Best TV show ever thread

Best TV show ever thread.

Oh well I guess that's /thread

the black dude wtf


>which one

hes blind

i lol'd

fuck you troll


You look for the battles in the wrong place. The true test of a warrior is not without - it is within

You're pretty close OP, but not quite

beat me to it. guess i shoulda refreshed first

Not even close.


Gene Roddenbuhhrrreh was a gift to humanity. Star Trek: TNG has helped humanity in ways we may never appreciate.

Too much action and politics. Reminds me of something....

I win

Best science fiction show hands down..

Best show of all time? Idk

I love night court

that show is awful. I've tried many times to watch it and can't make it through an entire episode

me too


Stupid scifi bullshit can't compete with real world science. Get rekt nerds.

get on my level faggot

>implying science fiction isn't the best genre because it allows for drama, humor, and thrills as well as having high standards for creativity and the exploration of existential ideas.

I'm glad I'm not


Get on my level

I wanted to fuck Bailey so bad


Get on my level

Anime? Please user. You're bringing a kamikaze pilot to an atomic bomb fight.

These two shows look great, but in an ironic way. I feel like I'd be laughing at it more than anything.



This dude might be able to figure out a way for all you trek fags to get some pussy.


>this guy doesn't know it's cool to like ST now.



i just know he fucked that puppet

yea they made a shit movie so its okay to be a faggot now

isn't this guy the lead role in one of the later star trek series?

I never really got into Star Trek. Which one would you recommend I watch first??

gummi bears = win

So I guess that negates what you said then. Okay good day, sir.

>Be Worf, great Klingon warrior
>Gets his ass handed to him every episode

revenge is best served on ice

you are thinking of stargate nig nog

touche. never watched the later star treks or star gate

If you don't like it, you don't like it. But there's a few episodes that I think everybody can enjoy.

The Best of Both World I & II
The Measure of a Man
I, Borg


The original with the Shat

Rest is dogshit