Ask an Indian living in India anything

Ask an Indian living in India anything.

Why do so many indian commit fraud.

How is the food? Do you get chronic diarrhea and typhoid?

Why are there more cows then humans

why do you all stink?

Do you poo in loo?

Why is Pakistan superior?

Is it true incest is a really common thing in India?


How many women have you raped today?

why do men rape little kids there?



Nice bait. Pakistan is a shithole we gave away


Why do you brown untermensch shit in the streets?

I have a question: you cunts are like cockroaches

How often do you visit the designated shitting streets?

Are you Aryan or Dravidian?

Food's ok. Most of us are vegetarian. Western food is common in major cities. Slum/streetfood will give you the shits/or kill you

they sure breed at the same rate.

Is your space programme just a way of transporting all of the poo out of the designated shitting streets?

you're all pedos and pervs

Never have. I'm not a poorfag

Have you ever paid a visit to the public shitting grounds?

I think they even give the roaches a run for their money


The poor/homeless shit everywhere. Public toilets in shopping centres/malls are not open to the poor/homeless.

Do you know any old skinny guys who sit cross legged all day with big hats?

It's just a play at trying to portray india as a emerging superpower. We are not an emerging superpower.

Why is your country so disgusting?

What's the most common Pokemon you see?

Not personally. But they're all over the place.

Do you work in a call centre?

Would it kill you people to take showers and built toilets
Like dont get me wrong Im not racist or anything but Ive never met an indian that smells good (excluding women) do you guys just simply not shower or is it your shitty fucking cuisine?

No I'm a biomedical scientist.

How do the women smell?

Do you have a smelly moustache?

If youre so rich then why the fuck do you still live in that shithole OP?

Diglett. But it's actually poo.

Hey Louis I'm India

Poor indians don't have access to showers. A vast majority are working for a wage of app £2-3 a day, which is usually spent on homebrew alcohol. Aristocratic indians would not associate with outsiders. You've likely never met one.

But will you be able to afford a toilet?

that's the flag of Irland

Like with most countries I guess. Poor women/street girls stink. Middleclass/upperclass I guess smell much like western women, except they do not stink of fake tan.

What do you think it is that makes India so dysfunctional? I've known a lot of people from India and they all seem to agree on the idea that India would've been a powerhouse in modern politics if it hadn't been so terribly corrupt.

They were all of Brahmin caste though as they were foreign exchange students though. Never really talked to a normal person from India though so it would be interesting to hear your opinion.

I do not have a moustache

Op here. None of these are me

Why are your films so fucking awful? It's like someone saw a bad west end musical and decided to make it the basis for an entire film culture.

I'm not rich, I guess I'm middleclass. I studied in London England for 4years, I missed my family/the people. I live a pretty decent life in india.

Why do indians like to stare at people?

Nice I was curious because there's a pretty attractive Indian chick that is always hitting on me at a subway I go to and was worried her vag would be stank if i made a move.

We have 6bathrooms all with toilets/showers/bidets

how are the designated shitting streets?

Do you poo in the loo?

And yet, you worship all that and continue shitting in the street

Great thread OP
poo people can't even organize a simple ama without mass confusion and subliminal pc scams

India is incredibly corrupt. Politicians/police/bollywood actors/teachers/doctors. Money can literally buy you anything here. You can buy fake degrees/death certificates very easily. Fraud is common. It's not really frowned upon either, just accepted.

Why do you have an anus on your flag?

Bollywood has some good films as well. The ones you are talking about are the more mainstream ones that are designed to entertain the majority of indians not really bring up anything that meaningful or thought provoking.

Films are awful yes. Idk why. New films are released everyday regardless of whether they will flop or not

Have you read Warren Ellis's Supergod? If not, you should.

All indians poo in the street

All smelly brown people swim in sewage

All indians poo 36 times a day

These are just some the facts

It may well stink. Who knows. Some women have stinky vaginas regardless of race

Not OP, but mostly their diet (LOT of fucking curry), and of course poor hygiene.

I'm from Greece, recently I worked with 2 guys from India and 2 from Pakistan in a warehouse. They were talking excessively. Also they smelled a lot. When we had break they used to eat lentils. They were kind with me, but probably because my father is working there, member of the board.

Did they poo in the loo or did they poo in the warehouse?

I haven't. Not really a fan of comics tbh

With your currency, how did your family managed to pay the fees for you if you are middle class?

What are typical uppertier biomedical scientist wages? I hear in pounds its like £45k?

They used the bathroom, I don't know what they did there though. I don't find it entertaining watching people in their privacy moments, sorry.

My uni fees in england were roughly £30,000 ish. That's not really expensive.

Idk the typical wage. But in pounds I'm on £38k per annun. I'm not upper tier.

How do they determine if you're poor? Just by looking at your clothes?

What's best city in India? Why is it better than the rest?

Are you hindu or muslim? Do you hate either hindus or muslims?

What is the job of your parents?
How well can you make it with a degree in India?
Why would someone choose to live in India?
Do you work atm?
What is the average wage with a degree?
Thank you user

What's your religion?

Pretty much. And your general appearance. Some malls wont let you in if you're not well dressed

Idk. I'm from mumbai, I haven't really been all over india. Mumbai is both great and terrible. There are nice parts and terrible parts

what is your opinion on kashmir and what the army is doing ?

I'm a hindu although not a particularly religious one. I don't "hate" muslims, though I do dislike fanatic muslims who are not willing to integrate into society with other religions/races

Am I going to hell for pooing in loo?

How bad is your Muslim problem?

Damn you studied in UK but haven't even seen your whole country yet

How is it like to pray an elephant?

Not a question but just a plead: give up on your disgusting cast system and learn how to care for other human beings.

My mother has a very small clothing boutique. My father and I are both biomedical scientists. Degrees are common in india. It really depends where you obtained it. If you have a degree from england or the states, it's better. Though even with a degree, wages differ vastly. In gbp I make £38k per annum, due to family connections. I have colleagues doing the same job for £25k per annum.

If you are white. You can expect better wages.

What do you think of Seekhs?

I agree. Though I don't hold any value in the caste system.

Ro na ro na banta hain

I do not pray to an elephant. Though I'm assuming you mean the elephant saint Ganesha? I imagine it's the same as praying to any other god who you believe can perform miracles

Sikhs? They're mostly annoying. Strangely, I met more sikhs in london england whilst I was studying. They reminded me of niggers.


Are you married? Was it arranged? Are you the same caste?

Why do indians rape so many women? Is it because no women would want to have sex with you because you people don't wipe after shitting in the street?

Are there any initiatives/plans to abolish or at least weaken the influence of the caste system?

How's work at the call center going? Are you one of the lucky bastards who gets a 10 minute lunch, or do you only get 5 like most?

Not married. Have been in a relationship for almost 2years. Not the same caste. (She's white/english).

A lot of indian men have no respect for women. I guess that's why.