

Other urls found in this thread: Twin - Day for Night 2016 White Label (V0).zip

post the dl link or delete thread

post mega* link or delete thread

how about you delete yourself retard


you're an idiot and probably underage. but i'm in a good mood today Twin - Day for Night 2016 White Label (V0).zip

Is this legit?

kill yourself

i like it

Ok, will do

It is.
God, you're unbearable.

Ever thought about pursuing a degree or at least contributing to the workforce? No? Figured as much. KYS

says the mouth-breather begging for free music

No, it's not. The two MP3s are a carbon copy of each other. Either contribute so other anons can give an insightful opinion or fuck off

Don't cut yourself with that edge there fedoralord

>having an insightful opinion
>isn't on apollo or pth
>has to be spoonfed



>The two MP3s are a carbon copy of each other.
confirmed for haven't listened or being deaf or even worse retarded.
I posted legit rip, so it's you who might and fairly should "fuck off".

>releases music as a white vinyl with a blank cover and no info about the music
absolute madman richard

>neo-Sup Forums is totally clueless about white labels

Why do I even use this board anymore.

you're not into electronic music in general, are you?

uh yes i am dude, i listen to aphex, vsnares, daft punk, BoC, kraftwerk, new order, m83, neon indian, massive attack, lcd soundsystem, the chemical brothers, and the knife


