How to start a rock band when you have no friends into music and have low self confidence to meet people to actually...

How to start a rock band when you have no friends into music and have low self confidence to meet people to actually start some shit up anyone know any websites that help you meet people who want to start bands

craigslist just make sure you dont get robbed it almost happened to me once

start an electronic project instead

be a one man band

this 2bh. I spent a solid 3 months using old instruments and trying to do what Ariel Pink was doing on his old shit.

I feel you I fuck with him and other solo acts but I like the whole band feeling

>tfw no qt polish bass guitar bandmate

where you at user?
can'f find anyone to jam with

Yep. Unless your first intention is to be a live band, this would be your best possible route. Its more convenient and allows you to have complete creative control. Just use a daw or a tape track and layer

this, I responded to a cl ad looking to complete a band and they ended up being Sup Forums types, you never know if you don't try

If you live in ny and you play the bass or drums let me know.

>tfw u wanna make the next revolutionary cool edgy noise accessible rock band

>no one to play with

ill join u user

Go to house shows. It's a great environment to find other musicians also looking to start bands. Just start talking about an artist you want to sound like and if they sound interested in them ask if they play an intrument (many play multiple) and ask if they want to start a project.

I used to have a full band till one member decided he wanted to do post-hardcore, two wanted to do metal, then last guy and I wanted to do something different. Pretty weird how they all just disappeared considering this was in high school.

Get very drunk and go to some gig in a local underground bar

but i wanna start a straight edge band, user

>have low self confidence to meet people to actually start some shit up

get better at your instrument

Do I hAve to be a heroin and speed addict to have a good band I feel like i do

no.. you have to work really hard, occasionally you can drink or smoke some pot or whatever im not going to judge you but i would stay the fuck away from heroin and meth

Where do I find local gigs tho

OP if you play an instrument tape a wakizashi to the back of it in case of robbery.