We change song-named albums titles for another song, lets see how it works

We change song-named albums titles for another song, lets see how it works
>holland, 1945

WAY better name for the album imo user

I like it better desu

Radiohead - Morning Bell

Cherry Colored Funk

I like in limbo better but that one is good, kid a is really not a good name


Why Won't They Talk To Me?

'tis a pity she was a whore


Too Long

Grown Ocean

I'm listening to this album and am on this song right now, Fuck man

Old Fart At Play

In The Flowers

or potench: Summertime Clothes but I think In The Flowers is better

Black Star

How to Disappear Completely

War Pigs

Champagne Year


Versace on the Floor

Nah, either In Limbo or Treefingers.

Motion Picture Soundtrack if they would have done a motion picture.

Street Spirit, Sulk (too indie emo)

how awesome it would've been to be called in limbo and to be a contrast album to in rainbows

Sartori In Tangier

I mean this name is of the more usual kind of names for prog rock bands

those fit perfectly

when the sun melts on your tongue

We lost out chance.

That's pretty great

>Child of Rage
>Mutant Standard


You're thinking of Melt Me

Sister Ray

Man In The Wilderness

The Wilhelm Scream

Ambitionz az a Ridah

Life Of Possibilities

1000 Eyes

and the birds are about to bust their guts with singing