What are Sup Forums's thoughts on porter robinson?

what are Sup Forums's thoughts on porter robinson?


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shit "EDM"

Go to bed porter


he seems like a huge asshole

what makes you say that?

'Worlds' is my favorite record ever, but I can definitely see why someone wouldn't like it.

he likes anime

mine too. Sup Forums generally doesnt like anything EDM related but i was hoping some people at least liked him since hes a bit different

Eh, i actually like porter

thats good to hear, what is your favorite song by him?

here, I think 'Natural Light' is the best track, even though it's sort of an interlude. I'm hoping he does something like it on the next record.

probs sea of voices

yes that one is pretty good too

have you heard the live version of it? i saw him at electric zoo this year and it was such an amazing experience, i didnt know this version of natural light existed. this is it: youtu.be/SkNABBZNx4E?t=21m40s

that is a good one, his most melodic song.

favorite track is polygon dust

Well, I haven't really seen many ppl that likes porter desu

thats one i dont hear a lot. what makes it your favorite?

do you mean on Sup Forums or just in general?


gg keyboard

I think the best live edit has to be the one for 'Fresh Static Snow'

This is another favorite, I love how the synth clips over everything.

the vocal melody and the blaring synths

but i also really like the lyrics.

In general, huh

Specially ppl from south america (i'm chilean btw)

I'm not typically into EDM but I do like Worlds, and I like the track he did on the Spitfire EP called Vandalism. I like Language too. But i think that Worlds is a legitimately good album with good concepts and ideas.

good god, hearing fresh static snow live at electric zoo was insane. up until that point i hadnt heard it before, so when those screaming synths + the fire machines went off i was very much not prepared and it was incredible. my favorite live edit is for flicker, which happens to be my favorite song by him. this is flicker live: youtu.be/SkNABBZNx4E?t=52m37s

it is my favorite of his pop-orientated tracks from worlds. the synths are very pretty

weird i thought he had a following amongst south americans, judging by his facebook comments section. hes very popular in america and japan

i actually didnt like spitfire. the only song on it i liked was 100% in the bitch, didnt even like the remixes on it

eh idk, just have seen a few

but there has to be more for sure

fresh static snow is such a sad song

well more mainstream EDM stars are popular in those countries, generic shit like hardwell, afrojack, calvin harris, etc

the lyrics are very sad, yes. they rival sad machine and goodbye to a world in terms of making me want to cry desu

It's about the idea that everyone in the world has a companion somewhere in the world that would make them the absolute happiest. More than anyone else. And the chances of us meeting that person are obviously slim to none.

That's right... as I said, just a few.

I met porter with sad machine tho

ugh stop im gonna cry again. this is why i love porter so much, the only artist ive ever listened to who has actually made me feel emotion from his music

(wouldnt cry as much to fresh static snow like i did to the shelter music video desu)

i met him with goodbye to a world. saw it in my recommended on youtube and thought id give it a listen. loved it a lot but didnt bother to check out anything else from him. like 5 months later i saw the sad machine music video on my recommended and gave that a shot and loved it so much i binge-listened to every song on worlds and fell in love

lel actually, it began on newgrounds, i was looking around and i find a remix of sad machine, and some time later i decided to take a look at the original one, and then i did the same with the worlds album :v

(sorry if bad english tho lmao)

was it the anamanaguchi remix or just some random one some kid made and put it on newgrounds?

nah, i think it was "ardor remix" or smth


sounds like the original, not very good desu

i love the orchestral section at the beginning of Fellow Feeling so much

eh not too bad either, kinda decent for a remix

same. he needs to put more orchestral-type shit in more of his music. the violins are 10/10

can tell it the guy who made it is using fl studio and is new to it. porter made worlds in fl studio but hes talented af

ikr æ

Worlds is a pretty good album but it feels kinda melodramatic and cheesy to me


i understand exactly what you mean, but you need to let loose and come at it with an open mind. i like to think he made some of those more-sad songs when he himself felt down. i feel like he put his own emotion into it

I can agree with that.

But Spiritualized is one of my favorite bands.

If you like Porter Robinson, I'd highly recommend checking out Mat Zo too (if you havent already)

op here. im a big EDM guy in general and yeah i do like mat zo. love "easy" with porter, and love his side-collab with kill the noise, along with some of his solo shit

His brother Nick is really cool.

he is. i usually avoid polygon based off political views, but nick is a guy i can appreciate