Have any of you ever truly been in love before? Have you lost it...

Have any of you ever truly been in love before? Have you lost it? I fell in love with a girl I started dating and she did too. 6 months later and she just stopped. There's no reason, she just lost her feelings for me. I can't change how she feels about me and I know I just have to accept it, so why does it hurt so much? I didn't know another person could ever make you feel this way. I feel so so helpless and crushed. It means everything to me that she loves me, but, Sup Forums, she just doesn't.

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Write a song, drink a bottle, do what you gotta do but eventually you'll get back out there and have your heart broken again.

Yeah heroine is fucking gross and I don't need it so pick another analogy faggot

Just experienced the same thing. It takes time, but you'll be ok again.

Polly cuz you a bitch. You're definitely acting like a bitchmade faggot right now. Go out there and get some pussy to get over your old pussy you fucking pussy

Heroine...as in female hero...

I know i'm acting like a faggot. I need to hear this shit, but I can't fuck anyone else yet it hasn't been long enough.

Dumb shit kill yourself

Yes most people have been through heartbreak. Get fucking on with it making threads about it will do nothing but make you think about it more. PS 6 months is nothing


I know how you feel man, I went through the same exact thing. In time, you might find that you didn't love her as much as you thought you did. That's what happened with me anyways.


It probably won't get better OP, I'm almost at three years since break up and I'm still crippled by it every second of every day.

Weeds fun too js

I smoke every day. Rolling a joint right now. It helps a little bit.

Weed doesnt help this kind of pain

You were in love. She was infatuated. One lasts, the other fades quick

Don't put her up on a pedestal and think that this was the only girl ever and that you need to have her back. We've all loved and lost. It's part of life. The sooner you move on, the better things will get.

You mis pelled heroine. Is peeled heroin

it does with some good friends and enough time and money to keep your mind off it

Good post. The problem is that she said the words...She said "I love you" and we even talked about having kids. Early on she told me she could see herself spending the rest of her life with me so it got be thinking about that too. She's over me so I have to let go. I need a pint.


Grab a pint mate, you deserve it.

I've been there too. Had this girl I dated nearly 2 years. We told each other we loved them. We discussed wedding plans. If it had lasted any longer, I would have proposed to her.

Then up and one day, it's just over.

Took me like a solid 6 months to get over that shit. But in the end, I realized it was for the best. Imagine if that lasted, and she just wasn't interested in me at all while we were married.

It's going to hurt like a bitch and take time, but it's the best thing to let her go. She doesn't want you now. She may have at some point. But no amount of pining after her and trying to win back her love is going to work. It's just not worth it.

Chalk it up to experience and look toward the future

She has so many side characters in her story it doesn't matter what you are.


You're making me feel better because I know you're right. Was it just the time that let you get over her?

Time, friends, hobbies, school, work.

Basically keeping my mind off it all.

It really helped to just drink with some friends and lay that shit out. And I learned to sew in that period, so that was a good life skill and shit.

But yeah, it took time no matter what. I accepted it after like 6 months. But I still had pangs of "what if" for like a year or so after. All wounds heal with time user. And you'll be the stronger for it.

I know it sounds like shit right now, and you're thinking it won't. But it will. Give it a bit and know we're pulling for you.

Also, this shit cheered me up a bunch when we broke up. Might help you


You're a top bloke

How does it feel to be loved? honest question,
i dont think i have ever been loved, in a romantic way, nor i think i have loved someone, properly. At least you had that, even for some months,

i dont know, dont really have a point here. im just feeling pretty shit, cause a girl dissed me -another one!- during the weekend and im starting to feel like its just never gonna happen to me.

anyway, hope you make it user, youll be fine.

I do what I can man. I've been there before, posting near identical shit to Sup Forums

Might as well pay it forward

To be honest I was a virgin before I met this girl and it's a very hard choice for me to choose whether I would give it all back to get rid of this pain. It's amazing. Especially if your parents didn't love you (or died like mine) knowing someone actually cares about your well being and tries to cheer you up when you're sad is the most comforting feeling in the world. I cared so much about her that I was sacrificing parts of myself to make her happy, though. Ever hear the expression you don't have to light yourself on fire to keep others warm? I was doing that. It feels really really good to have an outlet for your love and to give it to another person.

I guess in the end I'd rather have loved and lost than never loved at all, but craving her love now is the most awful feeling because no matter what I do it will change nothing. Girls will reject you left and right in your life, that's just the way things go, but when one that you know loved you and that you still love does, it feels like despair.