Kik and jerk off anyone?

Kik and jerk off anyone?

Name: Stanleybourder



Lil guy

Hello guys.

well hello

can we jerk off to kim kardashian together? then im down

What's up?

YES! OMG finally

really? i jerk to kim every day and i'd love to cum on her ass together

im down to jerk off also




fap together to kim on kik?

somebody make a group

what are we jerking off to?

OP make the group I'll definetly join and contribute


Cancer thread fuck off

kim k

What's up Bois?


I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as cummies, is in fact, daddy's/cummies, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, daddy's plus cummies. Cummies is not an dick unto itself, but rather another free ©component ®of a fully functioning daddy's dick made useful by the daddy's nutsack , tip utilities and vital dick components comprising a full dick as defined by DADDY.
Many daddy's princesses fuck a modified version of the daddy's dick every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of ↪events, the version of daddy's which is widely used today is often called “cummies”, and many of its hoes are not aware that it is basically the daddy's dick, developed by the daddy's project.
There really is a cummies, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the dick they use. Cummies is from the nutsack: the program in the dick that allocates the dick’s resources to the other princesses that you fuck. The nutsack is an essential part of a dick, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete dick. cummies is normally used in combination with the daddy's dick: the whole dick is basically daddy's with cummies added, or daddy's/cummies. All the so-called “cummies” ejaculations are really ejaculations of daddy's/cummies.

whats your kik cutie


you like guys?

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as cummies, is in fact, daddy's/cummies, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, daddy's plus cummies. Cummies is not an dick unto itself, but rather another free ©component ®of a fully functioning daddy's dick made useful by the daddy's nutsack , tip utilities and vital dick components comprising a full dick as defined by DADDY.
Many daddy's princesses fuck a modified version of the daddy's dick every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of ↪events, the version of daddy's which is widely used today is often called “cummies”, and many of its hoes are not aware that it is basically the daddy's dick, developed by the daddy's project.
There really is a cummies, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the dick they use. Cummies is from the nutsack: the program in the dick that allocates the dick’s resources to the other princesses that you fuck. The nutsack is an essential part of a dick, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete dick. cummies is normally used in combination with the daddy's dick: the whole dick is basically daddy's with cummies added, or daddy's/cummies. All the so-called “cummies” ejaculations are really ejaculations of daddy's/cummies.


I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as cummies, is in fact, daddy's/cummies, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, daddy's plus cummies. Cummies is not an dick unto itself, but rather another free ©component ®of a fully functioning daddy's dick made useful by the daddy's nutsack , tip utilities and vital dick components comprising a full dick as defined by DADDY.
Many daddy's princesses fuck a modified version of the daddy's dick every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of ↪events, the version of daddy's which is widely used today is often called “cummies”, and many of its hoes are not aware that it is basically the daddy's dick, developed by the daddy's project.
There really is a cummies, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the dick they use. Cummies is from the nutsack: the program in the dick that allocates the dick’s resources to the other princesses that you fuck. The nutsack is an essential part of a dick, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete dick. cummies is normally used in combination with the daddy's dick: the whole dick is basically daddy's with cummies added, or daddy's/cummies. All the so-called “cummies” ejaculations are really ejaculations of daddy's/cummies.

This is funny! Its even funnier when is reposted hhahahaha

Sounds like a yes to me. What kind of guys do you like?


with that little thing I think you mean Kek.

Good looking.

That's a very non-specific answer.

I need pics.