How do you come to terms with realizing nothing about life is actually in your control...

How do you come to terms with realizing nothing about life is actually in your control? How do you feel comfortable again?
Not a feels thread.

stop being a bitch.


yeah i know, that's why i said it.

How do u stop being a bitch

Shut the fuck up. You're a monkey flying around on a rock perfectly made to support what may be the only life in the entire goddamn universe in the greatest and most oportune time to be alive in all of human history, and yet you think you have no control of your life? You have more power over yourself and your world than anyone else has in your entire family tree simply because you were born after 1950, you stupid, sad fuck.

God, why is OP always such a faggot?

You dominate the lives of other things. You become it's living God as an attempt to re-exert your control over something. Go find a sub slave. Or like normal people do, buy a pet. faggot.

I have been feeling like an empty shell walking around with no motivation lately. But I started to go out fishing and enjoying taking time to reflect now I'm starting to feel alive again. Go out and do something new and see what happens.

do the opposite of what you usually do.

You misunderstand. Not a feels thread, so its not a moral question. Its a matter of coming to terms with that no matter what you do, shit just happens, & can go sideways at any given moment despite how you might feel or what you might believe.
NOT A FEELS THREAD FAGS, nobody is depressed here.

Nothing like tricking some starving creature into biting a metal hook to really put your life in perspective.

>no matter what you do, shit just happens, & can go sideways at any given moment despite how you might feel or what you might believe.

so? what's your point?

Many things about life are actually in your control. You better recognize.


It was in the OP. How do you deal with that without being uncomfortable everyday.

It's true, I do like fried chicken....

>inb4 nigger

there's no alternative. well there is you could just kill yourself. anyway you have today. when it ends you won't see it coming. you do what you can until you can't. you don't "deal" with it, you accept it.

There is shit in your life you can control.

The key is to realize what you can and can't control. You do what you can and stop worrying about things you can't.

nigger alert

nigger alert

Just stop thinking so much and try to stay busy from the time you are awake until the time you go to sleep. Listen when people speak and actually engage in conversations.

Thanks. I kinda knew that already, i think i just needed to hear it from someone else. Or a fag on Sup Forums.

>just stop thinking

the answer to all of life's problems.

i'm not a faggot you snotnosed cunt. just go kill yourself. you're never going to find happiness.