/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Beginner guitar tutorials:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav (embed)

old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


hello yes where are the memes

Any guitar players that also use The Hendrix style of rhythm playing?

3rd for anxiety attacks


of all the people that post in these threads, how many of you guys a) play guitar/bass b) are good at it c) play in a band/make music w/ guitars and d) make good music? just curious

is 50 watts too loud for bedroom playing

>playing bass


I want to say Stevie Ray Vaughan and John Mayer do.

a living breathing meme. woah

Clapton can't.

a) play guitar/bass
b) are good at it
do anything for 14 years and you'll get good at it
c) play in a band/make music w/ guitars and
haven't been in a band since high school
d) make good music? just curious
can't write for shit and it's not a high priority right now

Yes It is. But this thread is for memes so sure buy it anyway.

real men play mandolin/banjo

Been fooling around with B standard on my acoustic and loving the sound. Makes me want to get a baritone guitar because even with a large body and the .13s I usually use (I usually keep it in D standard), B is kinda pushing it. Anyone else in love with low tunings on acoustic?

real nu-males*

Anyone down to hear a pretty bad cover of The Trooper?

Post it m80

mandolin might be numale but banjo is still pretty legit

Pretty much all R&B players. Curtis Mayfield, Ernie Isley, etc.


banjo is nu-male or hella redneck. just depends on the guy playin

I'll start recording now


>wears cut off jean booty shorts

Does Sup Forums dig my meme machine?


Hugely subjective, but I have a pretty well-rounded technical skill set on guitar (everything from 2+ finger tapping to six-string sweep arpeggios and beyond), I can improvise over complex jazz changes and create an "outside" sound without it going totally atonal, I have a pretty solid understanding of jazz harmony, etc.

>in a band?

>good music?
Super subjective again, but I'm happy with what we've been doing. We've gotten a really good reception at the last few shows we played. (One guy came up to me after our set last night and said we reminded him of The Mars Volta, and the show before that a guitar player from another band said that we were the tightest live band he had ever seen.) Our music is a mix of post-hardcore, art rock, and '70s prog.


Maybe, just turn it down

way too loud

no, the colour is hideous


yeah it all checks out

most canadian thing i've seen all day

posted the wrong link but it's related anyways


Been playing open C minor in a big 12 string for a while and it's great.

I bet that sounds amazing. Haven't tuned my 12 that low but I might try it

So, what do you think of the Fulltone OCD?

Thoughts on the thr10?

Fine overdrive, but kind of boring. For the price I prefer a more unique sounding overdrive (with interesting clipping in the high end for example)

Buy the Mooer Hustle Drive if you want an OCD, it's a clone at a much cheaper price.

Yeah, gotta agree with , the OCD sounds kind of flat compared to some of the cheaper offerings from boutique pedal builders/modifiers. Some of my favorite versatile ODs are the Suhr Riot (similar price to the OCD), the EXH Soul Food (I have the JHS mod version in my board), and the Bearfoot Honey Bee (buy used if you can).

I'm searching overdrives with a tube sound, like the OCD or the Tube Screamer, can you suggest some OD?

Trying to make it as error free as possible

Catalinbread has a lot of great options. I like the Dirty Little Secret and the 5f6. A used one shouldn't be too much more than an OCD.

My favorite overdrive for that tube sound is a Lovepedal High Power Tweed Twin or a Les Lius but they're kind of hard to find.

It sounds great though bruh

that is some sus attire


Rate my amp

you should redo it with a darker red

lmao yeah. I think he was going for a Hendrix kind of look but just ended up looking gay as shit.

I want to make Noise Rock and post-hardcore, rec me gear

something broken

dont be a faggot
buy a jackson
play metal


how is jackson? played one today and i really liked it but idk much about them

The more I work with it the less I'm liking it but It's fine

Why are teles so amazing?

get a tube amp, like an old fender or something 100-200watts preferably. people misprice relatively small looking tube amps majorly online. a stack isnt worth it and any hybrid is going to annoy the fuck out of you. the mileage comes in playing loud though. if you can record loud and mix quiet then youll be the most satisfied even with just anything. and, honestly, if you spend generously and get a twin turbo or something like that the gain on the amp should suffice and then all you really need is something like a cathedral reverb box which youll want for everything and will satisfy you for the rest of your life. dont know much about guitars, but single coils are never good unless you're looking into pedals and more psychedelic, nuanced playing. the other dude telling you to get a jackson has the right idea. metal guitars are good for noise rock. you can probably get that or an ibinez or (imo) an epiphone les paul for less than $300.

I am considering that how should I go about it senpai?

My band does like, progressive post-hardcore and some noise. I play a Strat into an Egnater Rebel 20, my main pedals are an OD, wah, and delay. I also use an analog chorus for a nice lead boost.

ok thanks man

Synester Gates is a pretty damn good guitarist.

simplicity is its prime virtue. it does what you want to do with it and nothing more

>play guitar, learning on my own
>of course i'm not good at it
>i make my own music, too much of a beginner to play in a band I think
>i don't make good music

But if it matters to you I mostly lurk and am not the one behind the really arrogant comment.


he anchors his pinky, isn't that bad?

how do you mean? on his picking hand?

yeah, look at 3:18 his pinky on the body to play single notes. people have told me this is a bad thing to do

I can agree with that man. It's such a straight forward guitar.

i wouldn't think it's a big deal, it allows him to feel which string he's on by how far his pinky is stretched

>tele with an f-hole, aka: thinline

Making something simple even simpler

I also have a WM7, pretty great pedal. Love that CT5, wish to have one some day.

Do you post on reddit? I think I've seen this board (and if so, talked to you) before.


Bright red and rosewood don't go together very well. Weird pickguard choice, too

>played one today and i really liked it
That's all you need to know. Why would you trust other's opinions more than your own?

meems, and other general knowledge about the brand.

yeah if you're super tense with it i'd say that's bad but just placing it doesn't seem like a big deal

What are some exercises I can do to keep practicing engaging?

How big should a band be before it starts touring?

pinkie pushups

big enough to tour

Opinions on analog delay?


I'm really diggin the punchiness of the DM-2 (Waza set to classic) over the CC but they're both classics

Any niggas have one or the other and can offer opinions?

at least 2000 Facebook likes


I need some help figuring out where to go as a newly intermediate player what are some tips I can get around practicing if anyone who plays would pls respond


You know what to do.

Who is the stallion?

David Rusell is such a creepy guy.

what the FUCK is wrong with that kid's head?

Post your guitars

>doesn't even own American guitars



He's Indian.

[spoiler]I'm not even American[/spoiler]

My fav. at the moment.
A first generation esp eclipse.

So hearing this, what is delay good except for happy poppy worship sounds?
All delay demos I hear is the same kind of non-songs

I'm looking to buy a guitar with p90s and a Gibson scale length (I do like reverends though)
My budget is ~$700 USD, what are my main options?

Is Pheriphery metal?



I once ran a yamaha guitar with p90s through a peavey 6505mh. Incredible thrash tone.

A good analog delay with a modulation section can get you some great chorus and flange sounds.

What strings you use

One of the best practice amps out there. Fairly diverse sounds, and it's easy to change the pre-sets or save new channels from your computer. Sounds great at low volumes but also gets louder than you'd expect. I love mine.