things down again? They looked pretty sweet if you ask me

> looked pretty sweet
Yeah, definitively a creative masterpiece...

Warmane dot com
Been playing wotlk all weekend



>there are cata servers





Neverwinter is far better than WoW in vanilla and BC, in comparison it's also free with no subscription fees. It's everything an MMORPG should be and what Blizzard could never accomplish.

Blizzard destroyed WoW, it's not even worthy of a log of shit with corn and peanuts in it.

Almost fam



Neverwinter Nights or that shitty free to play MMO?
If the former, fuck yes. Latter? Fuck no - they are both shit.




Shiieet, played iro chaos for too long.

Wish I could go back in time and play some more.




By Harabec, I lost
