My Xbox is a god to me

>My Xbox is a god to me

What did he mean by this?

ask Sup Forums

who the fuck cares porcupine tree is shit


I bench press more than you you piece of shit.

Perhaps, but Anesthetize is a pretty damn good track senpai

>Anesthetize is a pretty damn good track senpai
[citation needed]

holy fucking shit i bet not even aristotle could've
come up with an argument as good as yours

i can bench 140


Sounds like a soccer-mom making lyrics

Best band in last 20 years
kys faggots

Why does this album trigger millenials so much?

1. it doesnt
2. even if it did the answer is obvious you dip

what song is htis lyric on i need to hear it

Remember, Sup Forums is full of kids that will only like weird sounding things so they can feel special and unique.

Fear of a Blank Planet

extremely well-reasoned argument

Grimes is the best, right?

I could shit out better songs in 20 min on FL Studio than that


The lyrics and the theme turned me off of this album so much, despite it having some good music here and there. After this I kind of gave up on PT

wasn't so much the theme as it was the lyrics but yeah i agree.

I remember hearing Way Out Here, and even as a fucking 14 year old I knew the lyrics were painfully obvious and on the nose

It's a shame because even to this day I remember that track had a fantastic feelsy atmosphere - genuinely marred by shit lyrics.

I like PT, Steven Wilson is an incredible musician, but his lyrics are complete garbage, they almost sound like parodies;

>My friend says he wants to die
>He's in a band
>They sound like Pearl Jam
>The clothes are all black
>The music is crap
>In school I don't concentrate

I have the exact same experience. At least back then it was passable.

Robert Fripp plays on that track I think

Yeah because "Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon" and "I've seen footage, I stay noided, I've seen footage" are such intelligent lyrics

yeah because that guy automatically likes radiohead and death grips just because he criticized porcupine tree

just face it, steven wilson's lyrics are dumb.

Why do you automatically assume I'm a Sup Forums drone? I fucking hate Death Grips.

Isn't the whole.point of that song that it is sung from the perspective of a numb teenager? Because that fits it pretty well