Tell us about your scars

tell us about your scars

self bump


I don't know why I laughed.


Was fighting a bro at a nightclub and got a small scar under my eye

hahahhaha you lost the ylyl hahahha rofl hahhah kek u lost it haha you lost the ylyl hahah kek hahha rofl lmao hahah kkekek

That autism.

I'm transgender


Mentally ill*


Got 2 scars of each side of my nut sack. Strangulation of the testicles. Used to happen quite a bit to me. So after the worst one I've ever had. Which involved plenty of morphine and wearing a jockstrap for a month. I had my balls stitched to the sides so that it will never happen again.



You motherfucker


>childhood memories




Trans people have suicide rates higher than those of people with clinical depression.
That's a mental illness, sorry. Your parents did you a horrible disservice catering to your insanity.

Luckily, there's medications for this out there which reduce suicide rates, go ask a doctor for some

I wish. Took a bike right under the nose, opened my lips like a fucking jackrabbit


Yellow is motorbike accident. Green is all injuries from shit childhood.

you got any proof of that, just curious

look i made a funny batman joke hahahahahahahahahahaha xDDDDDD

fuck u

>animal incident on asshole

This is why gerbils are ilegal in California

that would be $14.99 + tip

Jesus christ I'm the one who made that Transgender one and even I find you autistic.


you explain to me how the fuck i got this

What does it mean by childhood memories?


I don't really remember much...




it was a rough 2 weeks... for her


Been through a lot of shit. Molested at the ripe age of 6, Scoliosis, Depression, burned self as self harm as well as cutting. I volunteer at an animal shelter, so the 'animal incidents' is pretty much all over.

fucking lol





>>Be 10 years old
>>Go on adventure with neighbor
>>We are told to bring protection from wild animals.
>> We decide to go fishing
>> I catch a carp
>> So I save it for later
>>We are attacked by animals so I throw my carp at it and all it does it flop around.
>> All that floping around I guess did something the animal ran away.
>>Well the fish starts to glow.
>>Probably Radioactive from the near by powerplant.
>>So I watch the Fish twitch and wiggle.
>>The fish Morphs into a huge dragon and i'm scared
>>Bites me off my arm and leg and sets me on fire.
>>How the fuck I survived that I'll never know.

molested by who? did the damage occur before or after someone told you it was abuse?


that sounds fucking brutal as fuck

pedophile alert

finger, forehead, eye

nice dubs


It was when my Mother invited her friend and friends' sister around, and the sister brought her crotch spawn. I was innocent at the time, he was 13 and definitely knew what he was doing. He locked my 8 year old brother out of the room while he did it. When I told my Mum a few days after she started crying and I didn't know why. As I grew I realized what had happened and blamed it on myself, hence depression and suicide. Fun times.

Not a visible scar, but I have one under my chin

I fainted from malnutrition (lived in shitty living conditions at the time with barely any food to survive) and fell down the stairs

I landed on my chin on the wooden floor, passed out for about a half hour.



Own a lot of pets, got a lump removed from my head thought to be cancer, tore my knees up a lot doing stupid shit as a kid, had weird spine issues since I was little



What the fuck is wrong with people.



... do you not get it?

Nothing too big, just a few small scars

Jesus motherfucking Christ

So how's Miller doing?


Self harm covering upper thighs and fingertips

Dad spilled boiling soup on my wrist during a cold winter

Tipped my sisters trike when I was maybe 4 years old and dragged my knees across that pebble-cement. Scars still there 18 years later

Face planted into a glass table (with no protection or rounding on the corners for some reason) while trying to get my mums attention as a kid

Having a new years party at home and cut my forearm open on the pool fence, then had some rum and went down the plastic tarp layed on the hill to imitate a slide

Haven't marked it but I'll always be fucked in the head especially with relationships after being cheated on at 14. No idea why it affected me so much, maybe I trusted her too much?


Of course, I forgot pic.


Did you cut your finger tips or what happened?


A lot of my self harming was burning myself.
When I was younger I thought a symbolic way to attempt suicide was if I cut out my heart - forgot the rib cage exists obvs.
Was sexually abused.

Other really just means all these scars from numerous mosquito bites because HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET RID OF MOSQUITO SCARS.
- I live in Australia

Yeah, just sliced them.
I didnt like attention, and still dont. So I had to do it where no one would see

My fingerprints were definitely altered

Fuck you

Dude what, Aussie here. Mosquitoes never scarred me, how does that happen?


I feel you, I did the same with my shoulders when I was younger, because I never use sleveless shirts, but fuck, nowadays I really regret that, every summer I have to answer the "holy shit user what's that?"
However yours had to be so fucking uncomfortable, fucking hell...
Well, good luck, user!

>cat sratch

wow what a badass. please kill yourself you made me quit this thread

I'm quite lucky, looking at what you fags have had


don't care kill yourself pls

okay but see now you're being an ableist. so fucking what if they're autistic. that doesnt affect you so why da fuq you mad??? like jesus christ

How is it while cutting?

How is this image so badly compressed when you just downloaded it

When you give in and scratch them constantly so they leave marks. I have Filipino blood in me so marks turn brown and are very difficult to get rid of.

(Originally 697763127)

Sounds rought


TL:DR was born whit heart disease had to have alot of surgeries involving my heart. Alot of stupid shit done as a kid punched a brick wall so my knuckle got fucked and now i dont have a knuckle on my pinky finger, The leg also came from kicking a brick wall but that was kinda accident since i was angry. others were just broken bones

That was the point. I've never been into gore, but the small annoying pain of cut fingertips would stop me from having shitty hallucinations and anxiety attacks and all that good stuff.

It was my poor mans medicine. Mum didnt believe in mental illness
"Its all in your head" (well fuckin nah)
But yeah, I did what I did to not kill myself. Im glad I didnt seek attention and become a meme, and I'm glad at least one girlfriend could repair me (at 16y/o)

Life deals you a shitty hand right from the start, you can either hit, fold or show everyone your cards like a fuckwit. Sometimes, taking the hits is for the better.



Gtfo normie

Fucking idiot.

I have fewer scars than I thought.
The old self-harm scars are pretty faint since I only ever did it to feel the sting, not to make it deep. Physical pain to help with emotional or some bullshit. That heart was when I was feeling particularly crap and figured it'd be cool. (Yeah, I actually cut a heart into my chest, that's not some shitty symbolic MS Paint thing.)
My 'childhood memories' scars are mostly gone because kids have a ridiculous healing factor, but I still have at least a couple on my knees.

All my surgery scars are from pneumonia. Tubes jammed between my ribs to drain my lung and a pick line in my arm to my heart.

> Stupid fucks that hurt themselves when angry
Kek, keep going faggot. Lose an arm or a leg next time, stupid fuck.
