So where does Sup Forums work?

So where does Sup Forums work?
How do you like it there?

Miccy D's

Oh and it's ok. Extremely busy and not as cushy as some, but at least I'm not doing hard manual labor. The morning people are really nice and chill

jobless faggot here. i was going to try to get a job at pizza hut this september


I work for a non-profit that assists special needs individuals with nearly every aspect of their lives.
They fill in where the state has failed. (Nearly everywhere, my state doesn't give a fuck about the disabled)
I honestly love my job.
But, it doesn't pay enough. I'm punching up my resume to begin the job hunt.

what do you get paid?

also what state do you live in?


Just got a job at a dispensary. 12 an hour starting pay, swag, and I got 23 dollars in tips today. I'm loving it.

Machinist on night shift. Only 3 of us. Get to do whatever aslong as the parts are good. Love it. Pay is ok and its 5 min drive from house.

23 dollars? do you work for homeless people?

How does 12/hr compare to your states cost of living?
I'm making $10.75 but all reports say you need to make $13 minimum to get above the poverty line

12 an hour wouldn't cut it here. My wife also works full time at 16.50 an hour, and we have two roommates. 1200 a month mortgage. Pacific Northwest .

A private golf course
Love it here got so many guys fired because they don't like my personality already told them I'm not here to be the best friend at work I'm here to make money. And it's always the guys from Watseka who get mad and quit. Always the guys from Watseka. Those guy get mad for the smallest thing you do. Like trying to do something to get the work done faster and they get pissed and tell you they want to punch you hard in the face

The scorch marks are coming from the neutral side and a shock through a person wouldn't have enough current to cause that kind of carnage. It would be totally safe to stick a metal object into that side and grab on so long as the electrician wasn't a complete dumbass.

Edgewell, we're making Wilkinson disposable razors. The job is a piece of shit.

I'm working as a spider, which means that during a 12 hour shift I walk at least 16 kilometres, bring in and lift at least 40 boxes per line, prepare the shitty razor blades and do a whole lot of other bullshit every day.

Fucking hate the job and every single person there, except for my spiderbro and some qties there. Wish I could leave ASAP.

I still wouldnt try it my man.
Just some advice.

Operations manager for a Fortune 500 company was promoted from warehouse faggot make 19.01 now pay is ok hate dealing with paperwork though.

Maintenancefag at a hospital.
I love it. Nurses, housekeepers, food runners, registration, all women, never ending supply to hit on all day. Been there 7 months, only fucked two so far but it's fun.

Oh and never buy Wilkinson. Ever. They are some of the worst razors I have ever seen, and plenty of them go through my hands every shift.

No idea where the fuck your from but that burnt hole is the active lel. For maximum safety always clean you keys in the earth pin

Armyfag (infantry)

I want out so bad. If it weren't for all the "don't kill yourself" brainwashing I probably would.

Don't join the army Sup Forumsros, it probably worse than being a slave.

Banana poster. $87/hour. Boss hits on us all the time but the pay is unreal so we stay.

Pic related, it's him.

Working as a Sysadmin in a Company for elderly care. It's fun, of course you got your everyday jobs like a jamming printer or tedious user but most of the time we can focus on improving our Network or our knowledge. Company is paying trainings (like Microsoft certificates) when you need them and since the leaders dont really understand what we are doing we basically can do whatever we want

I'm in the poverty line. All I do is jerk off and play magic the gathering. Today I'm getting a sandwich that I'm pretty pumped about though

such is life

steal cards from walmart