Post albums you didn't like at first, but slowly grew on you until, one day, it became one of your favorites

Post albums you didn't like at first, but slowly grew on you until, one day, it became one of your favorites.

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every time I give this album a new chance, it sounds shittier than before

Used to be my least favorite Ae by far and now it's top 5 for sure

jane doe and remain in light

Try Speaking in Tongues. It's the shit.

That's cool. Can you post your favorite song?

On Quaristice? Easily Simmm

MUCH better than Blue Lines.

ok, my dude, i'll try

I don't even remember how I found it. I didn't like it at all but I loved the first and the last songs on the album so I kept coming back for more. Slowly it really started growing on me. I'd like to think this album made me more open minded along with other stuff.



Speaking in tongues

1st listen: the fuck was that
2nd listen: first half is great but what the fuck is the second half
4th listen: wait actually Aumgn is awesome



Also pic related


Clarence Clarity - No Now

first listen i thought there was way too much going on and it was way too long

now i think it's the best album of 2015

this album was immediatly one of my favorites from the first time i listened to it



thought it was just Sup Forumscore dogshit on my first listen

Shit used to make my ears bleed.
Now it makes my ears bleed but I love it.


People say this album takes a few repeated listens to click but it was one of the most instantaneous loves I've ever had for music

Just post the album cover you fucking faggot.

I don't get the hype for this album. There's like 3 great tracks but the rest are pretty average.

Only the first two songs are good...the rest is rubbish

its not a timeless classic in my eyes but i absolutely hated it at first and now i really like it

it's Isn't Everything by MBV. i have covers in my folders but this one is over 4 MB i couldn't upload it and was too lazy to download new pics from gewgle.

the first two songs are the weakest songs, not many interesting melodies.

it's beautiful

I didn't get the minimalist sparse instrumentation, but after I got into IDM, it climbed in my top 5.

RIL is their most experimental album. Try their other stuff first, and then come back to it after you're used to/love Byrne's insane nonsensical rants about society and all that. 77 and Fear of Music (my personal favorite) for a more art/post-punk approach, or Speaking in Tongues for art pop synth funk.

Same goes for
Getting into krautrock through stuff like Tago Mago or Faust s/t is really backwards and dumb, but blame the Sup Forumscore charts for that. Start with literally anything else Can made up until Soon Over Babaluma, including Delay 1968. Or Faust IV, and then move on to other bands like Amon Duul II. Krautrock is a super groovy genre that more people need to listen to.

I really didn't get ambient music the first time I listened to it




not one of my absolute favourites but it really has grown on me since getting over the shock

>tfw sample and hold becomes enjoyable after the 3rd listen

How could you not like this ever?