Guys i'm like 200lbs and a majority of that is fat. I want to lose weight and used to love cycling...

Guys i'm like 200lbs and a majority of that is fat. I want to lose weight and used to love cycling, how fast would I lose the weight if I start cycling say 5 miles a day and increase the distance over time?

i don't know why don't you fuckin' try it instead of asking how much you would, dumbass.

Because I want an opinion on how effective it would be. If I could find something I enjoyed that was more effective then I'd do that. Get back to sucking your mother's rectum

It's better for gaining muscle not as much losing it but it's still quite effective. Just plain running is better for losing weight. Why are you asking fucking Sup Forums dude fucking do like 3 google searchs and you will find it yourself. You're actually austistic.

Just go outside and ride your fucking bike you lazy slob. You might actually get in touch with nature or possibly real life human interaction... However you sound like a loser that is literally asking Sup Forums to convince you to ride a bike.

Nope, I simply thought I'd ask because I happened to be on Sup Forums. I think you two ladies had better pop in those tampons and chill those C-cups you're rocking

depends on how much you put into it.

most people you see riding bikes are lazing along, not sweating.

I ride like a tard on crack and sweat like a horse. Not unusual to come home 5 lbs lighter in one ride, even when I drink shitloads of water. It helps that it's usually a hundred degrees out here.

If you just pedal along you're not going to lose anything fast. If you rape every jump on the side of the trail, slalom every chance you get, ride wheelies amd generally rip it like a boss you'll burn that fat off quick. So get after it Tubs.

fucking fat fuck calm your mantits, we are helping you by telling you how much of a faggot you are by asking this shit on Sup Forums. Kill yourself.

go to /n/ they love cycling. or /fit/

I think it's pretty effective I ride 5-10 miles 4 or 5 times a week. I don't weigh myself but I feel like I'm losing weight. Also riding a bike is the most fun you can have working out.

you will die alone and fat anyway, so what's the fuss?

boy thats some good edge i tell ya!

manlet detected

Eat less and ride like a madman you should lose some weight

There are 3500 calories in one pound of fat. At 200 pounds, cycling will burn anywhere from 750 to 1500 pounds per hour, depending on intensity. Do the math.

750 to 1500 calories per hour

Exercise is useful for weight loss primarily because it makes you feel good, which makes you less likely to compulsively eat. But the idea that you can lose weight just by burning more calories is totally misguided. It's very hard to burn more than a chocolate bar's worth of calories in an hour, and odds are that's all the average person can/will put in.

Cycling won't hurt, but you need to also focus on caloric reduction. It's best to plan out meals ahead of time and stick to it. Prepare for the first week to suck, but after that you should start seeing results, and then it's all downhill.

Sauce: At 6'2 I weighed over 20 stone (240 lbs) when I turned 19. By my 21st birthday I'd lost 7 stone, and I've kept it off for over a decade.

A calorie deficit is more important than exercise for just losing the weight, but the exercise is still extremely important don't get me wrong.

Put an odometer on your bike, that way you can keep pushing for better times, you need to keep pushing yourself to get better at cycling to make gains.
I took up cycling a few years ago, I use to run and I have not looked back, fuck running, yea it is good for you cardiovascular but the impact is ridiculous. I stagnated running, took up cycling and then started making more gains, and still gaining three years on.

I went from being a lazy piece of shit playing cs:go everyday to averaging 150 miles a week with a few thousand feet of climbing. It is the easiest possible way to get in shape

That's cool and I applaud how many miles you are doing, but why are you limiting yourself on a fixie? Get some gears, raise your cadence, improve your average speed. Averaging 18+ mph is satisfying as hell.

I wasn't fat from the beginning of my cycling (but i had to lose body fat % as a skinny fat) and cycling makes me lose my body fat like crazy. but you have to ride your bike like a racer. effort, power(speed) and distance all matters. if you just casually ride around town its almost gonna be like walking. of course you will lose weight if you are in caloric deficit but it will take a lot of time.
so you said you love cycling.. get passionate about it, watch some tour de france and train like a racer. you will lose fat like crazy.

I don't get why fixes are a thing. It can't be enjoyable to ride one that fair. Unless I'm mistaken but you can't stop peddling on a fixie

They are just a stupid trend, and to people who appreciate and rebuild classic bikes like myself it is a fucking tragedy. I'm tired of seeing all of these classics stripped and downgraded.
And no, you cannot stop pedaling on a fixie.