WTF is this?

WTF is this?

Other urls found in this thread:

loose skin



A labia, virgin fag.

labia minora, you fucking faggot retard.

muslims would go
pro hygiene
pro looks
and cut it off

female testicles... all women have a pair of tiny balls in a tiny sack

The best meat to lick

A snail.
I'd bet she leaves a trail of slime on the floor if she scoots across it with her butt.

so it somehow got rolled into itself?

It's fine when I cut off the foreskin, But when I cut of the outer labia, everyone goes mental

yeah, wtf is that green thingy doing on that twat?

>WTF is this?

?it is not your job to ask why, but to lick it.

its the vaginatooth you dumb fuck

Slice off, dry and repackage as dog treat.



The clitoris?

Nice bait

Labia minora. You fags wouldn't be interested.



A peener clitty wiener

Of course huhuhu

Its called cancerous summeria

virgin confirmed

dubs of truth

Im confused by the effort you put in, saving, editing, and giving it a title than googling women's anatomy.


shouldn't the labia minora be flat?
like flappy paddle gearbox

I dunno... but it's got Boba Fett!

Oh ya and proving that your not a robot as well as posting it? Are you THAT hungry for attention lil man?


weak ass trolling. low baby tier trolling level.

It's from a strand of HPV, that's what warts looks like. Be sure NOT to touch it.

it's really straight forward, few minutes really

just curious

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as cummies, is in fact, daddy's/cummies, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, daddy's plus cummies. Cummies is not an dick unto itself, but rather another free ©component ®of a fully functioning daddy's dick made useful by the daddy's nutsack , tip utilities and vital dick components comprising a full dick as defined by DADDY.
Many daddy's princesses fuck a modified version of the daddy's dick every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of ↪events, the version of daddy's which is widely used today is often called “cummies”, and many of its hoes are not aware that it is basically the daddy's dick, developed by the daddy's project.
There really is a cummies, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the dick they use. Cummies is from the nutsack: the program in the dick that allocates the dick’s resources to the other princesses that you fuck. The nutsack is an essential part of a dick, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete dick. cummies is normally used in combination with the daddy's dick: the whole dick is basically daddy's with cummies added, or daddy's/cummies. All the so-called “cummies” ejaculations are really ejaculations of daddy's/cummies.

Labia minora.

Pussy meat.


Amputation is your only effective solution.

Nope, not both labia minora. Just a piece of one labium minorum.

It's OP declaring his virginity.

Keith Burtons

the best part

Vaginas aren't perfect you fucking asshole.

It's called Liposutio meatelicious, you uneducated

Indeed, some are way far from perfect

no, its not fine you mutilated faggot

where I live we call it a vagina

women should not whine around so much and cut that shit off

i mean it looks way nicer without
is plus hygiene
is saver without ( regarding stds )
etc etc etc

women who dont cut it off are disgusting losers.

it looks gross and disgusting

cut it off !! Be a real woman !

Goatfucker detected

Its not okay, wtf ?!

That sounds like faggot speak.

Do you prefer dicks?

is this what the goat fuckers cut off

i thought it was the clitoris

nope, that clitoris thing is a mith / feminist lie.

( well there is ONE small tribe that does that, but all the other 99.99999% : nope . it's just another femnazi lie )


>I'm not even cut

That, OP, is Pillowpants.

>This was my point
If you think cutting off the outer labia is disgusting and despicable, but you think cutting off the foreskin is fine, you are retarded.



If you start over thinking genitalia and sex it starts to seem gross

do yourself a favor and dont.

we hasidic jews prefer the ol'Oral Suction Circumcision.

Shut the fuck up. Your entire people should have been wiped off the face of the planet 70 years ago, so you should be grateful you're even here.

better than tinder! plenty of horny twats of your city on

skin, what do you think it is

ok buddy, let me know how thats working out for you its not like jewish people already control every thing that happens in the world already or any thing.

Fuck you. They don't control me, finkelstein.

Flunked your Latin class?

Of course they are. Just some people don't understand perfection all that well.

Just your countries government

You're probably right. It sucks living in Israel.

No, I like getting little girls and chopping the outer labia right off. I mean it looks nicer for a start and they have a smaller chance to catch STD's. Also it can get really nasty down there, so not having it is definitely a benefit Try to argue with me
>Pro tip, you can't


Oh hey look - it's the average londoner

Also, if you cut off a male childs foreskin, you are fucking barbaric and deserve to be stoned to death.

kudos! some civilised guy there ! Totally concurr.

aids dont touch it

exactly like cinnamon rolls
