Jessi come back!

jessi come back!

make a new ama thread or reply to this one! your other one 404'd

Other urls found in this thread:

Those tits look like amputated legs growing out of her chest

omg why the fuck doesnt she just lose some fucking weight

Virginfag detected


Why don't you?

¿What did she say on the other one?

JFC, bitch just turn 18 & is already camwhoring & is waiting to do porn. I knew her life was shit but it's just one bad decision after another

She reminds me of my ex girlfriend anyone wanna see her picture just ask.
Picture of me for the meantime.

Nice to see you went back to being a man Coppercab

yes show

No u! Thoughts on my telescope?

it was a troll thread

the writing on the paper is copy paste bullshit

the same faggot that actually made a shoop put the date on the paper and stated that "she" forgot to add the date, but its just a photoshop. don't fall for this bullshit.

the pic is real but most likely a AMA from another thread and possibly from another site that is not Sup Forums

when the fuck did she do an ama?

Nigga I got a 50mm finderscope like dat on my dick so I can spot ur mum

Did she post her beef curtains?

You're ridiculously retarded you know that? She even said on her Tumblr that the AMA thread was real.

is this real?

if so you should probably post threads here often cause there are a lot of spacebros on this site. please be a regular on here with your space pics if you have any

be like Nickel, a well known faggot on Sup Forums who posts regularly

you right


are you a fucking retard? inspect the fucking pic and you will see that the writing is fucking shopped. dont tell me you believe everything you see on the net you stupid fuck

if it was real why didn't she ever reply? not even once after the 2nd pic was posted did she say ONE thing

does she know that her prime years are over or does she still have GOTIS?

Donald Trump must have said something about Jessi Slaughter, she cut her hair like Megyn Kelly

Hey Jessi, couple of things

1. It's 2016 and 640x480 is the best you can do? Really?

2. We are on the internet. You're going to have to do better than anonymously reply to questions since literally everyone ITT can say they are you. When you reply to this post I expect you to attach a newly taken picture so we know it is you answering. Preferably with vag and a spoon in the pic so I know its a new image

3. Few years back I was browsing Sup Forums and someone posted your skype in a thread. I added you and to my surprise it was legit. We totally fapped together on Skype and you squirted a few times. Do you remember me? In any case, how many guys have you fapped with online cam2cam? Don't worry, my number is unusually large too

4. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU START A WEBSITE YOU STUPID WHORE?! JESUS YOU HAVE A NICHE MARKET THAT HAS NEVER BEEN TOUCHED BEFORE. GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OVER ON MFC ( RIGHT NOW. Not a single soul under the age of 30 will pay to see you naked. Plenty of old dudes will though on a cam model site where freeloaders (aka all of Sup Forums) will shoot your room up in the rankings so you get more exposure and money through tips.
Here are some salaries of the top earners from a glitch on the site.

Not a single meme has EVER become a website camwhore. Memes such as Boxxy had the chance to cash in, but they never did. Do you know why movies/tv based in the early 1900's do well? FUCKING NOSTALGIA. GET YOUR ASS ON MFC AND LET US JERK OFF TO OUR CHILDHOOD MEME. Sure most of us won't pay you a goddamn cent but there are plenty of stupid 60 year old rich guys who will. Play your cards right and you will have thousands of viewers each time you log on.

5. If you have a guy friend make an account on chat.urbate as well so he can fuck you on cam for money

6. Think of your relatively unique cam model name right now and post it so we can all copy and paste that shit so we don't forget about it

All virgins know what boobs look like. You're just mad because the only girl that would fuck you has boobs like these I presume

Except she replied a good 15 to 20 times...but keep on with your bad self. You have a really shitty eye for photoshop by the way. Like, ridiculously shitty

Who's got the sex wembs?

But he can tell from the pixels and from seeing quite a few shoops in his day

Anyone have the original nudes?

Toppest of keks


Started few weeks ago.

it must suck to have a monitor in 2016. please upgrade to hdmi quality friend. that way your shit eyes wont deceive your fucking brain that is really not capable of handling anythying.

what replies are you talking about? i only saw trolling from retard anons. she didn't reply at all. if you want i can post up the actual thread cause it was saved and i can actually do that. no reply was ever given by her. not sure where you are getting your facts from but they are wrong

Okay genius investigator. Provide the original picture then


seriously. what was your goal in posting this?

to plant a seed in her head so one day in the not so distant future i can think to myself
"hmm i feel like jacking off real quick let me just go to mfc".
"oh hey look its that jessi chick from years back ima just bust a nut real quick from freeloading in her room without paying her anything".
then i leave for work for my above average salary job and be happy with my life and laugh at hers

You plant a seed in her head, while I plant multiple sloppy wet seeds in her pussy and ass

Where can I find her sex vids? Im into trainwrecks


here's her new nudes and story around it

What's her tumblr?

Thx man

so. fucking. acurate.

she was doing this stuff before she was 18

any more of her prime years?

Go to image fap

google arbys sandwich

since she was 13......there are literally thousands of vids of her bating on cam out there etc

Is there any place I can find all her current stuff?


oh fuck its true!

thank you dude you made this thread epic!!!


you da man!!


fags. love your mother that much huh?

I don't get it. Why be such a tryhard on an anonymous imageboard where nobody knows who you are?

It's all the samefag

Because everything he said is a fantasy

your mother will die tonight in her sleep

cool story bro



oh fuck you


hoyl shit yes

do you have any cognizance of how insecure you sound?

Oh shit



any more?


what the fuck is "damien"? is she fucking transgender now?


She's gender fluid or some stupid shit. Basically whatever she wants to be she becomes. Damien is when she's male. Fucking kids these days

so no sauce?