Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Hai there.

>claiming yume
You understand this man

Not much yume. Your waifu is a QT i watched that show just to see what all the fuss was about. Pretty good!@

I am just watching some live action shit on crunchyroll it's pretty silly. How bout you?


Gotta have lap pillows

Leg appreciator-na.

The only good choice


I had a great weekend with irl friends and got some tan while being out BBQing like mad
I didn't watch the show so I can only say I like the red haired one more
thats a new one-na

>It's only at B009
I have made a grave miscalculation. It is worse.

I had it for a while but rarely posted it, too much skin and the art isn't that great.

Claiming best doll.

>Someone who has more than 2 outfits?
I feel your pain man.

Hey, how's things?

I know, I'm the same way, shame that pic and this one are the only leg ones I have.

Lap pillow best pillow.

RIP, gone but never remembered.

Ram is her name. She's way different, but I won't judge.



She has her outfit, and her swimsuit!
Was the maid not good enough for your aproval yume!?

>There hasn't been a single B called since 5 minutes before that last post
I'll be sure to come back and haunt this place.

DMV torture lottery drawings.

ahahahh taks taks 4to tyt y nas? loli? loli! ahahahah roskomnadzor nakanecta


>tfw I will never use Rem's lap as a pillow as her gently strokes my hair

Why live?

That's a fate worse than death.

thats my present
you can't judge cause I didn't watch the show and I prefer red hair more then everyother hair color
You are still alive?
Did you broke something again?

This is probably the best line Ram says.

mandatory cc claim

yea i am,
im still kinda busy.
its complecated

Claiming best fae.


I give.

Mine just has the outfit. The very few non outfit pics I have aren't actually used.

Oh shit, how long you think you gotta wait?
I'll call the 2016 ghostbusters if you do, a fate worse than death.

Plz no.
Stahp. I'll never get to be a squid and cuddled by my waifu.

>Red hair
Mah nigga.

An interesting profession anyway.
Like I said, don't worry about it.

the maid outfit so far was the best

But we can always find ourselves a lovely 3D girlfriend ask subtly style her like our waifus.

and subtly*

>No Bs in the last 10 minutes
>Not even to the B020s yet
>Scratch that, B013 was just called
>I'm B041
I'll be sure to haunt everyone here as well. Especially Syndra. I wanna see the irony of being told to kill myself when I'm already dead.

You should give this album a listen.

I can't tell if you're joking or being serious, either way, damn.

martial hacking fraud jews flat hidden times 9/11 rigged WW3 conspiracy terrorism mainstream fake bias bank underground anti-pedophile national society degeneracy new Illuminati Snowden cartels up Russia super foot assassination propaganda globalism Pentagon Surveillance politician government media bush 2016 law beams Grove pill George black NSA end strip spy holocaust FBI control corporation fluoride wake cabal alien unknown banker the whistleblower big tv earth agents order military Orwellian waterboarding Zionist of Israel corruption Hollywood CIA world truth sheeple Muslim Rothschild elite IRS Argentina Soros diversity censorship theory magic mind minority christ communist Hitler lizard JFK Gaza steel Bohemian policy CNN secret Vatican

I'm...DEAD serious.
>Suddenly the Bs are being called.

I think it'll be a bit difficult convincing a girl to go out in this

Wow you actually are trapped there forever. Yo if you haunting me could you bring some shopping before you get here?

Yes I understand completely.

>electronic nip gaze
I will get into it today, the cover looks inspiring.

I hope you get called up soon and not blown up by terrorists

You will find that one girl who will. And who said it had to be in public? When did I say it had to look exactly like it?

It is an inspiring album I guess. Never ceases to cheer me up, even if only slightly.

Sleepy claim

Yeah I've played bloodborne.
>Accidently killed doll.
That was from one of her thoughts, she's never been dressed that way.
Yeah, blame the b in front of you for taking forever.

late claim

It's not a late claim if she's not already claimed.

Maybe someday.
Fair point, you didn't say that, but the clothes alone don't make a waifu!


It's a good game.
>You monster! Why?!

Only if mead or meat is on the list.

Allahu snackbar.

Sup Mugen.

Will do.

>I should've had food before coming here.

Are you new?

It was an accident! I was getting use to the controls!
They get you too, you don't know if your number will hurry up or not, so you can't leave.


How goes it? Are you new to the threads?

What up Tsun, shouldnt you be in bed right now?

why tho?
she has a good body for a maid

Onodera claimed.

Then hope to god they also have the personality

Sounds like a place where I'd get gyros that have explosive flavor


Sure, put em' on the the list. Never had mead, any good?

Yep, got here yesterday. I think we've talked but I could be wrong.

You had the entire dream! You could of stood like 3 steps away from her, but no you slapped the shit out of her!

Yeah, lurked for a while though. How are you anyway Mugen?

I could've easily have gone and gotten some chicken strips or something by now.

Not tsun! And yes, but I'm at the DMV. Getting things taken care of, for the beast will finally be mine this week.

Hello Leg Godess.

I meant late in the thread I dont have to worry as much she is not as popular as rem is

I don't believe we had, but I'm quite forgetful. I like welcoming new people. How was your day?

She's a secondary character in a harem manga. No real focus on her.
You really like black and white.

more hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
I am a simple man

The first track is pretty good, it's not as electronic as I was expecting but that's not really a bad thing, these powerful drums and guitar melodies remind me of Toe and nip math rock overall, which is interesting in a gaze record.

They seem rather obscure and I'm having trouble finding a quality link to some of their older albums,

hello thier how is you?

I feel you, i was just a lurker myself for a while. Im alright, just been playing games with friends and hanging out, the usual. Still seeing about setting up stream things for the future

The most Tsun
Thats horrible, how long have you been there so far? Last time i had to go they made me take 4 trips back to my house to get paperwork that kept not being good enough just so i could get my licence changed to here instead of arizona, which is already a dumb idea

I was doing forward moves with the hammer blade! The shock wave barely hit her! I didn't know!
Need your tendies?
Dat ass

If you have Spotify, all their albums are on there.

Oh, I also have three of their albums downloaded, I can put them in a mega if you want me too.

All these bomb ass puns and no Karen to appreciate them.

It's very sweet with a good Cinamin aftertaste if you use the correct spice!

I see you're having a good day.

Not even tsun.
Almost 2 hours. Overall, it could be worse. Only 11 more to go.

Love me muh tendies.

gimme a good offer


yea, its fun.
thanks man


The other two Rem posters are kinda dead, but outside, Rem is fucking famous

Or Carlos


they died it just means you are the new og rem poster all hail rem poster

Nummies in your tummies.
>I like em to plz no h8
What happened to Karen?
Sucky Sucky 5 dolla?
No I'm here.


Karen is in Saudi Arabia right now, and Sup Forums is banned there, but I believe he's getting back soon.

That's nice to hear.

Also, what the hell is the anime about that your waifus from? I keep hearing characters named after car brands from it and that's triggering my car autism.

As far as I've heard, can't get on 4chin because lolnointerweb or something.

What about my science team? They were right about global warming
>11 more to go
That sounds horrible, i will try to keep you company through this painful adventure. Are you sitting through the class?


Yeah, think I'm remembering wrong to be honest. Pretty good so far, gonna head out to the gym after this thread I think. How's yours?

Doing alright. Yourself?

Ah what games? Nice to just chill with friends from time to time. Should ring mine up if they're not to busy. Stream things?

I mean it doesn't really matter cuz she respawns but still, be more careful!

Ooo sounds nice. Makes a nice change from regular bitter.
>that pic too
Dios mio...

How long have you worked as one if you don't mind me asking?
Don't mention it.

Ayy Yuuko



Hello doll face

im alright so where does your waifu come form?

My day has been fine, only started about an hour ago. Nothing interesting, just listening to music as always.
Hope that goes well. I run sometimes, need to pick that up and do it everyday again. Also taking weight training this year in school, that's kinda fine I guess.
Doing anything today?

No they weren't!
>4 more to go. Get hyped!
Class? What class?

It's really good since I really dislike bitter alcohol of all types.
>My waifu has a massive amount of amazing art. I'll post some more when I get home.

I have a few with them, I think.

>Gunna chill on the pics, don't wanna burn through my data too fast.

Mainly Overwatch and Payday 2 so far, its a big group so there is always someone online to play with usually
I am trying to get good at speedrunning starfox 64 and i might stream it in the future

Best nichi girl

As I hear the last track all I can think of is that this is way too short. Nope, I don't use spotify at all.
>tfw streaming

Which albums do you have? I'm missing White Loud, Silent Dreams, AYA and Ekubo. If you can get me a 320kbps link for any of those I would appreciate it.


They are scientists, they have to be right on something
Oh when you said 11 more i thought you meant hours
Dont you have to take a class before you can do bike things?


Praise be

So you are

Basically, Re:Zero

Main character dies, rewinds time by four days. Uses to save people he cares for.


They are not.
Nah, numbers in front of me.
Wha? Mugen, I have my full bike license already! This is all registration stuff so the bike is legal on the street!

Why is everyone named after car brands though?!

Just doing some light school work.

You're trying to get huge?

Best swordsman
Good to see you again



>She respawns
Forever and always.
>For now.

Like I've said before, I have no clue the difference between 320kbps and whatever the fuck. I have AYA downloaded, of the ones you mentioned. I didn't expect you to want their whole discography.
I'm not too sure. Not really, just want to lose some fat.





I don't know what you mean

Good to know

