I'm in a fucked up situation right now Sup Forums. My mom is going to kick me out soon because I don't have a job...

I'm in a fucked up situation right now Sup Forums. My mom is going to kick me out soon because I don't have a job. My dad is a drunk so he doesn't have a job so she might kick him out as well. The reason why I don't have a job anymore is because I got heavily addicted to Xanax and Alcohol...so now I have bad anxiety. Such as fears of having a heart attack or having a seizure because i'm taking 12-20 mgs of Xanax everyday including booze (6-Pack of Miller Lite) every other day. Well according to webmd and other sources online, i might have a seizure if I stop taking pills and drinking cold turkey. I've seen my dad have them several times...Now today, I went to a job agency and they found me a job but its loading and unloading trucks. They asked if I can start right away and I said "Yes mam, I sure will"...But i didnt show up :/...I'm afraid that I might overwork myself because I havent worked in 3 months and within those 3 months, ive been taking a lot of pills and drinking a lot of alcohol...So now, my Mom is giving us a week to find a job. If we don't, we're getting kicked out house and onto the streets...I have a 6 pack in the fridge, a bottle of vodka and over 25 pills in my closet. I can kill myself right now if I want too but I don't have the balls to do it...And this is why i'm in this situation, because I don't have the balls to do anything. I understand, ima pussy i dont know shit, yall probably been through even worse situation but what the fuck?! Life fucking sucks and most people dont want to admit it...Goodbye

I can't really help you with the job, but I can definitely confirm from my own experience that if you take that much xanax and stop you will have a seizure.

In 2012 I was taking up to 7 bars a day. It got so out of control I decided it was time to stop. I tried tapering down but didn't do it right and had 2 seizures.

I tried my best to taper down. If you stop old turkey you will 100% have a seizure.

It took me 3 years to pay off the medical bills from both incidents and I have what's considered a top medical plan with Blue Cross.

Damn...That's why I have such bad anxiety. The fear of having a seizure and the possibility of dying in the process is what makes me keep using...I don't know why they make this stuff legal. It's mentally and physically torturous. Now I understand why people go crazy...I should've just stuck with weed. I was a lot more happier and energetic when I first started smoking until i couldnt get high anymore...thats when Xanax and Booze came into play.

I blazed until I got a job working at the airport. They drug test randomly. I told them I had a medical card but the Department of Transportation doesn't allow that. So they referred me to the doctor and I got a xanax prescription for anxiety. I didn't know shit about xanax. I was taking it legit, then needed more to just feel it, then started abusing the shit out of it. I'm still taking them today. But I only take one or two every couple days.

quit being a pussy and cold turkey it faggot

That sucks try being diagnosed with ca
ncer when u didnt fuck ur life up

if you go to the institute they can give you free medical care long as you have got that far if not then keep doing more main missions you will soon get there but i warn you farther gets you to do some real shitty stuff

Why do you think the only two choices are cold turkey or continue as usual? Ramp down. Start by using only 75% of your usual amount or some shit.

Look man you need medical help.
Make up a fake illness to tell your mom and get to the doctor. Tell the DOCTOR what you are addicted to and how much you are taking.
Don't fool around more with this OP, self medicating is how you got into this mess.
The monkey on your back is CAUSING the anxiety. Benzos are terrible for anxiety they make you feel fine when medicated and then 10 times more anxious when you are not.
I used to take only 2 mgs of ativan a day to treat anxiety and a week after I quit is when the anxiety dimmed down enough to control.
Benzodiazepines are poison when used regularly. GET HELP! If your mom hears it from your doctor shes waaaaaay less likely to kick you out. Trust me I've been a parent for 30 yrs

Don't listen to any of these stupid fucks telling you to go cold turkey because you won't just have a seizure but you will most likely die a really painful death... also don't try and over dose on benzos and booze to kill your self, you will end up in a coma and when you come out of it you will be retarded.

salvation army does rehab for free, you have to work for them a little but if you stick with it and take it seriously they'll help.
Otherwise just do like says and ween yourself off all of it.



Why don't you and your dad kick her bitch ass out... fucking man up.

Just read more and your doctor got you hooked.
SEE a DIFFERENT doctor this time. If you are an american and insured you can always see a different doctor. If you are paying cash coz you are a poorbro STILL see a different doctor.
One who went to medical school within the last 30 fucking years coz thats how long the PROPER treatment of anxiety has been Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
(S.S.R.I. anti-depressants). Benzos only make things MUCH MUCH WORSE.

also kid this demon is BIGGER than you are.
Don't think it isn't. It fucking well is. In addition to medical assistance you need peer support groups like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. But first see a goddamned doctor as soon as possible
and tell him the full truth, including the full amount you are hooked on your moms threat to make you homeless. *Protip your mom is threatening you for effect, unless you are 35 she isn't putting your ass on the street.. Come clean to her if you can. Life will get steadily easier if you make better decisions going forward, starting with the doctor, then maybe have the doctor call and fill her in on the details.
Addiction is disease son, NOT moral failure.
Treatment and peer support work.

and treatment can be as simple as the doctor tapering your xanax use to zero over a couple months and you attending a couple of Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings a week. It's your thinking that needs fixing, and that change can start at your first meeting as only a desire to quit is needed. You can be still suffering and attend meetings. That's how most people GET clean.

Hello Fucktards out there... OP is circling the drain here. Can we get a few bumps in here in case he comes back to see if his thread still lives?



>My mom is going to kick me out soon because I don't have a job. My dad is a drunk so he doesn't have a job so she might kick him out as well.

Sorry dude but this made me kek hard.

Talk to your Mom. Tell her that you are addicted to Xanax and Alcohol. Tell her you want to quit the shit and you want to Change your life
If end isn't a complete bitch, she will Support xou, you are still her son

Than go to a doctor and tell him everything. Switch to Diazepam and tapper down slowly. It will take months untill you are complete detoxed, but only on this way you will avoid a seizure.

Try to find a job while you're tappering down and Change your life

*If she isn't a complete bitch

My bad