1. When did you smoke your first cigarette????? 2. Where did you get it? 3. How did you feel? 1#11...

1. When did you smoke your first cigarette????? 2. Where did you get it? 3. How did you feel? 1#11. 2# stole it from my grandma. 3# So fucking buzzed I had to lay down for 5 mins... took like 5 drags

>. When did you smoke your first cigarette????
About Age 14
> 2. Where did you get it?
>3. How did you feel?
Normal, so normal that I never smoked again, because I didn't enjoy it.

>I think i was 6
>trying to impress some teens and they gave me a malrboro red
>coughed nothing else

>was 16
>got it from a friend heading to a music festival
>felt a nicotine buzz, liked it

23 and still smoking... god damn it

1. I was around 13-14, still in middle school.
2. I got it from an old Italian guy outside a grocery store who didn't have a lighter. Being an edgy teenager, I had one. I lit his cigarette and he let me smoke some of it. Only took one drag and proceeded to cough up a storm.
3. I felt pretty gross and short of breath since I have asthma. I haven't smoked a cigarette since.

K 10 reasons why I quit being an Internet shill
10: long hours and shitty pAy
9: spending my life doing... What? ... For what purpose?
8: Can't exactly explain to anyone what I do without being full of shit
7:Lots of the people we shill are actually just normal people just trying to connect with others without some wrench thrown in the mix
6:Could literally be having sex or doing something awesome right now instead of being a computer zombie shut in
5:Clean conscious ... Nuff said
4:Opportunity for something new to do with my life! Variety is the spice!
3:Lost weight by not being on the computer as often, and got laid more
2:New appreciation with life and people
1:Positivity is contagious, and desirable- pass it on! :) b

1. When did you smoke your first cigarette????? 16, i think 2. Where did you get it? from a friend on the way home from school 3. How did you feel? kinda shitty tbh, got sick off one huge drag (i hit it like it was a joint)

28 years old now and it's been 18 months since i smoked a cigarette, best decision ever

1. 18 years old
2. Friends
3. Woozy, then I slept nicely
Been smoking for almost a year now, I can still quit if I want to

I was 15, so you got me beat. I felt fine, because I had been smoking cigars since I was about 11. My cousin gave it to me and it was "tite" at the time because she also gave me beer and jager.

No U can't faggot

1. 11 or 12
2. Friends older sister mid 20s
3. Nothing only puffed

My first cigarette was when I'm 15 , now I'm 16 and I still smoke , i feel shitty cuz i now that shit kills me one day.

>I can still quit if I want to
spoken like a true addict.

no it fuckin' won't just don't do it until you're 50.

>First cigarette
>Where did you get it?
My friend had it at school and gave it to me
>How did you feel?
I got pretty nicotine buzzed

True i know He don't can quit Smoking

1. I was a sophomore in high school so I was probably 15 or 14
2. A guy that rode my bus just asked if i wanted one so I said "sure"
3. I hated it.
Now im 18 and enjoy smoking

same bro, except i continued to smoke it, wanted to get the lightheadedness so i smoked it out of a bong. best feeling ever.

I never smoked a cigarette until I was nine years old.
--H. L. Mencken

But I think I'm Smoking longer my whole Family smokes and I still can't quit Smoking , i need that shit and I know I'm a dumb ass motherfucking fgt

you're fuckin 16, dude. don't sweat it.

stole from parents
A little more alert and uppity smoked for a couple weeks. Stopped never smoked again.

I'm glad I quit when I did, but I used to love Turkish Royals and Camel Menthols.

1. 15
2. Bought full packet with friend from a small store. Shopkeeper gave no shit about us being young.
3. Obviusly felt harder than now. Very weak drags.

Felt a strong buzz. 21 and I light 3 minimum a day.
I want to know Sup Forums, how fucked am I? Is smoking less better than smoking more? Also should I try to give it up?

I hope I can still quit Smoking in a few years.

#1 around 7.
#2 my dad, he smoked Marolboro Red shorts.
#3 didn't feel good, coughed a little, but I was fine after that. Didn't really try again until I got my first job at 16.

Smoking less is better than more, kek
People that smoke a packet a day end up fucking up 3/4 a day seems ok.

just don't smoke every day.
i've been smoking for seven years, and I don't need it every day. I've gone weeks without wanting to, but some people (like me) smoke habitually, like during a road trip, after eating, after sex, after whatever, it can become a habit. which i still think is way better than an addiction. keep it as a habit, because you can get rid of habits easy.

1) 9 yr old
2) stole it from my dad cause some 16 yr old faggots made me do it or theyre gonna keep bullying me that time i was still stupid and naive.
3)even after smoking like 7 cigs i didnt feel a thing. but my dad found out and i got grounded for 3 mounths (no tv no internet no going outside etc) i fucking regret that day.

>first cig at 11yrs old
>Friend from childhood moved back to town, he smoked so I tried it
>Felt bad letting myself smoke, I knew it was bad, but I wanted to fit in.

Am 29 now and on day 4 of no smoking. Haven't told anyone yet except my gf cuz I don't want to deal with anyone's shit if I fail.

In Canada the govt will pay for you to quit smoking, so I got a 3 month supply of patches. Been pretty easy so far, but it's a long road.

1. 14 years old.
2. Staying at a friend house with nothing to do and this guy smokes cigarettes all day long, about a pack a day, he offered me one and I said sure.
3. Very surprised, felt great and relaxed talking to friend, my head felt good.

never smoked a cig but enjoy weed from time to time. What's a nicotine buzz like?

I know i'm 16 i i don't have "real" Problems but it just fucked me up that my girlfriend had fucked a other faggot and I hate my life at the Moment do fucking much. Cuz this bitch i smoke too much at the Moment.

Kinda like a head rush from holding your breath for a long time or if you stand up too fast. Pretty chill if your just sitting around.

#1. I got it when I was 14
#2. Brothers close friend
#3.I felt pleased and cool

>friends brother
>friends all passed out
>instantly hooked and have been fighting it for the last 15 years

1. 13 2. From a friend 3. Shit because I started coughing and my friends laughed about me

The struggle is real Sup Forumsro

1. 14
2. Friend bought them
3. Heavenly

Good luck to you and everyone else here if you try to quit. Do it one day at a time. Don't think you can "just have one" and it will be okay. Having even just one smoke will reset everything. All the progress you make, just, gone. Be strong Sup Forumsros.

Try vaping, it's been helping me. Super lame but it's been working.

I'm from Eastern Europe. I had my first ciggie when i was 6 years old. Grandma let me try it and I hated it. I was against smoking and wanted her to quit. Then in primary school I wanted to hang out with the cool kids so I started smoking. I was 12 and I started buying red Marlboro. I'm 30 years old now and haven't stopped smoking since. I was also stealing smokes from grandma but her ciggies were too weak

1. at 14
2. some other kids gave it to me
3. smoked a full pack in the first day, felt dizzy and sick

wasn't addicted until 18.
trying to quit for 4 years now.

broooo, just dump her, man.
You might think it's a bad idea but it's just your insecurities telling you that.
You'll find a better woman than that, trust me.
Don't let a woman destroy you like that.
Do it to yourself like a man. Not talking shit, just sayin'.

fuck off faggot

Haha gtfo young nigger MODS!

I got my.patches, it's been an easy few days, I'm just gonna stick with it. I have it in my mind that they will help me quit. Im confident about it this time, so I don't think I want to use any other methods. My gf is being very supportive this time around. I told her that I am just going to bury my head in a game and have been playing diablo 3 non stop since Sunday.

She hasn't been riding my ass for anything which is nice. She really wants me to quit this time.

how old are you?

1. about 10 years old
2. my friend stole it from his mom
3. smoked 2 in a row and felt like shit the rest of the day

started smoking regularly at 17, my mom would buy them for me

>2,took one of my aunt while looking after her house
>3, I felt slightly buzzed but nothing too special.
Smoked a few more cigs for the few days after that but didn't feel anything special about them . Also, I hated how it smelled so I never did it again.

don't be a faggot.
remember that nothing here is true.


either samefag or two niggers.

>1. When did you smoke your first cigarette?????
>2. Where did you get it?
A coworker
>3. How did you feel?

> Fucking 8 or 9 years old
>Stole it from my mother
>Felt like the coolest motherfucker before i started vomiting furiously because i swallowed the smoke
>Mom thought i was sick so i was able to stay home for a few days

Still smoking to this day but these days i dont get to stay home afterwards

You're absolutely right. Cuz this bitch i was the last week every day in my Office or bedroom and the only thing I do was programming and playing fcking Computer games I was since 4 week not in the wonderful forest in the near of my house. Thx bro ur open my eyes.

Just report him.

Or , you know, don't be a faggot. Let the kid have some fun.

This post is proof that smoking causes strokes.

If he's dumb enoughto flat out state that he's underage he doesn't deserve to be here

Hell yeah

Okay thanks. But can I get cancer by smoking 2-3 a day?

or hes b8ing. go ahead and swallow that shit.

everyone is different.
tbh, you'll probably get cancer from something else.

The mods can't and don't give half a fuck about whether he's baiting or not

1. 17 yo
2. Friend
3. Nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness, depressed mood.

only the CIA can give you cancer. They have a cancer gun that they shoot at people. That's what happened to the president of Venezuela. They couldn't plan a successful coup so they had to make a cancer gun.

Trust me, im a professional.

I got banned once for saying I was underage in a "post your age and I'll tell your fortune" thread.

My post was "I'm 12 and what is this"

I trust u Sup Forumsro

>stole a pack from a car, then just took the half finished butts from my mother and grandmother...and dad...everyone in my family smokes
>the first pack i dont remember feeling much. i smoked the whole pack, but the ones in the ashtray i get i get really dizzy and then calm.
if i dont get them in about...3 days i feel sick
btw i can buy my own now

kek. that's petty as fuck.


Sup Forums

>They got you with the gun!!

Mods love banning people for that phrase

like a "professional" or a professional?

1. 18, worked nights and hated my life, decided to try something new to see if it made anything better.
2.I bought it at 7-11
3 Felt way better, i went from stressing over my job and hating having to work there to not really caring.

As a result i made enough money to coast through life for a while and take college classes. I know it will kill me eventually, but we all die of something.

No no i'm a normal guy but in front of my house are some Black cars and guys with guns


Like this user Said, they don't give a fuck.

When I appealed my ban, In my email I said "it's a meme you dip" and they lifted the ban kek

When I was 10 and my mom gave it to me,i threw up

>stolen from my mom (mint cigarette)
> pure death

>i'm a smoker now

Get r3ckt fag

Fucking this. Too many anti-smoking faggots out there. Yeah it's bad for you, just know when to stop if you're worried about that shit.

>First cig
age 14, 10 years ago.
>Where I got it
friend went to rehab and came out smoking cigs. used to go off campus in hs for smoke breaks and ask me to smoke with him cuz he hated smoking alone. finally said yes. twas a newport.
>How did you feel?
I really disliked it. He said the first one never tastes good. After he taught me how to smoke, I ended up at this party where everyone was doing coke. I never tried it and didn't want to, but I bummed their cigarettes while they did lines. chain-smoked the whole party, almost a pack worth. bought my own, first pack the next day.




Nice try Fidel.

That's not the CIA that's the Black Cars Matter fuckers again.

are you talking to me?


It's rekt you dip



>When did you smoke your first cigarette??
Just after I turned 12, my classmates were kind of edgy boys and I wanted to be cool so I got some cigs.
>Where did you get them?
I stole them from my mom, my dad and mom were smokers so I though they wouldn't notice anyways.
>How did you feel?
I felt dizzy and I couldn't get rid of the horrible taste in my mouth. So I went to the schools bathroom to wash my mouth with some water. At that moment I got diarrhea. Good that I was on the toilet already.
After that everyone noticed we had smoked besides our dumb fucking teachers.

Oo good

2. From a co-worker
3. Felt the buzz and thought I was fainting

never smoked a cigarette

lit my cousins cigarette while drunk once, it's because I was drunk. I know how to take a hit without inhaling from smoking pounds of pot since i was 17

I felt the same amount of drunk

I will say this though. Nicotine high from smoking blunts is a fun feeling until you have too much nicotine. Then you begin to feel dizzy and sick

>Half life 3 when?

16 i think
packet on the side of the pavement
it was a menthol, so not bad


>parents smoke cigs all the time
>kid i dont know shit
>8 years old
>smells like shit so why do you do this
>i want one
>dad hands me cig that he was smoking
>mom gives him wtf look
>i puff
>uck this tastes horrible
>"good remember that"
>havnt smoked a cig yet
>i want one

>When did you smoke your first cigarette????
15 I think
> 2. Where did you get it?
found a pack at the park on the 4th of july
>3. How did you feel?
I felt cool cause my friend was there and then super buzzed from nicotine