Balding at 18

>balding at 18
>significant overbite will need intervention for roughly ~5000 dollars
>receding jaw

I literally have no reason to live, and my entire life is fucked

Trips gets to decide how i kill myself
>willing to do it on stream
>dont own a gun

Patrick Stewart went bald at 18.

OP, please don't kill yourself. I believe in you. You can get better in the future.

Yeah even if I wasn't balding my life is still shit

dont do this to me

You are an amazing person. Please. Just don't.

>shave head
>grow beard
become Indian badass

Add me on Skype lets talk about it.

What the fuck is going on here where faggots are not encouraging an hero. This shit ain't tumblr.

In case of trips, I say either jump off building or hang yourself. Whichever.

But before that.... Don't go out a virgin. Hell, get yourself a cheap hooker, for 200 bucks atleast where I live buys you an hour with a decent looking hoe.

it doesn't work for curries

Well that was close

So close.


Y'all need God in ur life, email me at lorimiller1235 at gmail dot com, I can help u

sure whats your skype?

you are indian, just wear a towel on your head and you'll be fine

also, as an indian, you are naturally good with computers, medicine and shit, so there's your reason to live

Do the surgery to fix your overbite and jaw. It doesn't matter how much it costs just do it.

get that Muslim picture off my Sup Forums

lmao, I'm half indian.
Basically I look indian but I'm white when it comes to academics

All you fuckers begging to talk to him and telling him not to do it, go back to tumblr. What the fuck.
Here's another in case of trips. Get all the money you have, get a hooker and a enough drugs to kill you, right before you fuck hooker, get lethal dose of drug fuck hooker, die not a virgin

Option A - Build yourself a potato cannon and execute yourself with cannon. This can be done in a simple or complex manner, all of which is completely up to you. Maybe even take your livestream to the next level and let us watch you build up the inevitable! Also, the rough cost of a simple potato cannon is ~$25

Option B - Whatever the reply to this says

never heard of a half injun before

Shave your head. Lift weights. Look like a complete badass. My braces were going to cost $7000, I negotiated it down to $3500.

Show us your face

shave your head
grow a beard
get some pussy

the over bite will look normal with a beard.

An hiro with the old reliable co2 poisoning, also easy to livestream, plug a hose from the exhaust to the inside and profit...


Wow you're just like me except 7 years younger and probably with no scars.

Like that other guys said, work out, shave your head, grow a beard. And since you're still young, do your research and get into a good uni with a good major because bitches love money.

Rollan to this

Shave it off and own it. You're Indian so you could probably grow good facial hair. Deal with the overbite and get a good job and pay for it. Lose the weight and work out. These are all solvable problems OP, get it together.

Shave your head, grow a beard, pay for the intervention, work out, get a personality. Problem solved


pic related is me

Thats not bad, show us front


What the fuck nigger. I see uglier pieces of shit, fat, bald, niggers, whatever deformity or genetic shortcoming with half decent looking girls all the time. You probably need to just get over your fucking balding, shave that shit, and get a personality. If can't do that, off your self

I was balding when I was 16yo, I remember being studying and just by scratching my head hundred of hairs fall on the white pages of the book I was reading
Then I went completely bald at 20 or so, funny thing is girls LOVE my bald head and my life become a fuckfest, for consideration I have at least 80% of Aryan blood, I am 6 feet tall with blue eyes, rich parents, above average beautiful thick cock and decently smart.

>balding at 18

Once i red that, i could not even continue
God damn OP, just An hiro all ready.

You're actually good looking. Just lose the glasses . get a beard, and shave your head. Your hair is too long anyways.

balding not that noticable from the front yet so I got that going for me

Start working out alot bro just hit the gym , i used to weigh about 250lbs and wanted to kill myself i used to be ugly as fuck. Now im fit and
i have a decent body and i can fuck any bitch i want bro just go to the gym its your best friend

Do a mass killing, media will make u a celebrity

Ok, thats not bad at all. Even if you are just trolling, or just searching for validation from strangers about your looks, you are not bad looking. I would even go as far as saying you are decent looking.

As this guy says , work out, take care of yourself, get an education/career, learn how to dress and carry yourself, and you will be fine. Good luck to you my anonymous friend.

Timestamp for comfirmation would help but you look pretty good OP

You look totally fine you fucking retard

this is a good answer, thanks

you are an indian chad from the 90's


also proof that indians can only become chad's by mixing with whites

>shave it if really bad or find cut that makes hair work
>improve aspects that are in control to fullest
>search dr.mike mew and do what he says
>get /fit/
>strong jaw will come back when you fix your bite and tounge position (dr.mike mew)
>will be easier to get pussy in some degree if you do all that, or just get a hooker