

Ohhhh fuck its happening again

fuck. RIP

my thoughts are with thom and their children

Who is this person

thom yorke's ex wife

Not ready for the feels the next album

Hopefully this means a new Radiohead album

Is Radiohead breaking up?

holy fuck what

maybe they'll actually make a new album now



jesus fucking christ

Why is this not being reported anywhere?

The next Radiohead will be a feels trip...

I sorta think this makes AMSP the "feels" album everyone is talking about.

Not to be cynical, but AMSP just jumped to #1 position in a lot of people's minds

>True Love Waits

Why did they divorce?

She didn't like the king of limbs

>literally who musician's ex wife


>declining health from cancer in the last year
So thom presumably knew she was dying of cancer when they were working on a moonshaped pool then?

>all of daydreaming
>all of true Love Waits
>pretty much the whole album
>just. dont. Leave

oHHHH fuck

Some depressing ass music coming
andth atd saying something

CoS just posted it

Wow my ex wife fucking died and I wrote songs about it and you people didn't care

were they good songs?
show us

as i read your post, i instantly broke to tears. True love waits was written about 20 years ago, but it didn't get released untill this year. I believe the song took a totally different context.

Holy fuck

Poor Rachel. Poor Thom. Poor little Agnes and Noah Yorke ;_____;

Now i feel like shit

His longtime ex-wife just died and you're hyped for a new album? Give the man some time. If my wife died im not gonna say "hell yeah time to make an album" you mongoloid.



They were never properly married I don't think, but they separated under "amicable terms." I'd assume this might be why.

fucking kek

damn. lots of death in the world of music as of late. lots and lots.

rachel owen wasnt a musician

who cares

Yeah I'm sure your thoughts will make them feel better. How good of you to help them with your extremely helpful THOUGHTS.

Im gonna sound like an absolute fag, but this is pretty fucking devastating for me in a weird way.

After hearing Present Tense and True Love Waits for the first time last year, I cried like a bitch and took some really important desisions in my life, including getting back together with my ex.

6 months later and most of that shit fell through. Hearing about this just makes it much more devastating.


She was very private about their life.

My first thoughts. I wonder if Rachel broke up with him because of the cancer, and did Thom knew about it?




Certainly potential there

How could Thom have time for Radiohead as a single father? Could this be the end of the band?

look at the chin on him tho

*tips fedora*

So did Thom leave her knowing full well she had terminal cancer or did she leave him?

>She was 48 years old and leaves behind a son, Noah, and a daughter, Agnes, aged 15 and 12.
Oh, now I'm really sad

AMSP was sad she died

posthumously AOTY

Yorke x Bjork when

Next album will be the most depressing things they will ever make